Can music mend a broken heart? - 6 Minute English

Published 2022-12-01
In this programme, Neil and Sam talk about how music can express the feelings of falling in love, and later mend a broken heart when a relationship ends. As usual, they will also be discussing some related vocabulary.

This week's question
In which Italian city was Romeo and Juliet set? Was it:

a) Florence?
b) Venice? or,
c) Verona?

Listen to the programme to find out the answer.

the person you have a special romantic bond with and love very much

the belief that something will not be successful, or that the people involved are not sincere

having confirmation that your ideas, feeling or actions are worthwhile and valuable

Go for it!
used to encourage someone to make whatever efforts are needed to get something done

feelings of great sadness as if your heart is broken, especially at the end of a romantic affair

get over (something/someone)
feel better again after something or someone has made you unhappy

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All Comments (21)
  • @ocbaau9838
    VOCABULARY 1. Mend: to repair something that is broken or damaged 2. Tragically: in a way that makes you feel, especially because someone has died 3. Quit = give up: to leave a school, etc, especially without it completely → quit doing something → be quit something 4. Banned: to forbid (= to refuse to allow) something, especially officially 5. Instincts = intuition: a natural tendency to behave in a particular way or an honest to know something, which is not → instinct for → instinct to do something → by instinct → sexual/maternal/survival instinct → somebody’s first instinct 6. Worthwhile: if something is worthwhile, it is necessary or valuable, or you gain something from it → it is worthwhile to do something → it is worthwhile doing something 7. Desperately: extremely or very much 8. Pessimistic >< optimistic: expecting that bad thing will happen in the future or that something will have a bad result → pessimistic about 9. Soulmate: the person you have a special romantic bond with and love very much 10. Cynicism: the belief that something will not be successful, or that the people involved are not sincere 11. Validated: having confirmation that your ideas, feeling or actions are worthwhile and valuable 12. Go for it!: used to encourage someone to make whatever efforts are needed to get something done 13. Everlasting 14. Sincere: not pretending or lying; honest 15. Heartbreak: feelings of great sadness as if your heart is broken, especially at the end of a romantic affair 16. Devastating: making someone very shocked and upset 17. Get over (something/someone): feel better again after something or someone has made you unhappy 18. Tale: a story, especially one that might be invented or difficult to believe
  • @trangdieu.18c
    VOCABULARY IN THIS VIDEO “Can music mend a broken heart?” 1. Tragically: in a way that makes you feel , especially because someone has died 2. Quit = give up: to leave a , school etc, especially without it completely → quit doing something → be quit of something 3. Instincts = intuition: a natural tendency to behave in a particular way or a natural to know something, which is not → instinct for → instinct to do something → by instinct → sexual/maternal/survival instinct → somebody’s first instinct 4. Worthwhile: if something is worthwhile, it is important or useful , or you gain something from it → it is worthwhile to do something → it is worthwhile doing something 5. Pessimistic >< optimistic: expecting that bad things will happen in the future or that something will have a bad result → pessimistic about 6. Soulmate: the person you have a special romantic bond with and love very much 7. Cynicism: the belief that something will not be successful, or that the people involved are not sincere 8. Validated: having confirmation that your ideas, feeling or actions are worthwhile and valuable 9. Go for it!: used to encourage someone to make whatever efforts are needed to get something done 10. Heartbreak: feelings of great sadness as if your heart is broken, especially at the end of a romantic affair 11. Get over (something/someone): feel better again after something or someone has made you unhappy 12. Express her feelings of falling in love 13. In contrast to 12/2/2022 ALL THE BEST FOR YOU ^^
  • I think I’m kind of fairly lucky to have married my soulmate who was my high-school classmate after ups and downs! Believe me, if you feel you’re in love with someone, go for it!
  • Neil: There are a million songs about falling in love and just as many about beiing broken-hearted. Do you remember the first time you fell in love, Sam? Sam: Ah, yes. I was 14 and it seemed like every word of every love song had been written just for me. Neil: well, there’s a strong connection between music and love- as Shakepeare famously wrote, “if music be the food of love, play on”. In this programme, we’ll be meeting a singer-songwriter who used music to express her feelings of falling in love, and later to mend her broken heart when the relationship ended. And as usual, we’ll be learning some new vocabulary as well. Sam: But first, I have a question for you, Neil. You mention of Shakespeare reminds me of Remeo and Juliet, his famous lovers who fall in love, despite their fighting families only to die tragically young. But in which Italian city was Romeo and Juliet set? Was it a) Florence, b) Venice, c) Verona? Neil: I think it must be one of the world’s most romatic cities: Florence Sam: Ok Neil, I’ll reveal the answer later in the programme. Julia Jackin is an Australian singer-songwriter whose song, “Don’t know how to keep loving you” reached number eight in the Australian pop charts. Her song lyrics explore feelings of falling in love, as well as the pain of breaking up. Neil: Julia’s songs are written from experience. Several years ago, she quit her banned in Australia and bought a one way ticket to London to be with her boyfriend and soulmate- the person who she felt a special romatic connection with. But things didn’t work out as she’d hoped and she found herself alone and working in a depressing job. Sam: Julia turned to music, pouring her feelings of lost love into the songs which later became her first album as a successful musician. So when BBC World Service programme, The Conversation, spoke with her, they asked Julia, what she would tell her younger self. Julia Jackin: The one thing that was just very heartbreaking for me at that age was kind of adult. cynicism. I guess. About love. I found that really difficult. You know, now when like a young person is like really in love at 14, I know that as an adult, all your instincts are telling them to like, you know, that it’s probably not going to work, you know, and that like, just relax or whatever, but I remember at the time just desperately wanting to be validated by adults and not be told that I was being stupid. I don’t know, I’d probably just be like “yeah, go for it”. Neil: Many teenagers have a romantic ideal of everlasting love, often in contrast to the beliefs of adults, which Julia calls “cynicism”- the belief that something will not be successful, or that the people involved are not sincere. Sam: The young Julia wanted to feel ‘validated’- to get confirmation that her feelings were worthwhile and valued. She wanted someone to tell her ‘go for it’- a phrase used to encourage a person to do whatever it takes to make something work. Neil: Young love is delicate and it’s easy to be pessimistic. I mean, how many couples do you know, Sam, who met as teenagers and stayed together for the rest of their lives? Sam: I don’t know many, it’s true. Neuro-scientist, Doctor Lucy Brown is co-creator of The Anatomy of Love- a website exploring the science of romance. She think we need to be more realistic about falling in love, as she explains here to BBC World Service’s The Conversation. Doctor Lucy Brown: I wish someone had said, you know love is wonderful. Yes, go for it. But hearbreak happens. You know, and maybe this isn’t going to last. Maybe it is, but maybe isn’t, and just realise that it can be one of the most devastating experiences in you’re life. But you’re going to get over it. Neil: Doctor Brown thinks it is important to know that relationships can end in ‘heartbreak’- feelings of great sadness as if your heart is broken- especially after the end of a romantic affair. Sam: But she also wants young people to know that, whatever happens, they can ‘get over it’- feel better again after something has made them unhappy. Neil: Falling in love is one of the great experiences in life and developing the strength to face whatever happens makes it more likely that the story ends happily. Unlike the tale of Romeo and Juliet. Sam: I think it’s time to reveal the answer to my question, Neil. In which Italian city does the story of Romeo and Juliet take place? Neil: I said it was Florence. So, was I right? Sam: Well, Florence is a romatic city. But the correct answer is Verona. Verona was little-known in Shakespeare’s time, but nowadays, thousands of tourists visit the sites connected with the story, including the famous balcony where Romeo declared his eternal love. Ok, let’s recap the vocabulary we’ve learned. Starting with ‘soulmate’. The special person who you feel a strong, romantic bond to. Neil: ‘Cynicism’ describes the belief that something will not work out successfully. Sam: If you are ‘validated’, you get external confirmation that your actions, ideals or feelings are worthwhile and valued. Neil: You can use the phrase ‘go for it’ to encourage someone to make whatever efforts are necessary to get something done. Sam: ‘Heartbreak’ describes feelings of great sadness as if your heart is broken. Neil: And finally, ‘to get over something’ means to feel better again after something has made you unhappy. One again, our six minutes are up, but there’s time for one more famous saying, and I think it is good advice: ‘Better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all’. Bye for now
  • Honestly i do agree with your words. Sometimes our hearts can be broken. I had an experience like that. I think the hardest thing in all that situation is let somebody go from your life. Breakup is a whole situation when people see and feel their emotions as well. If u have a heartbreak, don't be sad friend ^-^
  • I guess we should love and be loved. Only loving or just being in love with the person that you do not actually love would be devastating feelings at all. I hope that everyone will find their soulmate who’ll support and love each other.
  • I love the summary so much: Better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all. Believe me, when people get old, the feeling of regret is mainly attributed to the lack of falling in love with someone, rather than having a break after a fierce romance.
  • That last piece of advice was just perfect. Got me into profound thinking.
  • @phat7.9nguyen9
    You know what? We are here not just for listening and get new vocabularies and we can tread to the comments platform for know more words from the people who better than you this is a benefit way to get wise😮
  • 1. tragically : in a way that makes you feel, especially because someone has died 2. mend: to repair something that is broken or damaged 3. quit = give up: to leave a school, especially without it completely-> quit doing something 4. soulmate: a person who she felt a special romantic connection with 5. cynicism: the belief that people are only interested in themselves and are not sincere ( honest ) 6. validate: having confirmation that your ideas, feeling or actions are worthwhile and valuable 7. go for it: encourage a person to do something 8. worthwhile: if something is worthwhile, it is necessary or valuable, or you gain something from it -> it is worthwhile to do something -> it is worthwhile doing something 9. sincere: not lying or pretending, honest 10. tale : a story
  • @linhdang224
    I agreed that music is love's food, love and music have strong connection. Whenever I am in mood (mean good or bad), many thanks to songs which I could pour all feelings in listening to.
  • @leperuvien8237
    get over something means to feel better again", despite this beautiful message i had a sadness moment since 6 month i'm still having a hard time getting over it😢, and now i'm listenning violent hardcore techno in order to try to forgive it, that'a what i feeling about .
  • @user-jr4kn3mn8z
    I have been watching the first videos of 6 Minute English, and I can see how much this podcast has progressed! I was wondering if you could share a video talking about all the pronouns
  • @jimmim6197
    Only one thing can heal it that’s awareness that faces to the truth as it is.
  • @mohamednagah3583
    the best advice i could say from my humble opinion is , when You love u should keep a safe distance not to give much and not expect more ... Love from Egypt.