Kwame Kilpatrick: The Rise and Fall

Kilpatrick Rise and Fall

コメント (21)
  • I mean cmon how do you think theres a snowballs chance in hell that your not going to get caught when you charge almost 300,000 dollars to your city credit card lmao ..
  • He had the opportunity to lead Detroit into a better future, but it just didn’t happened. Success before character development always leads to a downfall. God development my character so that I can handle any level of success.
  • @gtrour4
    Thought they would make a movie 🎥 about this by now like "paid in full." His story has everything from power, lust, drama to violence.....It would make a nice series.
  • Him getting reelected for 2nd term shocked most however what they dont realize is him getting reelected was a blessing it put the last nail in coffin....his whole family is a disgrace.
  • @airdriver
    Channel 7 should have bought back Steve Wilson for this report.  HE was the reporter who dug this information up.
  • @Tone202
    We put to much faith in people to do the right thing. He got 28 years and his father got 15 months and they were suppose to help the city but could not help but to run it down. Detroit is in debt for 22billion.
  • What every you do in the dark will always come to the light. Greed and the love of money you lead yourself right into the big house.
  • Kwame needs to be nominated for being played "Best Actor"
  • @cnwil4594
    Should still be in jail. One criminal (Trump) pardoning another - SMH.
  • @carolamoore72
    Luk 12:2-3 NIV - 2 There is nothing concealed that will not be disclosed, or hidden that will not be made known. 3 What you have said in the dark will be heard in the daylight, and what you have whispered in the ear in the inner rooms will be proclaimed from the roofs. Only what you do for Christ is going to last!🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
  • @TGIM
    Why would you do this??? You know they're waiting for you to slip...that's how POLITICS work
  • @THERSC216
    Kwame was wrong 100% and needs to be in jail, period. Not saying others don't do bad too.
  • Everybody can’t handle power. His character wasn’t ready to lead. He should’nt have been re-elected.
  • @towns316
    The worst crooks are the ones who wear suits. Kirkpatrick is an excellent example.