The Dark Age of Nintendo (Complete Series) - Scott The Woz

Scott hates himself for one hour and forty-six minutes in this retrospective of Nintendo in 2015 and compilation of "The Dark Age of Nintendo" trilogy.

Animal Crossing: amiibo Festival | The Dark Age of Nintendo - Scott The Woz (Episode 157):    • Animal Crossing: amiibo Festival | Th...  
Mario Tennis: Ultra Smash | The Darker Age of Nintendo - Scott The Woz (Episode 169):    • Mario Tennis: Ultra Smash | The Darke...  
Chibi-Robo! Zip Lash | The Darkest Age of Nintendo - Scott The Woz (Episode 175):    • Chibi-Robo! Zip Lash | The Darkest Ag...  


Logo Design by
Nico Vliek (

Original Music by
Nick Karr (

Ending Theme Rearrangement by
Garrett Williamson (
Rhythm Guitars by Chase Akers (
Lead Guitars by Joshua Taipale (

Animation by Anonymous (Contractual Reasons)

コメント (21)
  • for anyone wondering, they said "gex" 50 times. EDIT: please for the love of everything holy stop commenting “Gex” it’s been two years and I still get notifications
  • @sylvoen
    im genuinely losing it at "you're a therapist, where do you go to therapy???" "the mirror"
  • “Didn’t you hear your uncle died?” “He died a third time?” Spiderman in a nutshell
  • @Harristic
    The joke at the end where they all finally play gex and Gex Guy says "what the fuck is this?" is the greatest payoff for a joke I've ever seen holy fuck
  • “Name a word” “...wha-“ “I LOVE THAT ONE” Scott does not miss when he writes these bits.
  • So a Nintendo Fan, Therapist, Gex Geek, and a Sonic Corndog enthusiast walk into a sewer.
  • Can we talk about how Chibirobo is supposed to be in different parts of the world, but the power outlets never change? WE DON'T HAVE THOSE OUTLETS IN EUROPE
  • @Sakkeru96
    That initial scene of the three of them passing around a single corndog is always better for having seen the bloopers and knowing that they actually bought at least 12 corndogs and still nearly ran out from having to do multiple takes because Scott couldn't stop laughing and only managed to get through the successful take by holding his breath for the entire thing
  • @ssscout
    best youtube video ever put together
  • Fun fact: a lot of therapists actually have thier own therapists. Who knew hearing hundreds of people's trauma every day takes a toll on your mental health.
  • I think the therapist is my favorite Wozverse character. I really like that he emotes really hard and is really loud, but his face is always just a calm smile.
  • Case in point, I knew nothing of Chibi Robo until this video, at this point Scott has advertised Chibi Robo better than Nintendo
  • @gex8305
    “Note to self: never attend Gex night at Scott’s house”
  • @Zachabruh
    “This isn’t an AA meeting.” “Oh thank god, I always hated those, I always feel out of place, I wish they made the them more accessible to non alcoholics” Best quote
  • "You shouldn't let the products of a multi-billion dollar children's company affect your mental health." I can only imagine how many people's heads that lesson flew right over.
  • 51:24 Reminder that this whole segment was the guy improving after they had repeatedly failed to keep a straight face during recording for thirty attempts. None of that was scripted, he just went so hard that the others were too shocked to laugh and break character.
  • 23:06 Fun fact: You could play this minigame on Animal Crossing: New Leaf if you got a Wii U item from a fortune cookie. I'd probably say the 3ds version is better because if you don't have amiibo cards you can use someone from your town at the price of 2 play coins per stranded animal.