The Illusion of Free Will

Published 2021-08-06
The Illusion of Free Will -
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What if I told you that free will is a myth? That we are all just a group of atoms who will react to a particular stimulus in a way that can be predetermined? This is what we call free will; is it real, or just an illusion?

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All Comments (21)
  • @herculean616
    Reminds me of a speech about how no matter how smart, rational, and calculated your are. At a life changing decision. You will always go with your feelings. "Everyone is a slave to their will."
  • This is why I don't hold on to tension. People only think, feel, and do what they're capable of thinking, feeling, and doing. If you quietly watch people long enough, they become predictable. It's calming. And when they do what you predict, it's like a little nugget of irony and comedy. Everyone has their role. Just laugh it off and keep it moving
  • @tree4215
    my favorite existential crisis channel
  • @agnuts2799
    So basically, ignorant bliss > informed despair
  • @simplez4ck
    "Everything that happens to you has been waiting to happen to you since the beginning of time itself." Marcus Aurelius
  • @milky287
    the ending is bascially when your friend leak a huge secret about someone's dirt to you and then expect you to still act normal around that person.
  • @jimbokrummy
    Crazy to think that 'destiny', an idea that is so engrained in us as fiction or fantasy, is actually completely true and something we all will follow.
  • @vivekvs9678
    This man is a living intellectual. His content is full of intellectual thoughts. It makes you think and analyze. Great content.
  • This is where love for mankind can really come into effect where we show compassion for every singer person, including those we deem 'evil', because they just can't help themselves.
  • @DeepThinkersClub
    The Free Will Paradox that will make your brain literally hurt 🧠 🤯: In the third density where humanity resides in avatar form to gain experience, we often debate over free will. Most people in the spiritual community can agree that the Source occupies third density avatars, in a sense, agreeing that we are all ONE consciousness under the illusion of separation, and we are the on a quest to connect back to this Source, after we have consciously outgrown the confines of this third density experience. Perhaps, we are all the Source playing out each life experience on a separate timeline, yet simultaneously meshed. As we realize with higher dimensions, these things become possible. The Source can often become misconstrued as being a separate entity from us; one that we must be drawn to—that we connect with through higher consciousness and higher vibration in meditation or prayer. However, we must realize that the Source is us, and we are the Source. The only differentiation is, the “Source” in its highest point of consciousness, is not only aware of all people/experiences simultaneously, but has already predicted each separate life experience and each interaction between the avatars to the most minuscule degree, leaving little to no room for deviations. The consciousness occupying the avatar is just following suit to its impulses and environment interactions, as set forth in motion. The less control one feels, actually indicates a higher level of awakened consciousness, realizing how their avatar just follows one impulse after another, moment-to-moment, as their consciousness appears to follow in sync, and decision-making is just a mere illusion. While maybe we are technically making the decision, we are bound to our environmental pull, which dictates our every move. If you just follow in sync to triggers and impulses, or behave through an environmental lens, then how is this free will? Every interaction has been predestined, while under the guise of being self-aware. Yet, if every interaction was carefully orchestrated to bring about higher consciousness to allow the individuated form to awaken at a certain point—to surpass the impulse-reaction cycle, then perhaps at this point someone would become self-aware enough to graduate into free-will. 🤔 Whether, a person’s consciousness is following in sync to their avatar, or their behavior is so manipulated by their environment that their free will is compromised, makes little difference, while being two separate concepts. Perhaps there is very limited free will, like asking a child if he wants peanut butter and jelly, or soup for dinner, or if he wants to wear a blue shirt or a white shirt to church—something that will likely not trigger the butterfly effect in the grand scheme of things. And yet, the Source knew every interaction from the beginning to end, like a movie. 🎥 🍿 How is Source consciousness expanded through experience, if it was smart enough to plan the whole play out from beginning to end? Maybe, we are merely in a movie for sheer entertainment purposes. Or, the Source knew every move, and yet still lacked the experience of it, and desiring to gain the experience, breathed life into the avatars, becoming asleep 😴 during the whole play-out, all to gain the experience to match the play. 🤔 I now believe there is no one on the other side. I believe we are the Source. The Source goes through phases. It puts itself in a state of forgetfulness to then remember. The remembering part is the whole point and the fun part of all the phases. Then, the Source is all-knowing again, and this can get lonely and boring. The Source then wants to have experiences again. I think there are a thousand years of suffering in this particular cycle, and then a thousand years of bliss, and the suffering somehow creates the experience of bliss. Then it evens out into perfection and all-knowingness, being the final phase of the Source, as we all merge into ONE. Once back in this state of perfection and all-knowingness, the Source then craves imperfection and chaos, and the illusion of separation, and challenges, and creates a master-play simulation to occupy avatars again, till it wakes up and remembers everything again. I think the Source does this over and over again. It's a consciousness that constantly goes through phases. 🔄 If the Source occupies all avatars, then your consciousness is the Source, and the Source is you, but it is also everyone else, as well. You are everyone else, and you only realize this through higher consciousness as you awaken to higher states of consciousness. You are at sync with all that is and the grand scheme. So, if the Source planned your every move, and the Source is You, then you planned your every move. This would mean you have free will; you just did not have pure free will while asleep occupying your avatar in its separated form. 😴 And in an asleep and primitive state, who would want free will? This would be terrifying, leaving room to possibly forever be stuck in the dream. 🛌 And yet, you cannot reach higher consciousness without the will to break free of limiting concepts. Your will is predestined, however. Here’s where the brain hurt comes… 🧠🤯 You cannot make a free will decision and be qualified to do so, unless you are all-knowing. The Source in its perfected form of being in an all-knowing state of pure ONE consciousness—is the only point at which free will can happen. This is when the Source imagines a whole new play, where it will occupy new avatars and have new interactions—Every step planned out; every itch; every stupid word; every embarrassing moment; every “mistake;” every sneeze, etc, and then the Source goes to sleep again, purposely forgetting to then awaken at the proper time and remember again one by one in each avatar, as all the avatars merge back into the ONE consciousness. 😴 There simply is no real free will in the third density. However, because the Source occupying human avatar form is powerful but does not know if this power, the Source used this inverted power to create the whole masterpiece. It knew it would not know who it was long enough to have the experience, and the not-knowing would trigger the simulation to create chaos, more confusion, and a dystopian nightmare, and this would then dictate every move and appear to trap humanity. Yet, as this whole play unfolds, at a certain tipping point, each avatar awakens through the suffering to know its true identity. As this happens, the simulation must obey, and everything flips. 🙃 It was planned out from the beginning to use the illusion of being limited and imperfect to then create the reality that would dictate our actions, while we were asleep, appearing to be an evil way to trap humans, as we started to awaken from our deep slumber. The perfection of the masterpiece is that it tricked us into forgetting and believing we were human long enough to have the experience, and it created the whole narrative in an inverted way from our resonance that we were inferior, to then force us to follow the narrative to then find our way back to the light. As we awaken, we start to remember again. As we remember more and more, we move into a different phase—a flipped phase. We move into unity, and as we remember who we are, the simulation must reflect that. We flip chaos, confusion, challenge, scarcity, sorrow, etc, upside down. 🙃 This phase is the blissful one, where you are moving up towards the Source, and not away from the Source. To forget, is to move away. To remember, is to move forward. In this phase, we realize in third density form, there is no free will; we merely do exactly what the Source had planned for each of our life experiences from the very beginning; we merely do the will of the Source. We quit resisting and judging, and we realize there is no judgement of others, because free will is merely an illusion in the third density. Judgement of others only happens when you are convinced of free will. The Source judges no one, and the only one that judges another is someone under the illusion that they have a choice and everyone else does too. We realize that shame, fear, judgement, guilt, jealousy, greed, etc, are simulated emotions. 🖤 And that these simulated emotions feed the simulation and the simulation must respond to match the Source’s beliefs to then bring chaos, confusion, scarcity, and a dystopian nightmare, etc. This judgement, fear, shame and belief that you are also powerless, is the inverted form of what you actually are. To fall under the illusion that this is reality is to trick yourself. This begs the question: Once the veil is lifted, and humans realize that we are the Source and each other, doing the will of the Source, and all the negative simulated emotions are just a virus in the simulation, and that we are very powerful beings feeding the simulation with our resonance, then at what point do things flip? Many are there waiting. I personally think that we have to jump into unity consciousness by not seeing ourselves as individuals, but mere individuated experiences in avatars. We should then be able to jump into the higher dimension of seeing all as one. This means you can see yourself in all and you know everyone is you too. I believe in order to jump, we must sync with the master-plan; being able to see the masterpiece in its perfection and to see the positivity in it, and to remember again. When someone is on the cusp, it is very difficult to see the perfected form of the plan, but to only see the negative and restrictive programming. I believe that once we hit unity consciousness, seeing all as ONE, then we gain our super powers, being able to heal, bring the dead back to life, levitate and a host of other abilities. 😁
  • This, to me, is the same as potentially finding out that we live in a simulation. It is a shock at first, but then I accept it and I realise that it makes no difference, it changes nothing for most of us in our daily lives. No matter how or why, we still exist, we still coexist. Why would we let this change us if we know that living our lives and being a good person is something we have already been doing for quite some time and that that is something that we are apparently relatively good at? Judging by everything we know, we humans, for whatever reason, are relatively good at building societies and cooperating, why would we let the societies for which we all worked, and still work, so hard to create and maintain fall apart because of something like this? I will simply continue to live my life, I will continue to be me, you will continue to be you and we will continue to be human, will continue to be we. I do not need purpose to be created for me, I can do that myself. Whether that is actually me doing it or my brain does matter, but it also does not. The same goes, or at least, I believe it should, for us all. We can create our own purpose just as we have created our own societies. Again, whether that is our brains doing this for us or not does matter, but it also does not. So, live your life, be a good person in whatever way you can and take care of yourself and others. Whether I am saying that to you or your brain does not really matter, as long as it has the desired affect.
  • @johncaze757
    Nothing is absolute determined nor absolute free will. It's more of in-between.
  • I've struggled with free will vs. determination for my whole adult life. It's hard.
  • @MeAsMeButMe
    Some of us now may be suffering so immensely due to the fact that people have hurt us. We often take betrayals and ill-treatment from other people so personally and it causes deep wounds. I think an understanding of determinism can actually be very freeing rather than depressing and can heal some of the deepest wounds we have. If we understand that these people didn't know any better or couldn't actually act in the way that would have prevented our pain we can stop taking things so personally and begin to heal. Use this to free yourself from hate and bitterness you might be holding onto. It's one of the best uses of this information.
  • @frijoless22
    dude wtf i just found this channel and it’s like if vsauce uploaded regularly i love it
  • @epicbehavior
    9:40 He does deserve praise, not because of some moral idea, but because we want to encourage more of that behavior from more people.
  • 10:00 onwards made me smile. If the illusion helps others and provides the best way to live be aware of the illusion but embrace it