Trump Shooting an INSIDE JOB!? Special Forces Sniper Speaks Out!

Published 2024-07-18

All Comments (21)
  • @kroanosm617
    Imagine, what is supposed to be the most elite security team in the world allowed some 20 year old idiot to do this.
  • @oknilem666
    As an American, I'm glad this chap is not afraid to discuss the facts
  • @rickyracerr1
    This kid got off 7 or 8 shots before he was taken out. Secret Service sniper team was trained on him for 2 minutes before he took the first shot. How did he get off 7 or 8 shots? The sniper team was told to stand down that's why. There's no way a sniper team would let him get off that many shots unless they were told to.
  • Did you know the building he did this from was the command center and was full of police officers. You can’t tell me that they couldn’t hear him crawling on the roof.
  • No matter what they say to us, I will always think that this assassination attempt was an inside job.
  • @jimjersey2345
    He parks his van in a neighborhood... walks down the street with a ladder and a freaking rifle and NOBODY SEEN HIM ?
  • @ShaneBoy
    That secret service lady did not even know how to holster a gun
  • @drdebocherry
    A threat to America are CAREER POLITICIANS ❣️
  • @JayB2
    There's only 2 options. 1) it was an inside job. 2) it was the worst job in the HISTORY of the secret service! I mean an astonishingly bad job. It was a clown show!
  • @kya9895
    The American Mainstream Media was ordered to not talk serious about it - to make "light" or ignore the event - and to never use the "ass.ass" word. They reported that he was scared by a noise & had to be removed while they laughed. Some said that he fell & bumped his ear.
  • I'm American and there was a small part of me that was afraid something like this would happen but hopping I would be wrong and Trump would be elected again with no problems. It saddens me that it has happened but relieved that Trump survived an attempt on his life
  • @palerider7353
    funniest i seen was people on social media calling the shooter "Ree Tardy Oswald"
  • The biggest problem was that the shooter wasn't even INSIDE the security perimeter! The security perimeter was SO FREAKING small, that it didn't even include that few buildings in the immediate vicinity. The area wasn't secure, not even a little bit.
  • @ddturnip5877
    Truth be told. I'd wager that a lot of Americans were not surprised.
  • I a a 5'7" US combat vert in great shape. I am not big enough to provide physical security for Trump. It is not sex, it is size.
  • @raysmith5926
  • @RobVaderful
    Former german cop here...this could not happen if not someone made it happen. Every security breach of a speciefied parameter would lead to a stop of the speach. But maybe your cops dont have radio contact with each other and have to use traditional smokesignals...even with flags in fog the communication could not be worse. We had plenty american presidents in Berlin over the last first was R.Reagan. And when we have to protect an american president we weld manhole covers on his route and make sure that neighbours cant open their windows when the president arrives . And we never saw a pacman shaped security zone.
  • @zerkfitting
    Incompetence vs Intentional? I say intentional. There is no way SS can be this incompetent.
  • @mouserr
    washing the blood off after several days of being sun dried would do no damage to 'evidence' at that point the scene has been documented dozens of ways