GROW Main Series - Flash Game Walkthrough | Genacool243

Publicado 2022-04-25
Hey guys! Welcome to another video, this time about a walkthrough of the main series of the GROW games, developed by Eyezmaze! The GROW series is one of my favorite sagas from all the flash games I've played, and I thought that, instead of uploading one or two games, I could upload the whole main series in a single video :D.

The GROW games have always been my favorite ever since I played flash games, as I love the animation style and how, depending on the element order you chose in every game, you can get to different situations. By the way, I'll probably make a video featuring the MiniGROW series, as there are some games I didn't cover with this video, I only want to upload more episodes of the Flash Game Walkthrough series so there are more game variety. My three favorite games from the saga are GROW Cube, GROW Island and GROW Valley, being the ones I played the most when I discovered them. Do you have any favorite GROW game? Tell me in the comments!

Also, I found out that On Nakayama, the serie's only developer, went through a heart surgery and, luckily, it went well, so in conmemoration of his work I thought it would be a nice idea to upload a video of his games. If you're reading this: あなたの仕事は素晴らしく、私を幸せにしてくれます。あなたが好きなことに取り組み続けてください!

I'm also afraid that I've promised on my last video a deathless run of Will you Snail, but it's something that takes more time than recording and editing this video, so I preferred to upload this after, just so you know the video's not cancelled, just delayed.


0:00 - GROW ver. 3
2:57 - GROW ver. 3 Alternative Ending (Congratu-flames)
7:22 - GROW RPG
11:34 - GROW Cube
15:03 - GROW ver. 2
16:37 - GROW ver. 1
18:37 - GROW Island
23:07 - GROW Island Alternative Ending (Congratu-alien-s)
25:36 - GROW Tower
29:15 - GROW Valley
39:27 - GROW Valley Alternative Ending (Congratu-underground)
42:50 - GROW Cannon
47:18 - GROW Maze
1:05:24 - GROW Clay
1:16:36 - GROW Park

Well guys! I hope you liked this video as much as I did, and see you on the next one! :D

#GROWSeries #GROW #FlashGames

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