Starfield: Things to Know: Tempering Complaints

Published 2024-05-18
this is a video to address some common complaints and ground them in reality. I am doing this for new players so that their experience isn't ruined by these complaints
#gaming #starfield #bethesda #xbox

All Comments (21)
  • @d3athth3kid
    Pandering to hate for comments, and deletes comments talking about it lmaooo
  • @1994DLewis
    lol had to check and make sure Oblivion wasn't running in the background.
  • @yesteryearr
    Regarding the map, it is so much better than when the game released. I don't recall being about to make out ANYTHING on the "map", but now you can clearly see something interesting and head towards it
  • @alexrinol
    To my opinion they chose wrong mechanic of exploration. Imagine, you are a space explorer on the orbit of planet. What would yo do first? Of course, scanning a surface to find any signals, structures or other POIs. And when you find smth you land to this place and begin exploration. When I land on random place on far lifeless moon and see structures, abandon avanposts and a ship landing not far from my, it makes me frustrating. World must not build around me to satisfy my wishes and interests. I must look for POIs!
  • @MaxxEastick
    I'm 260 hours in and enjoying it. It feels so typical of a grind RPG which works for me, rather than a space simulator, which I also play, Vega Strike anyone? I have had some repeat points of interest but they have now become my medical and ammunition resupply grinds for the next big quest point. I still have many star systems to visit and planets as well so I see a lot more playabililty for this game in it's current form. I am sure more will be added in future DLC's, updates and community mods. The big thing I take from the long run to each point of interest is Elder Scrolls VI is going to be huge! since it will be built on the same game engine. The criticism Ill give, the cities are still small, although I did get lost a few times in Akila until I ran through it a bit more and now know my way. I know to expect it to be like Night City would be a bit much, but they could've made the cities a lot bigger I think.
  • @intothevoid2046
    You can see how the eclipse has no effect on the environment lighting, only when the sun drops under the horizon is it getting dark. This is one of my few gripes with this game: The lighting is really bad, especially indirect lighting. I believe the heavy color correcting is there to cover this. If they manage to update the rendering/lighting part of their engine the game could get a much better reception. People tend to forgive a lot if a game looks pretty. I think this would be doable.
  • @uscmhudson5504
    I don't understand why they didn't tweak the fast travel from the fancy new maps to actually place you inside the location you are going to instead of just outside to face yet another load screen. It wouldn't even be difficult for them to have given you an option when you select the map point you want to move to. Well let's hope the Creation Kit brings back the modders, and maybe someone can do this.
  • @wuestenfuchsxy
    For me exploration is not boring because its empty, I wish some planets would really be empty. The Problem is because you can find all POIs again and again, it does not feel unique. It feels stupid to run around the POIs I have already seen to find some new ones. That really killed the immersion for me. I dont need a vehicle as well but finding the same stuff on every backwater moon feels just wrong. And Im really sad about it because I wanted it to be good, but for me its not the good old Bethesda exploration feeling. But good for you if you still like it, Im hoping for TESVI I guess as long as they dont completely rework the POI distribution.
  • @fredshannon8110
    Exploration is everything in this game and if you don't think so your playing the game wrong. My first play through after I got to the Lodge I was gone. Took the frontier and started exploring, scanning planets. My first play throw was over 1000 hrs. And I didn't do quest lines period. and I only covered about 1/2 of the planets in Starfield. Some of the random places found where are simply mind blowing in my view. And building an out post early is a must. I started building an outpost at level 4 best move ever. It will make credits for you early in the game to upgrade the frontier. And just snow balls from there.
  • @craig.a.glesner
    May not be the best for you, but for me this is finally the Bethesda game I have wanted ever since Todd said he wanted to do a space game. So to me this is the best Bethesda game ever. Don’t really like Elder Scrolls and am tired of dystopias so yeah, best game ever.
  • @jjlyon100
    I agree :). I rely enjoy Starfield and i think a lot of the hate it has received online has been undeserved and in some cases blatantly only there to get views
  • @AbbyFA
    I'm glad I came across and watched this video to the end. I have to say, while some complaints are valid, a lot are exagerrated. I also missed out on some experiences cause I heard way too many complaints, to argue you about the tiles and rendering point you mentioned though, it's invalid to think you need to restrict exploration on planets to strict tiles in order to make exploration possible, No Man's Sky has done it, where you could land on a planet seamlessly from space and walk on foot from one point and go a full circle on the planet to reach the same point where you start. Loading screens are necessary, but they're excessive in Starfield, the exploration point you mentioned is spot on however and I have to agree, even when it comes to NMS which's is superior in exploration, it's still the same thing! Actually, in Starfield you're more likely to run into interesting POIs to explore more so than NMS I'm playing Starfield for the second time now and I've over 500 hours and I still don't feel like I have explored and/or completed all interesting quests in the game, and actually since I'm doing a lot more exploration now than the first time I played the game I'm in fact running into facilities I've never seen before. With all that being said, I have to say that I can't see myself playing Starfield without mods, because a lot of my complaints are actually addressed and fixed by modders, and mods help keep things more interesting
  • @WEET_
    So glad you addressed the exploration. I love Starfield and out of 600 hours so far I’ve spent only a quarter of that time questing. Favorite thing to do is drop down on a random planet.
  • I can't believe this game sucked me in as much as it did. I just decided to try it out on a whim with game pass thinking I'd hate it but ended up absolutely loving (albeit with a few mods to tweak somethings like immersive looting) but otherwise I find the game kinda solid honestly. It's not perfect, but I've found it to be a very fun experience and I wish I had never listened to the hate train and had gotten spoiled about so much of the experiences in the game.
  • @brianfidler2439
    There is much to like about it, much to dislike about it. I find it to be fun, yet boring enough that I kept falling asleep playing it. The game offers an original, new experience unlike anything I have played. Honestly, I find it to be quite confounding. I can't tell if I actually like it or not.
  • I really LOVE the Oblivion background music you used. One of my favorite games of all time. A very informative and excellent video. I truly love Starfield. I'm Level 180 Starborn 16 right now, and I still haven't found everything in this wonderful game. Been playing everyday since release. 😊🎮
  • @Odder-Being
    I only have one serious complain about the game and that is there is simply not one interesting character. They are all cookie cutter mediocre boring npc. It's all so bland, not once i had thoughts about how npc would flesh out and it is a rpg for f sake. After 20 hours or so i was done with it.
  • @KaosandRiot
    I loved it at first and was really into exploring and side missions; until I saw the same points of interest on 100 plus planets. The same listening posts, weapons factories, robotics labs, science outposts, etc etc They were completely the same all the way down to things being on the same desks , counters, labs. With the same computer files that were on 40 other planets. ALL OF IT THE same. Pirates sitting in the same spots, with the same low level weapons worth pennies. I still like the game but am inclined to start new characters in a new game, rather than trudge thru new game plus and do the same mind numbing go here fetch this , talk talk talk and grind my teeth thru missions like entanglement and grinding thru the temple floaty game to get some powers I don’t even use Lack of legendary weapons that actually have top level stats are few and far between. I play for a few days until the end of main quest when the hunter shows up and kicks my ass no matter how topped out my stats are on my ship Then get to the planet and another annoying grind thru ecliptics and the hunter in the cave system Please please Bethesda, cot out 700 planets, concentrate on developing more settlements, stories gear, unique locations, ability to create decent size towns and develop large trade to attract merchants and the freestar or UC to set up a garrison to protect it. Expand trade lines , attracting workers, business development to help with resources, build a resort, do safari’s, create mysteries about local legends, treasure, beasts, exploring to include climbing mountains fighting off ecliptics, have marriage ceremonies, bachelor parties. Finding pristine worlds with peaceful settlers living simple and learning nature , harvesting and finding the perfect spot for outposts Allow building shipyards, creating enterprises that benefit the planet Fight a land war with UNC against pirates or waves of bugs on a far flung military outpost desperately in need of help In the future mods and dlc could develop planets one by one Mad max planets, knights and armor medieval planets. Find a lost colony of earths first explorers lost and needing help against aliens or pirates I could go on but it’s just wishful thinking. Love the game it’s just slowly becoming, rinse lather, wash repeat most important give Endor’s more money and get rid of low level weapons and spacesuits. Yeah I know dog immercion but after awhile every dead moon had a 5 point ot more area the had same dry tires Now all that being said I’m not a game developer and I know it’s hard as management cuts corned to speed sections of the project timelines mean loads of money hemorrhaging My final two cents, wipe out several planets, develop them deeply Add cities cars bars , gritty streets life and impose more morality choices Ooohhh one last important parts to add…go go bars or strip clubsmay a bbordello or casino, where you can play games z…ok rant finished, going to play elder scrolls oblivion, the new 4K tv, tweaks to picture turns it into a much more interesting game Yeah Sue me, Sometimes less is more but I love the diversity the locations and sheer amount of terrain and secrets to expo To dry, we are far from ignorant or uneducated about computers, code, development cycles. Coul concentrate o adding system an planets, but fully developed and flesh out . Okay the was a long one, service is over
  • There are countless content creators telling me how horrible the game is. I however have enjoyed it since day one. Too many folks with the mindset that unless something is perfect, it is trash.