A NEW ZELDA GAME!? - The Dudes are BACK! | Zeldudes Podcast #5


コメント (21)
  • Welcome back, guys. Hope all of you are doing well. Don't give up, never change who you are no matter what, and keep up with the grinding. We love and admire you guys.
  • @ZeldaLore
    6:00 The Light world mountain in the Japanese version of ALTTP was actually called Mount Hebra / Hebra Mountain, same with ALBW. They were also going to call Death Mountain in OOT Both Death Mountain and Hebra early on, but cut it. This is the OOT Beta dialogue for it: “Hey kid, you see that mountain over there? That's Mount Hebra... Also known by the name Death Mountain, it's a volcano inhabited by the Gorons.”
  • @sarahg4327
    I like the casual format. I tend to listen to podcasts when I’m driving, working out, cleaning so minimal editing is no problem. I think the worst thing I could happen is this becomes a chore to evil and you want to stop doing it. Keep it fun and light! Were here for it!
  • 1:19:33 - I think it might be nicer to wait a bit for the EoW playthrough to allow people chance to play it for themselves (might hurt viewer numbers and engagement if people put off watching your playthrough until after they’ve finished playing it themselves), allow you both time to poke around and find cool details you can showcase, and so it’s less likely to get lost amidst a bunch of other EoW vids that’ll likely pop up at the same time.
  • I honestly love the "just chillin" vibe more. All the editing with the green screen and everything was just too much, this is much much better. I also like that the volume on the music is lower in this one.
  • I expect traditional dungeons to return because of the areas we see in the trailers, and I think that these will work because of two primary reasons: 1. The echo ability is much more limited than the runes in the Wild era games, as there is a limit to how many items you can spawn (reflected in how many triangles are trailing Tri at a time). Thus, echoes will be less able to break puzzles, and we will have a greater puzzle-solving capacity as we expand our echo limit. Echoes are interesting, but (fortunately in this case) they have their limits. We will still be able to accomplish absurd feats, but hopefully we will be less able to straight-up break the game. 2. Because of how the echo mechanic works, dungeons could be able to introduce new and unique echoes that could serve in a way as "items." I do hope that EoW still has traditional items, but, if it does not, echoes introduced in dungeons could serve as a functional substitute. We could copy tools we acquire elsewhere and use them in the overworld and in future dungeons. This would honestly add an unnecessary level of complexity to utilizing items, but it would still work. With all this said, I will mention that the echo mechanic makes me worried that EoW will have the same enormous problem as TotK: too much time spent sorting through menus and out of the action.
  • Who'd of thought, building a bridge made of beds being the evolution of Zelda.
  • 26:33 - have we had a game with ‘Courage’ in the title yet? If not, what if this is the first of a trilogy of games that can be linked akin to the Oracle games, and we’ll get an Echos of Courage where we play as Link and an Echos of Power where we play as Ganon. And maybe that’s why the framing of Link and Ganon in the art for this game makes them look a bit like buddies; it’s not because as some have speculated that Link will be mind controlled or the like, it’s because all three TriForce bearers will have to come together and team up to defeat a Big Bad that opposes all of them? 😉
  • As a woman, I LOVE that the first game we play as Zelda is done with this art style! I hope it covers some dark topics which will be a lot less scary because of the art style. I love the style regardless though. It's so cute and I'm confident that Nintendo will deliver an awesome Princess Zelda no matter what the story is.
  • As a complete Zelda nerd since the 90s, I love listening to you guys. Keep it up!
  • My hypothesis, Link's sword in Echoes of Wisdom is a redesign for the Magical Sword from the original Zelda.
  • It would be interesting if this channel had more debate topics where ZeldaMaster, Zeltik, and other guest appearances can come together and debate hot topics surrounding the Legend of Zelda series!!!
  • So glad to see you guys back, hope there’s no more PC failures!
  • @TrueWolves
    I could see a Ganondorf game could hark back to his sorcerer king status. Collecting both destructive spells and weapons and using those instead of tools or summons to complete objectives with an emphasis on the destructive, explosive, or impressive power of these abilities. That they're "innate" instead of a tool or an object fits Ganon quite well.
  • @LoveCrumb
    I couldn't stop looking between the Majora's Mask collectible in ZM's background, and the epic drawing of the smiling dude with the backwards cap in Zeltik's background 😅 Re: what we'd like to see- I do like the casual vibe for sure, and I love the idea of seeing non-mainline let's plays on this channel. I'm personally going to hold off watching any spoiler play of Echoes of Wisdom until I have a chance to beat it myself.
  • As far as a day-one Echos of Wisdom LP goes, I probably won’t watch it until I beat the game for myself. If you want to do it though, feel free! Glad you dudes are back!