Ivermectin, Mexico, Peru, India

Published 2021-06-01
Ivermectin and the odds of hospitalization due to COVID-19: evidence from a quasi-experimental analysis based on a public intervention in Mexico City


Case study: Policy intervention in Mexico City

Increase in COVID-19 cases and with critical levels of hospital saturation during December 2020

Mexico City Government decided to expand population-based health

Implementation of a prehospital home-care program

Combining early detection with antigen tests

230 kiosks

Phone-based follow up for positive patients

Since 28 December, 2020, medical ivermectin kits have been provided to positive mild to moderate symptomatic patients

Dyspnea, chest pain or cyanosis, referred to a hospital

Ivermectin, four 6mg tablets, two pills for two days

After one month, 83,000 medical kits delivered

Detailed data was collected on the evolution of patient illnesses

Quasi-experimental evaluation of the effects of the medical kits on

Kit receivers and non-kit receivers

Matched observations, adjusting by age, sex, COVID severity, and comorbidities

Controls, N = 156,468 patients with COVID-19 infection before implementing the ivermectin program

Experimental group, n = 77,381 after the implementation

Outcome variable: whether or not the person was hospitalized


Negative and significant effect of the ivermectin-based medical kit on
the probability of hospitalization

Effect ranges from 50% to 76%

Difference in hospitalization odds between treated and untreated patients, statistically significant in all cases

As expected, the effect of the medical kits is higher and stronger among males, in older patients, and in cases without severe symptoms

Discussion and limitations

we found that the medical kit given en masse to patients who’d tested positive in Mexico City had a negative, significant, and robust effect on their odds of being hospitalized.

Independently of the medical telephone follow, level of hospital occupancy, specific period of time

Similar trend, Perú (Chamie-Quintero Et Al, 2021).

Principal mechanisms, reduction of viral load, in the patients that take ivermectin in early stages of the disease

Chamie-Quintero Et Al, 2021, Peru


25 states of Peru

Grouped by extent of IVM distributions

Maximal, medium, minimal

Reductions in excess deaths (30 days after peak deaths)

maximal, 74%
medium, 53%
minimal, 25%

Reduction of excess deaths is correlated with extent of IVM distribution by state p less than 0.002

This strongly suggests that IVM treatments can likewise effectively complement immunizations to help eradicate COVID-19.

The indicated biological mechanism of IVM,

competitive binding with SARS-CoV-2 spike protein,

is likely non-epitope specific,

possibly yielding full efficacy against emerging viral mutant strains.

Uttar Pradesh


Uttar Pradesh government, first to have introduced a large-scale “prophylactic and therapeutic” use of Ivermectin

Helped the state to maintain a lower fatality and positivity rate as compared to other states

Health Department introduced Ivermectin as prophylaxis for close contacts of Covid patients, August 6, 2020

Agra, Dr Anshul Pareek and State Surveillance Officer Vikssendu Agrawal

Administered Ivermectin to all RRT team members in Agra

None of them developed Covid-19

Despite being in daily contact

Despite being the state with the largest population base and a high population density, we have maintained a relatively low positivity rate and cases per million of population

Lower positivity and fatality rates may be attributed to the large-scale use of Ivermectin use UP

All Comments (21)
  • I forget where I heard it, but it was an insightful comment. Apparently the one side effect of Ivermectin is that it negatively impacts the pharma wallet...
  • @ChrisAbbott
    The only apparent side effect at present of Ivermectin is that it's so cheap.
  • My husband and I got covid-19 2 weeks ago. We're both fully vaccinated and got really sick. I'm 58 and my husband is 62. Our doctor gave us ivermectin (3 pills on day 1 and 3 pills on day 3) plus we were on doxycyline and hydroxchloriquine. Within 24 hours we were remarkably better. For us it was quite the miracle drug!!
  • @loramwhite7284
    Glad to hear someone else talking about this. It’s a shame the first world countries are dying from political posturing.
  • @robklein583
    It won't be too long and one of the drug companies will introduce a new anti-covid drug onto the market. It will be "methyl-ivermectin" or "ivermectin sodium" or "bi-vermectin" or something like that. The ivermectin molecule will be changed very slightly from the original form, and the "new" drug can be patented and sold for $15 a pill. That's the way the system works. I have seen it happen many times. I am a retired pharmacist.
  • @hazyfoz1573
    Absolute scandal that this drug has not been made available EVERYWHERE.
    I am from Canada. Very educatinal and pursuasive. I am disappointed more people in Canada do not know about the benefits and value of Ivemmectin.
  • @jenjon6135
    Finland: no mention of the benefits of Ivermectin in MSM. Huge daily headlines about possible sources, hospitalized mentioned reluctantly. Small children pressured to take the shot. Seems as if the government wants to prolong this event. Majority of common people are fed up with the play.
  • Re: not paying attention to ivermectin - the words "criminally negligent" spring to mind...
  • @eveFlower101
    Hello from Bolivia, ivermectin home kits were widely distributed last year during the first wave. Some states acted first and the drop in cases was so significant that the rest of the states soon followed the same protocol. Few weeks into it, the cases overall dropped from 3000 daily to less than 100.
  • @fobosydeimos
    Hello from Mexico. My uncle took it when he was on a stage where he could hardly breath. He started to get better that same day. In a week he was feeling pretty well.
  • Thanks Doc! Genuine and sincere, not peddling goods or generating useless content. The world needs more like you! Keep up the good work!
  • Thánk you, dr John, from a 61 year old woman from Namibia. I have been listening and learning from you for far over a year, and my family and friends have benefitted massively from your wisdom and care. Thank you!
  • @stringsnare
    "Because it's not a new drug" says it all, really.
  • @roycook523
    Grandma could have cured this with cod liver oil, just the thought of it cured many of my cousins.
  • Thank u dr John for this video. The problem is the Government in Australia has banned Pharmacies from selling IVM without Government approval and doctors have been told not to prescribed it. When 6 months ago it was sold without a prescription over the counter. I beg the question...WHY??? but I guess we all know the answer. Its criminal!!
  • I am GP from India.All my covid positive cases treated with 12 mg daily for 3 days during 1st wave and none of my patients were hospitalized.
  • This gentleman is a compassionate Dr who hasn’t forgotten his oath , those who have forgotten their oath should be named.
  • Dr. Campbell what is amazing is your devotion to your craft and its service to mankind. Your impartial data based approach has allowed sanity back into the discussion on covid. It has helped my comprehension of the pandemic in a down to earth way and with a sense that I can depend on your sincerity.
  • I take Ivermectin each 15 days. I work with health assistance. Greetings from Brasil 🇧🇷.