Prince Harry told to 'hold a mirror up to his face' after 'blaming the tabloids for EVERYTHING'

'It's a bit much to blame the tabloids for everything.'

Royal Commentator, Jennie Bond, on Prince Harry blaming newspapers for his fear for his family's security in the UK.

#royalfamily #royal #princeharry #harryandmeghan #newspaper

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コメント (21)
  • @helengunter378
    Hazbeen has abused his entire families privacy!!! He is a dangerous liar!!!
  • @gailr8653
    Wasn't worried about their safety when we UK tax payers forked out 30 plus million quid on their spectacle of a wedding or when he wants to sting us for his security bill!
  • Sympathy with his position?, He was a spoilt brat living in mansions with millions in the bank, who had everything he asked for, grow up Harry!
  • @melaniemel557
    I am sick to death of Harry's lies and whining, and GB news you assist him by constantly giving the markle's air time!!😡😡😡most of the British public don't give a toss about them anymore....that ship sailed a long time ago, when they abused the love of the public and his grandparents by lies!!!!!
  • @jackiek3407
    Pathetic excuses from the man child - boring and tedious as well.
  • @DearMindy
    I wouldn't trust that grifter as far as I could throw him.
  • @moretus2270
    I can't even listen to his whiney voice anymore! He is a traitor to King and Country and we do not want him or his keeper back in the UK.
  • Harry needs urgent treatment for paranoia. He’s as mad as a meat axe.
  • @trishxxx9362
    Prince William settled out of court, donate the money to charities including Invictus
  • @carltardis
    He's put the target on his own back permanently, with that book,I didn't realise, Nigeria, is so safe 😂
  • @suecole3500
    Load of rubbish she doesn’t come back because she knows she is not wanted jenny bond thinks she is an authority on it all she needs to retire
  • @mothermary312
    LA with guns or U.K. with words. What a load of claptrap.
  • Little Lord Hewitt has got a problem with being called out for his hypocracy.