The Apple Vision Pro is Terrifying for Humanity's Future

Published 2024-02-07
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What if we never had to look away from our screens? What if we could spend every waking hour locked into the digital world as far away from the physical as possible? Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, meet the Apple Vision pro.

Over the past few weeks, I've seen a lot of reviews from people excited about the Apple Vision Pro, and while it's certainly an amazing piece of tech, I thought I'd share a different perspective, one of caution that paints of tale of what could be if this technology is not used well.

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All Comments (21)
    I’ll come back to this video in a few years and see how much damage has been done
  • @dkdisme
    Boredom is a mystery to me. And the opening lines of this video are quite revealing. We hate being bored because, when we are, we become introspective? Is this what everybody is trying to avoid? Thinking about themselves and their lives and their problems? No wonder we are all such a mess! Avoiding so-called boredom is causing us to lose ourselves. Thinking about ourselves and our lives is a vital human function.
  • @ranewanders8147
    I am 25 & do not have TikTok, Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter, Tinder, etc. All i have is Facebook & YouTube, and it has been the HARDEST addiction to curb. I can't stop! I'm 2 months sober from a weed addiction after 5 years numbing the PTSD, rarely consume processed sugar, coffee, or alcohol. Never consume nicotine or tobacco. Sold the Xbox 4 years ago and haven't had a TV since See how much I've quit and how far I've gone? I STILL can't seem to free myself of the phone's grip but just 2 of its apps. Now just to imagine a VR headset that can detect what i am likely to watch by my inner chemistry, and lead me down the rabbit hole of, say, politics.. or p0rn... So to see this be released in a culture where everyone pridefully has an addiction to everything listed above, dystopia... Our world is falling apart, our governments are corrupt without morality, & we are further distracting ourselves from reality. The human experience is the movie Ready Player One. The exterior experience is WALL-E
  • @meows_and_woof
    Child trying to interact with dad he can’t even see his face is the saddest thing I’ve seen in a while
  • @EmilyTienne
    Boredom is a prerequisite to creativity. A mind that is continually being fed something without having to do any heavy lifting, becomes soft and flabby.
  • @KyanoAng3l0
    Constant distraction isn't a "cure" for depression, much like constantly ignoring a problem isn't solving it. If anything, it allows it to persist. As a kid with depression, I distracted myself a lot with video games, music and other forms of escapism. They helped me cope esp. back in the '90s and 2000s when there was a lot of misconceptions and stigma around mental health here in the PH. But I never really got better till I got actual treatment and proper support.
  • @desertflowerz89
    Considering mankind still hasn’t mastered 1/1 communication and cooperation bringing AI into the equation to learn and simulate our probable moves is terrifying.
  • @sponge6197
    There's no such thing as a state of perpetual enjoyment. Studies have shown the more input we consume, videos, podcasts, music, movies, games etc, the more we need to keep our attention. You've probably experienced it yourself flicking through your 300th youtube short completely numb to it, just mindless input. This device will wring the last drops of dopamine from our minds and leave us depleted, no real rewards or achievements, no real memories. We've hijacked pleasure centres and plundered them to our detriment.
  • I feel so sorry for people who need these. I never get bored. I think I solved my boredom being an only child. I like being creative and have artsy hobbies and gaming. If those are uninteresting I do something productive.
  • @lachlann4335
    Being bored is great. It leads to creativity, making new ideas, solutions to problems and motivating us to do things like hobbies. Why is it being normalised that being bored is a bad thing?
  • @myleschatman8583
    I just tried the Vision Pro in a store today and don’t get me wrong it’s an amazing technological feat and a wonderful product that does what it’s supposed to well, it’s also definitely completely undoubtedly going to come with a pleathra of other unintended dark future realities. A wave of almost like sadness and a little bit of fear (and of course not to be dramatic but I don’t know how else to describe it) washed over me for a second when it got to the part of the tour where I started watching the 3D videos that didn’t quite look real but also felt so real like I was watching someone else’s memories, yet not quite really being there…..imagine if it was like a lost loved one laughing for the last time and you could just sit there watching it over and over because it’s the last thing you had of them….its so wild, and so many terrifying things could come from it. I highly recommend the series black mirror every year that show is becoming more like a non-fiction series.
  • @user-sh5kd7un2v
    People aren't bored, they're boring. Social media has destroyed people's ability to imagine, so they're boring.
  • @otenglobi7134
    I see an Aperture video, I click without hesitation! 😅
  • @Intxngible
    This product is straight out of Black Mirror
  • @observer4916
    boredom is an affliction of the ego. detach from the ego and be one with your true spiritual self, to enjoy the inherent peace and contentment of the present moment.