Mario Kart 64 - Flower Cup 2 Players: Bowser & Peach

Publicado 2011-10-11
A strange combo, but it works. Enjoy the Flower Cup in dual screen.

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @broden4838
    I bet the person playing Peach is thinking "Hiyeeeee!!"
  • @ShyGuy83
    Bowser: If I win Peachy pie, you have to be my wife. Peach: And if I win, you have to leave my kingdom forever, deal? Bowser: Deal! (Both shake hands) Bowser: [Inner] Who does this dumb broad think she's fooling? If I want something, I can just take it. She doesn't even have any guards or gates around her castle.
  • @Mr8ozcar
    Bowser en la primera carrera obtuvo 91 puntos, en la segunda tuvo 100 pts. (carrera perfecta) en la 3ª 92 y en la 4ª 92 y en los puntos adicionales tuvo 66 con un porcentaje de 88.2% y Peach en la 1ª pista tuvo 65 pts en la 2ª 100 en la 3ª 91 y en la última 66 y en los adicionales tuvo 16 con un porcentaje de 67.6%, buena suerte me gusto su video GOOD JOB!
  • @Nintendo64Movies
    @MattTheSaiyan Well, it depends on which game you play. Not every game is emulated that well as Mario Kart 64. But the most important games are, Super Mario 64, Zelda Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask, and the Mario Party's. Only Mario Party 3 has some problems. But when Project 1.7 is released that will be alot better. It will take a while though, they want 1.7 to be the last version so they try to do it perfectly this time, including Mutliplayer. :-)
    rofl 2:51 was the game changer that shell has no effect o.O
  • @Nintendo64Movies
    @SirNickOfMichigan I think Peach hit the banana instead of Bowser.
  • @greg83911
    c'est pas peach qui est nulle, c'est le joiueur qui joue peach, nuance
  • @Mr8ozcar
    hola soy el juez y aunque no sepas mi lengua Nintendo64Movies lo hiciste muy bien bueno dare mi opinión en el sig. comentario
  • @luizaugusto935
    WHAT A HELL!!!!!! CRAAAZZYYYYYYYYY RACEEEEE!!!!!😜😜😜😜🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪
  • @greg83911
    rectification, le joueur qui joue peach est très très très nul