braxophone explains why everyone's wrong about jade


コメント (21)
  • honkai star rail players when a unit doesnt powercreep acheron and firefly and clear every type of content: 😡🤬
  • many: i'll pull her because dommy mommy some: i'll pull her because of PF others: i'll pull her because of quantum me: Blade buff.
  • Thanks to Acheron, Firefly and Boothill ignoring weakness people have forgotten that you cant really brute force off element anymore. Since the start of 2.0 not even Dhil or Jingliu can comfortably clear when off element for non-whales. The current moc is tailored to fire, imaginary and lightning break, so its no surprise Jade doesnt do well there. Wait until the bug or the deer make an appearance, Jades kit is specifically designed to counter fights like those.
  • It's another Topaz situation, people will start complaining about other ccs using Jade for PF clears. People just want 100 MoC characters, but don't realise that PF literally gives the same amount of stellar jades.
  • @yolkkyz
    Its abit weird that PF is literally as important as MOC and AS but people complains about Jade that "omg this aoe character is made for an aoe end game" and i have seen so many people complained about can't clearing PF too like huh? If you're looking for an moc unit then literally roll anybody else it's like someone complaining that Boothill isn't good because he's bad in PF
  • I had no idea ppl thought Jade was bad. She’s so much fun and a great damage dealer
  • Tbh I wouldn't be surprised if they made PF harder in the future to where characters that aren't dedicated AoE really struggle. Either way u don't need Jade but she's not really bad value if you're struggling to clear that type of end game. If you don't wanna pull Jade other substitutes that are F2P accessible are Herta, Himeko, and Serval.
  • It's kinda crazy how many people don't do pure fiction. I actually think it's really fun, but I have friends who don't even touch it. One of which, I just found out recently didn't even have it unlocked. Ya'll are missing out on free jades every reset, come on XD
  • I pulled Jade specifically for pure fiction so I agree with you. Right now I can only easily clear pure fiction during the dot rotations (yes, I'm a nihility fan), so it made sense for me to pull for Jade. I don't want to keep resetting pure fiction during the follow up attack rotations so she's a no brainer for me.
  • HSR players will spend hours complaining about how bad of a problem powercreep is in the game, and that every new character gets closer and closer to killing the game with how meta they are, and then 3 seconds later complain that a very useful unit with a specific gamemode they excel at doesn’t completely eclipse Acheron and firefly by all conceivable metrics in every gamemode. Make. It. Make. Sense.
  • Anecdote Related to This: TLDR; I didn't play for a year and Jade just instantly brought my account to a level where I am close to full clearing PF. I had stopped playing HSR during 1.0 when I was TL30. I always knew that I would come back to it, but the content that was present in 1.0 wasn't grabbing me and I was playing other games. So, I did what I frequently do with Hoyoverse games, I put it down and waited for them to add a year or more worth of content. I came back to the game just before 2.3 launched. I picked up Fu Xuan to supplement the Jing Yuan, Himeko, Clara, and Seele that I had on my account from when I played at launch. Then, when 2.3 came out, I got E2S1 Firefly and E2S1 Ruan Mei (I am not F2P). I grinded through all of the backlog content, used my resources to build up my Firefly team as much as possible and got a very strong team that can clear basically any content that I put in front of it. Hit TL60 as soon as possible and have that team 90% built, though my Relics aren't flawless and I will need to revisit them to finish off the Skills/Traces. Still, they are most of the way built. Now I am in a position where I need to start thinking about a second team. I already have several decent FUA units like Himeko and Clara (plus Herta as a 4 Star), so Jade works well with those units (Jing Yuan is even semi-reasonable with Jade). The one mode that the Firefly team doesn't absolutely demolish is Pure Fiction (though definitely puts me in the 20k - 25k point range easy, so a second team getting 35k - 40k will full clear). And investing heavily into building Jing Yuan or Seele to do Apocalytic Shadow and/or MoC seems less appealing as Relics are by far my account's weakest aspect (I quit before getting to Relic grind at launch, so I basically started working on my Relics 2-5 weeks ago considering the time it took to get up for TL50 from TL30 where I started) and both of them have pretty rough Relic/Trace investment requirements to be reasonable for clearing current AS or MoC. So, I pulled E0S1 for Jade (tried for E1 to open up future Team Comp options, but lost the 50/50 and I'm done chasing it. I can get her on Rerun if I get Topaz in future). My Himeko, Herta and Jade are barely even built with bad Relics, minimally leveled Skills/Traces and not even Lvl 80, but throwing them together with the units from my Firefly team plus my Fu Xuan (Her and Gallagher are the only viable sustains that I have right now), I was instantly able to get 11/12 Stars on Pure Fiction and I'm like 1000 points away from 60k on PF4. By the end of this patch, I feel like I will probably have Himeko, Herta and Jade decently built (Jade actually is already pretty close to built, though a Quantum Sphere is needed and my relics are pretty marginal and will need to be upgraded eventually) and may be able to get my 12/12 in Pure Fiction. And for 2.4 + 2.5, I have a decent idea of where to focus next. Huohuo is probably being rerun in 2.4 and I need to get her as another Sustain option for when Fu Xuan and Gallagher aren't ideal (Debuff Cleansing has been an issue, though I don't yet know how much Fu Xuan's A6 Trace will help with that since I have needed to use my Echo of War runs to get my Firefly team built and I only hit TL60 earlier this week to finally get Fu Xuan that last ascension to even unlock it). Black Swan is also rumored to be the other 2.4 Rerun and she seems like a reasonable pickup to start a DOT team (Kafka possibly being rerun in 2.5 to fill out that team). Yunli and Jiaoqiu are both likely skips for me. Not entirely sure about 2.5, but Lingsha is rumored and seems like she might upgrade over Gallagher. It'll be something I need to think about, as Gallagher is really strong. But, I think my main focus is going to be on hitting the reruns to try to get a solid DOT team.
  • @Jabari98
    If Jade was released pre-PF, I'd agree with the negative sentiment. But she'll be just fine right now. There's nothing wrong w/ characters having a niche if they excel at it better than anyone else. If it wasn't for modes like PF, Herta and Himeko's true strength in their specific niche would've never been worth utilizing. Jade is gonna be fine in the long run(though I'd def recommend getting her E1 if you want to use her outside of PF).
  • @raken69
    *Made for pf Player base: "she's miserable outside PF" Me himekoless: "no shit!"
  • jade is definitely a god in pure fiction and that's valid to have a character that excels in that, i think the reason why everybody is miffed because she could easily be usable in moc if her e1 was part of her base kit or something, it just seems like an incredibly obvious spending bait that feels lowbrow for mihoyo. as it stands at e0, she's usable in 1/3 out of replenishing endgame modes and that isn't compelling enough for most people. i'd say most other characters are at a 2/3 with investment and the OP characters can be used in all modes
  • I think a lot of the community underestimate her and are letting things outside of the game alter their perception of her. I know there’s been a lot of silly drama over Jade involving Topaz and Aventurine. I tried her in every piece of content and she actually really surprised me. I expected her to be pathetic in apocalyptic shadow and memory of chaos because of the constant negativity around her but she actually put out respectable numbers. She did perfectly fine. She’s the queen of PF but she isn’t bad at the other game modes. It incentivized me to get her E1 and S1 and I’m personally very happy with Jade. I think a lot of the community is an echo chamber and tend to overlook certain things. I’m not a whale and only get the battle pass and daily pass. I to this day don’t have himeko as a day 1 player. To get himeko I have to lose my 50/50 in the limited banner and get her out of 7 standard banner characters. Or get lucky and get her out of 14 possible results from the standard banner. Unless you spend a lot or get lucky you probably aren’t getting himeko like me. Jade has a lot of value for people in similar situations and newer accounts. if you invest and get her E1S1 she gets amazing imo. I love playing her with Topaz, and Aventurine! I think it’s okay and healthy for this game to have specialist characters. Imo the I can do it all characters akin to Acheron are unhealthy and skew balance in a very bad way because they’re broken damage wise and content will be balanced around said character. So players without them are screwed.
  • @loco2711
    finaly a channel to watch more of brax W
  • I honestly don't get it, people just act like pf is baby mode compared to MoC and always say the same thing "just use himeko herta", like yeah sure they are good in PF but if you can't break units himeko is literally useless, id rather have Jade who you could use all the time and clear pf easy.
  • soon as i saw she buffed blade she was an insta pull for me