"The Hunt for Rallinade" My Brilliant Diamond Artlocke, part 4

Published 2022-03-28
so new information that come into this episode is that I would be trying to give some pokemon a bit of a makeover in a attempt to make some of the important members feel more unique with certain ideas I would love showing on them or even following thier personality tab to get the exact idea that fits them, I also decided to put a stop to my plan of drawing all 150 Pokemon from the Sinnoh Pokedex (or 210 if you count Platinum as a few are in the Grand Underground) so we can get a move on with the playthrough episodes and so I can hurry on getting episodes ready, but don't worry cause I still draw all the pokemon I catch as well as the teams for our Rival, Galactic Comanders/Cyrus, Gym Leaders, and the final 5 fights of the run.

The rules of a Nuzlocke are that if a pokemon dies, I say it like they will be torn from our world and brought into the distortion world (graveyard) by Giratina. We can only catch one pokemon that we meet on each route (with the doupse clause in play meaning it we can only catch a new species on each route, no repeats are allowed), of course I will try my best to catch the first thing we enter a battle against. Though shiny pokemon are a good acception since they are super rare, they would replace the original if certain conditions are met, otherwise they will be staying in the box due to doupse clause. But I didn’t want our Starter Kai to die so he is safe from death but as a counter, if he does faint in battle, he is not allowed on the team for the rest of the episode. Oh and put nicknames on your pokemon to get a closer connection with them so you can feel truly heartbroken when they FINALLY DIE.

I hope you enjoy the Nuzlocke run.

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