This lady's impression of a "woke person" is hilarious


コメント (21)
  • The first lady accuses English speaking people while speaking English 😂
  • Wokeism refers to being aware of all the discrimination( gender based, sexual orientation based, race based, nationalilty based,etc) and openly calling it out. Woke people have existed in nearly all generations and are responsible for bringing social change.
  • Doctors don't refer you to breathology experts. Overworked doctors will just tell you to drink more water. And some will actually tell you to do yoga/pranayam.
  • @Factoumil
    What a wonderful episode. Thanks for making this! Some were really funny!
  • The yatras and atom guy is completely lost his mind. He doesn’t know a single thing about basic chemistry just giving false equivalence!
  • The problem is not doing a research on this techniques. Problem is appropriating those techniques and westernizing it. Also, they remove the aspect of conecptualization from how this techniques were developed while keeping only keeping the technical aspect . Which is basically reducing the complete essence of that practice. If you're a woke person , you should be the first person to call it out instead of doubling down on it. You don't have problem with appropriation because it isn't dealing with the mainstream woke issues. It's really good that people would reseach a traditional practice to prove whether it's genuine or a placebo and back it by evidence but the point of doing it is to prove that the tradtional practice is right and not to steal it , convert it, and repackage it. And not only you're repackaging those things but you also continue to call the entire study like ayurveda as a psuedo science while you cherry pick the good parts and then sell it with a different name. How's it that you ask for evidence and when someone gives the evidence for it , they also rebrand it completely as if the original practice had nothing to do with it?
  • The first mistake these people do is thinking Leftism is wokeism… left and woke are not the same!!! 😂
  • These people can co-relate anything to their religious bed time stories to sleep peacefully while being completely oblivious to the fact as to how much they are polluting Internet discourse
  • Me: I have pimples, acne and scars all over my face She: All your Organs are weak and unhealthy Me:🗿
  • @damn7637
    Is tofu don't like camera?😢 i want recorded videos
  • Let me narrate an experience. I had intense backpain and could not move my left leg.My GP did an X-Ray but could not find anything.He advised me to rest and do yoga. I was doing yoga from an institute at that time.They sent an expert to show me some asanas and this went on for about a month with no improvement.I was literally crippled. Then I decided to go to an Orthopaedic who ,on close examination identified a disc prolapse in my lumbar spine. I was given traction and anti inflammatory medicine and when the pain was relieved he gave me the same asanas to do twice daily,which I have been following for 20 years now. Yoga or deep breathing ,pilates,herbs etc work only when prescribed by a scientist or a doctor in a scientific way.
  • She's the woke person she's referring to😂