Why Do We Dream?

Published 2020-07-03
Why Do We Dream? - Dreams Explained
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Why do we dream? We all do it, and they're always weird for some reason. Do dreams mean anything? Is there some deep rooted meaning in dreams? If you watch any of my videos, you know I constantly talk about them. Whether it's sleep paralysis or lucid dreaming, it's constantly affecting somebody. It's about time I made a video on them.

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đź“– Some of my favorite books:

Pale Blue Dot: A Vision of the Human Future in Space by Carl Sagan

A Universe from Nothing by Lawrence M. Krauss:

What If?: Serious Scientific Answers to Absurd Hypothetical Questions

A Brief History of Time by Stephen Hawking:

The Grand Design by Stephen Hawking:

How to Win Friends & Influence People by Dale Carnegie:

Crushing It by Gary Vaynerchuk:

The Intelligent Investor by Benjamin Graham:

All Comments (21)
  • @shalenee8586
    Imagine if we could dream with other people. Like multiplayer dreams. But who's to say that we aren't doing that already?
  • @albertjackinson
    Dreams are fascinating. Dreams are crazy. Dreams are weird. But somehow, they feel right to exist.
  • @wkeden
    Shower Thought: Us studying the brain is the brain trying to learn more about itself.
  • @reapernekrs4871
    I once had a dream about a young beautiful girl and she talked about my future after we talked she told me "we will meet again in the near future" after three months I saw her again in my dream I was in a bad state in that period (I had depression and high stress) when I saw her again she said to me "do you remember me?" I was shocked to see that it was the same girl I met then.She asked me if I was sad.I told her yes and the reasons to why.After she asked me to sit next to her in a giant and old tree then she said "go to sleep and i will protect you from nightmares" so I did.when I closed my eyes she hugged me and said to me "goodnight" I felt something warming in my chest something relaxing I was feeling so happy I thought I could fly but then I woke up then I felt my face full of tears I didn't want to leave that dream I was sad but also happy.(sad because I woke up and happy because I met her)I never forgot her and she inspired me to be happy again till this day!
  • I hate to sometimes dream about having an exam next day and not having studied at all LOL
  • @lilyet2930
    I hate those dreams where youre half conscious and youre doing something like walking or skateboarding and then you fall and right as you hit the ground you wake up
  • @liljvay2391
    "if you throw a rock into the lake, you are the last person that touch the rock until the end of time."
  • @bubbletea6617
    I literally had a dream that my mom was driving a white truck, she drove it into a lake and my little brother died, the next day we past a scene where a person drove off the road into a river. I tried to look up to see if was a white truck but I couldn’t find it
  • When I was 13 years old I started keeping a dream journal and after about one year I started lucid dreaming; realizing I was dreaming I started to observe clues that would alert me of my dream state (usually people snapping their fingers) and I could pick up on this in other dreams. When I was 15 or so I started to experience delta sleep. I felt as if I was fully conscious and had completely control of my environment and people (some straight inception shit). I was able to travel to places I’ve never been before and even other planets. I always felt as if I was given this “delta sleep” ability for a specific reason by beings that I described as a “higher humanity”. I could create anything I wanted and meet whoever. I spoke with Tesla, Einstein, Hawking, Sagan, JFK etc. Everything I experienced or did in this dream state had this lingering feeling that the “version” of humanity I am a part of is doomed. Everything I would create or the places I visited on earth contained a humanity that lived in complete unity were everyone was working towards a common goal of human expansion whether it be through our solar system or on a galactic scale. I was “shown” visions of our earth’s future where humanity never united and our planet became uninhabitable due to a severe runaway greenhouse effect. This whole delta sleep experience didn’t last for more than 6 months and eventually just stopped. I didn’t even start remember my dreams again until I was 20. The things I saw and felt during this time actually led my decision to go to university for geography and environmental specializing my degree in climate change. I feel as if my dream experience was almost similar to what people on DMT feel; my dreams could feel like decades and I started to loose sense of reality vs dreaming because I was essentially living another life in a different reality. I had no idea “delta sleep” was a thing before watching this video but now I need to start researching what I experienced and maybe I could share my story with experts in the field.
  • @gabeprius1311
    Last night i had a dream that me and my homies launched a military assault on China from a water park. Definitely represented my psychological mysteries.
  • @bubbleo
    Shower thought: Where dose a thought go when we forget it?
  • I have the weirdest dreams and they're so vivid and memorable. I always wake up and try to review what happened as soon as I can so I don't forget what happened in it. I love my dreams. I've gotten ideas for books (that are turning out pretty good) and names and different perspectives on things. Dreams are really important, in my opinion. You can do so much! I've actually realized it's a dream and instead of waking myself up, I gained control for a little bit and stopped myself from having a falling dream before.
  • @jericho6236
    hey aperture, mind explaining whats behind "alternative universes"? i'd love a video on it.
  • @homelackin2234
    My brother says he has only ever had ONE dream when he was a kid. He was walking down stairs, his shoes untied. He got halfway down, he tied his shoe, and got to the bottom of the stairs and then woke up. He swears on his life he has never dreamed since. I said thats impossible but he is very adamant otherwise. Tbh i believe him, he is so nonchalant about it and isnt bothered by it at all. He says he realizes he is falling asleep and then boom he is awake again. Also he says sleep paralysis sounds like the most terrifying thing ever and couldnt imagine going through it.
  • "They can be seen standing in the corner of the room, on the ceiling, or closer..." Guess who's not sleeping tonight
  • @BrandonQ1995
    I accidentally discovered lucid dreaming as a kid. I'd set my alarm clock an hour before I had to get up because I loved the feeling of still being able to go back to sleep lol. But it was in this last hour that I'd start to have dream after dream, one after the other. Eventually beginning to lucid dream. It was something to look forward to every night. But as I got older, busier and more tired I stopped waking up an hour early and they faded away. I still get the random lucid dream a couple times a year at least.
  • @rockefeller5078
    I haven't dreamed a lot lately but when I dream, it's like I'm living a life that I never lived. These realities have properties that break the laws of physics but also carry a very real aspect of real life. Emotions. It's scary to think about because I can still be sad or mad or happy in dreams. What causes these emotions can be anything from a sentient planet or a beautiful woman stabbing me in my neck with a kitchen knife. Dreams are strange. But are they really? They are more than likely a doorway to your unconscious imagination.
  • @cuba8188
    My most hated dreams : #1paralyzed with a demon sitting on my chest, #2my teeth falling out, #3running from some kind of threat but running extremely slow, #4fighting someone and my punches are in slow motion, and #5 sitting in a courtroom and the jury have no faces and are slowly shaking their head at me saying "this is bad". I have one of these dreams at least once a week. Sleep paralysis sucks
  • I once lost my glasses at a friends house and a week or two later I dreamed I was looking for them again and found them behind a shelf in her room. A few days later I went back and looked behind the same shelf and there they were. I feel like something like this is significant but then I dream I threw my TV off a cliff as some kid from like 6th grade screams at me to turn the music up.