Worst Prank Channel Ever

Published 2022-11-12

All Comments (21)
  • @Stonefree.
    Another rare occurrence of Charlie’s alter ego featuring the black tank top
  • Dude I felt so weird during that "masturbation prank" I couldn't even look, like I had to PHYSICALLY look away... that's absolutely disgusting
  • @panicwolf8586
    Best response to the "Pussy" thing "Do you know where the Pussy is?" "Yeah, I'm looking right at it"
  • @Garousimp
    I don't know how anybody thinks sexual harassment is a prank, it's insane and infuriating. Not to mention the poor workers who have to put up with clowns like this
  • Charlie pointing out that his friend was the same height as the employee he was making fun of was one of the best goofs I’ve seen on this channel
  • @Eramaeis
    Especially that first "prank" that's the kind of shit that will get you shot, for real
  • 6:50 - I love how the 3rd kid was smart enough to give an answer that woud likely make him leave & he really did "go to the back". So proud of that older kid there, basically protecting the 2 younger kids lol. I can't believe that little trick worked.
  • @Meanie74
    “Whether he’s actually j3rking off or not, the effect is the same on the victim” I’m truly grateful we have a popular youtuber who can perfectly voice such things to a HUGE audience. Many of whom are exactly the impressionable youngsters, that might want to emulate such behavior. Luckily we have Charlie to say exactly why it’s still immoral and that immorality isn’t canceled out by “it’s a prank bruh”
  • As someone who works for Walmart, I literally moved to overnight shifts because the treatment from customers and kids like this got to be too much. We are a smaller store too, but everyday it’s something new. We had a TikTok kid come into our store and sexually harass several female workers by filming himself going up to them with a mask on and asking if they can get him harder. They ask what cause they are obviously shocked and he pulls the mask down and rephrases it to ask where the butter is at, trying to make them think that they misheard him. He also went up to one of our cashiers and a cashier at the gas station next to us and pretend robbed them asking them to give him all the money, and when they just stand there confused and scared, he pulls his mask down and says he asked where the honey is at. The amount of shootings that happen in Walmart already puts some people in certain areas on edge and the world is getting scarier by the second. I hope this guy gets caught for what he did to that poor Starbucks employee. Edit: The fact that there are people defending this type of behavior in my replies proves my point. 💀
  • @torranceh4874
    I felt for the Starbucks barista, it took me straight back to working at a gas station and men being lewd or creepy for no reason. I really felt that moment when she looked around like is someone else seeing this, will someone say something, before realizing she’s alone in the situation. I’m so proud of her and impressed she said something to him because I probably would have been too stunned to speak and walked away and told someone.
  • And now he is potentially facing 3 years in prison. I'd talk more but i'm to busy celebrating.
  • It isn't hard to make simple, harmless pranks funny. Instead you have the ones that rather than make people laugh, they make them angry.
  • @rqmennn
    As a Starbucks worker, this is the WORST place to do this. We have rules that make it so that we cant press charges, cannot ban people, and the most that we can do is make an incident report. This girl was in a situation where she knew that she couldn’t do anything except kick him out for a day. Poor girl.
  • This guy is an absolute dropkick, and he's gonna spend his 40's realising that fact.
  • @absoluteauto4
    I like when he's acting all hard to the Walmart employee and then tells him if he touches him he's going to sue him. There's a special place in hell for scumbags like this.
  • @Tad...
    Watching Charlie slowly decorate his new room is weirdly entertaining to me.
  • @HermitMoth
    Dude got an adrenaline rush from stealing a slushy 😂
  • The part about the experience being real for the victims is so true. There was an infamous "prankster" a few years back who decided to "prank" people by pretending to rob them with a fake knife. Of course, he ended up "robbing" the wrong person, and got fatally shot. Even if it was "just a prank, bro!", the victim doesn't know that. This guy saw someone come up to him with a blade and tell him to hand over his money, and he acted in self-defense, because from HIS point of view, he was being robbed. That's why they didn't press charges against him.
  • @Kivxi
    Worst part is the “prankster” actually stomped out a rabbit, and threatened an Asian couple saying “I would’ve bashed you skull in with this rock if you didn’t give me money”