What will GEO become in Natlan?

Publicado 2024-07-15
Genshin Impact Speculative/Brainstorm Essay

The recent Ignition trailer got everybody talking. There were two notable characters in the trailer, Kachina and Xilonen. These two characters are of the geo element. But coming off of the heels of both Navia and Chiori, what does this mean exactly? Navia teased that Geo may go in a new direction, but Chiori kind of brought us back down to the status quo?

Is this Geo's last chance to truly become the element we all expect it to be? Here I theorize some possible kit ideas for Kachina and Xilonen, as well as some new ideas for Crystallize in general.

#natlan #genshinimpact #genshinimpact

Essay Style: Brainstorm, Theorize, Mildly Critical

Todos los comentarios (10)
  • The thing is Navia isn't really a geo character, in the fact that her being strong isn't related to geo's strengths but to her own kit. Sure she needs the crystals to use her skill, but she also has her burst, so she is not making geo better, she is just better than the other geo characters. We need a rework of geo, making the crystals function like the dendro core but with different mechanics and elements. I can totally see a cryo + crystal making a frozen ground that debuffs enemies, a pyro + crystal that burns the ground, and certainly not a hydro + crystal because hydro is already the strongest element for reactions. And it would bring Albedo back for his crystal generation and EM buff.
  • @passwordyeah729
    It's always a good day when the resident Genshin cowboy uploads a video 🥳🥳🥳
  • Usually we get 1 geo unit a new region, only time we got 2 is Fontaine I believe and like we still don't have a standard geo unit even tho we've been done with Liyue. I thought since we're getting two geo units and I didn't really see any pyro units except the pyro archon, maybe they'll play catch-up with Natlan since so many pyro units came out during Liyue. I don't anticipate a geo buff when Natlan comes but I can see it happening if it does, the only problem is cryo will be more dead in the water if geo gets a buff unless they buff both elements since we're getting new geo AND cryo units. Since otherwise why would u roll for them unless u like them, they really needs to add more reactions for them to help both elements and ppl been coming up with geo reactions before dendro came out.
  • they could buff the crystalize reaction by making the crystals explode in aod when they get hit by Geo again so you would want to build EM.
  • @kazuhah1743
    one correction: Chiori is a strong improvement for a def-based Geo team (Itto or Noelle hypercarry) and thus fits in the Geo philosophy, unlike Navia
  • while i do agree that geo can use some new archetypes and stuff. in reality, all geo needs currently is just more units (which is kinda what the video is about in the first place). however, i would argue that cryo is in a worse state right now than geo. i've been hanging out in the some TC's twitch channels and i do agree with them that cryo is the worst element in genshin right now. these 2 units that they showed in the trailer with the cryo visions better be good. the resonance is bricked for melt teams, freeze is ususally bricked by enemy line ups in abyss, Coppelia in almost every 4.0 abyss cycle, Xiangling is an energy recharge black hole in melt teams (hope Emilie will be useful for some melt stuff with Wriothesley, etc.). and that's not all really. cryo carries are just uhh... Eula is phys and Mika didn't help much (although, at least, there's Furina synergy), Ayaka's burst relaince can brick her with multiwave stuff like current 12-1 (you just need too many bursts and the cooldown is pretty high). as a Wrio haver myself he feels too single target for me in freeze teams and playing melt with Xiangling is just too toublesome, etc. so i think cryo needs help more than anything. like, why there's 5 defensive units in cryo roster (Charlotte, Mika, Layla, Diona, Qiqi)
  • Why do ppl keep trying to make geo good