Wave Day 6 - Checking In..

Published 2023-06-15
Still in the awful wave. Virus may still be dying off not sure. But, I do know that I feel extremely sick and wavy. Worst wave in a very very long time.

Wish I had more hope to share!

All Comments (6)
  • So sorry you are struggling. It will get better. Easy for me to say, but you know how this works. I just don't understand why these waves come back around! I am sure it is hard to feel as if you have healed and then have a setback. I can't imagine. Sorry you don't have any good yarn right now. I too have knitted my way through recovery. It has been a great distraction for me.
  • I’m sorry to hear you’re struggling again 😞 this is such a cruel and discouraging illness. You’ll be back to feeling good again soon I know it. My buddy was like a year recovered and then got la virus and it put him back in a setback that lasted 2 months. He said it was more intense then the early days of paws. But like you were saying when he came out of it he felt amazing. He described it as a sense of peace and happiness that he didn’t know was possible. It’s now been a year since that happened and he says he’s the happiest he’s ever been. So just hang in there it will pass and you’ll be back to feeling great again soon my friend ❤️
  • @danabare7061
    Can you go get some fluids? Is there a center near you where you can get some basic fluids. A liter or two. It will help perk you up😊
  • @mich665g
    after about a year feeling back to normal. I Got sick with covid and had a major setback. This time i Got back to myself much quicker. About a month and felt completely healed again. I hope so much you will be back much quicker this time💨
  • @EliveSummer
    Are you having a wave or are you sick of a 🦠 virus ???