Fast Food Jobs Are Dangerous

Published 2022-08-29

All Comments (21)
  • @Hans-yo2cq
    “Sometimes they don’t come in for food, they just come in to fuck shit up” That’s literally the most accurate description of fast food customers known to man
  • @deusvult4920
    I am the assistant manager of a local fast food restaurant, and I always inform all my new employees first thing upon hiring them that if a customer ever becomes irate in a way that makes them fearful, or if I ever tell them to, they are to immediately drop whatever it is that they are doing, leave the front line and go to the office in the back of the restaurant and stay there until I come back and say they can return to work. These are just kids, and their safety is my number one priority.
  • @WildHorizon
    Worked with a girl at a Chik Fil A where she held the door for a homeless man and said “have a wonderful day sir,” and he turned around and slapped her in the face. She was also really well known for paying for homeless people’s meals. We know he was homeless because he lived in a parking lot across the street.
  • @VideoGameAutopsy
    I used to be a manager at Pizza Hut, and that was the most mentally draining job that I have ever had. I had my share of crazy customers, but the worst was a woman who exploited our remake policy to constantly get free food from us. She would place an order, wait for it to arrive, and then find more flaws in than than the health inspector could find. After which, she would demand a refund. And this didn’t just happen once a month, this happened nearly every day of the week. It happened so much that me and the other employees started taking pictures of her order before we gave it to her, just to prove that she was full of s**t and that she wasn’t getting bad food every time she ordered. This went on until my boss finally confronted her. He went to her house, dressed as a delivery driver and called her out about all her complaints and the quality of the food she received. She tried to complain about the food he delivered to her, but he was able to shut her down about everything.
  • @LIMC
    Have worked fast food as a teenager, can confirm it is a nutty experience
  • The worst part is that usually, teenagers usually take the brunt of these arguments and near-assaults. I remember quitting my job at Wendy's after a customer walked inside with 3 visible firearms on his waist asking us why we didn't have his Baconator ready and why he shouldn't shoot the store up. It's near inducing trauma that no one, especially teenagers, should ever have to deal with.
  • This reminds me of when I went to a Wendy's and ordered spicy chicken nuggets, the look of fear in the workers eyes as they told me it would be 15 minute wait was...weird too me at the time. But now I understand. In case anyone is wondering I just said that it was fine and read fanfiction on my phone while my nuggz were being made, it ain't hard to just wait lol.
  • @Eramaeis
    "serving some knuckle sandwiches on the secret menu" hahahahaha
  • @catffiend
    everyone likes to shame fast food workers or set them up as "jobs people shouldn't get" when in reality people who do fast food simply are trying to do their job like everyone else and serve others their meals. They're humans like everyone else yet people treat them like they're lifeless robots who have no emotions. big respect for those who work in fast food man.
  • @cyahnaa
    I worked at gas station McDonald's for a year. My top 3 stories: - an employee stole a little over 10k chicken nuggets from us and dipped -twice the same guy went through the drive through butt ass naked, smoking -my coworkers were held at gun point for the cash in the register (which was $52) lmfao edit/update: the guy wasnt caught for the nuggets, but there was a sign in the breakroom saying 10k nuggets were missing with the GMs number. im pretty sure it did come out to be like 20-25 missing boxes of them and to why we had so much, its next to a school, and in the city
  • @jeremys553
    I used to work in fast food when I was younger, nothing pisses people off more than the consequences of their own actions.
  • i can say one thing good about working in fast food as a first job is that reallyy gives you a backbone. when i first started never stood up for myself…noww oh boy
  • @topherd1011
    When I worked for Wendy’s for 10 years (15-25 years old), I carried pepper spray. I sprayed 3 people in all that time who I thought were becoming a threat to me. 2 came over the counter, and 1 came running up on me in the parking lot. But ALL 3 of them went down crying like literal babies each and every time. There’s nothing that will cool a person off quicker than to be blessed with the hot sauce. Don’t cheap out on this. Get the best kind you can.. one that sprays liquid, NOT the gel, and has a wide spray angle. Complaints were made about ME when I defended myself, but I never lost my job, and I never got charged by the police. In fact, I was applauded by police. In most states, spraying someone who is verbally assaulting you and trying to close space on you is totally legal and fine. Use it. It’s the BEST tool for situations that don’t involve firearms or other deadly weapons. Please be sure to check your state laws, as your state may vary.
  • A hearty salute to the warriors of the fast food industry who spend their days fighting back the hordes of complete buffoons and hooligans
  • @pillowowl1357
    I used to work at Subway and I remember being too scared to go to work sometimes because of how vile the customers could be, It was unreal. Huge respect to anyone who deals with the public and shit people that come from it.
  • @daikaijuzilla
    I work in retail but I hold fast food workers so highly and have so much respect for what they do. Truly wish I could do more for them.
  • I've dealt with 3 cop level events when I worked at McDonald's. The most notable was when a customer came in, demanded his sandwich not be made by that * racist word* and got into a fight with the 300 pound manager and sandwich maker. It took the police 34 minutes to arrive. 34 minutes and the station was less than a mile away
  • @scarlett6143
    the fact that almost everyone in the comments has a personal experience being on the receiving end of these fast food fights is genuinely concerning. why are people so awful
  • @Barbakoa
    My literal second week working at Subway I had to call the cops on a homeless guy because he was tweeting at the register, like he was AFK or something, and wouldn’t pay for his sub. Usually I wouldn’t call the cops but he was just standing there and wouldn’t leave, making us all uncomfortable, so my manager told me to call the police. Weirdest shit I have ever seen.
  • @auro5746
    The sheer coldness that Charlie has in delivering phrases like "she was smoking meth in the bathroom" always cracks me up