GOB 1: Bold and Brash

Generic Object Battle

Stinky Server Link ~ discord.gg/TA8fDzH

コメント (21)
  • 0:47 Cologne: Three beautiful ladies? This must be my lucky day! Sign:...I'm seven. Law and Order: Special Victims Unit
  • E W I T S A P E R V E R T Best line of the whole episode
  • 0:42 I just laughed at how Sign said “ Ewwww! It’s A pervert! ”
  • “Oooo~ 3 beautiful ladies, it’s gotta be my lucky day!” “i ‘ m s e v e n”
  • @Fourtle
    Im happy this finally came out!! Great job my friend and continue on it [B] cuz epic
  • Spork is amazing! H[E] has such a great personality, and I can see tons of character development in the future.
  • “Minus 2 points for making my ears bleed!” TVs have blood?
  • @Matt_RVG
  • Voting has officially ended! If you are interested with working for the show in terms of animation, designing, or music composing, join the server! Server Link ~ discord.gg/TA8fDzH
  • @Oinkert
    :v Coglone: Simp Curtain: tiny simp Popcorn: Victim of simping
  • [A] Greetings and salutations. I am a writer for this show (I am Burrito) so I thought it would be beneficial for me to reflect on the episode and write a short summary of my opinions on it. And, I must say that this first episode was truly outstanding and I loved watching it to the end. The characters’ personalities were presented really well for the first episode and the challenge was executed extremely well. The crew did great and I can’t wait to see how episode 2 turns out! Anyways, time to move onto the vital bits. So, I voted Pistachio this episode due to the fact that he gives me a powerful and vivid reminder of Fries and that grumpy potato is tied for my second favorite character in BFB. Pistachio appears to realistic, grumpy, down-to-earth, irritable and focused. These are character traits that I usually affiliate with myself since I am quite the serious lad myself, though I can loosen up sometimes. Pistachio is a character that I adored ever since he was introduced to me and I always had this feeling that he would be a character that will always have his eyes glued on victory, and that’s a mentality that’s really beneficial when you are partaking in an object show with high stakes. Since this an episode, I can’t really say that much but I hope to see more of him in the future when more episodes undergo production. To be honest, as a writer for this episode, I don’t think I can talk about much but I will discuss a bit about the scenes I wrote and I may even go into detail about other scenes that I never really got to see in the script (I actually didn’t read the furnished script since I didn’t want to spoil it for myself). So, I helped write two scenes, one of them being the Popcorn and Badge race that took place at 2:21 and concluded at 3:00. Time to talk about it: So, basically, I wanted to sort of manifest this competitive and jock-like spirit that shrouds Popcorn and really express it through her words, as seen when she mocked Badge’s legs being something akin to that of stubs and stating that they seemed to be equals at sprinting, despite Badge having endured and lived through years of strenuous and overtaxing boot camp. So, I had to make Popcorn throw a few insults here and there to represent this. Due to Badge’s military-like attitude, I need him to share these intense feelings of competition that Popcorn was expressing. So, I did just that by making him fight back and reciprocate to Popcorn’s jibes. I did this in the form of military slang because of the entire fact that Badge is meant to have a personality that compliments that of a military general, so it wouldn’t feel right if I didn’t add that in into the flow of his lines; it wouldn’t feel right. So, I did just that. He began to use words like “crumb-catcher” (mouth), “fitty” (M2.50 calibur machine gun) and even “fruit salad” (a display of badges and medals that a service member of the army has, which is funny since Badge is, well, a badge). I really loved the line when Badge said that he “burns rubber as quickly as a fitty” since it shows how he takes immense pride in his stamina training, to the point where he seems to burn rubber like a car tyre would. I did a good amount of research on military slang just to make Badge stand out and shine. I hope I wrote this well and I hope you guys like this because it highlight Badge’s character well. Also, the voice actors for these aforementioned two characters did an outstanding job with their lines in this scene. Amazing job. Now, time to talk about the other scene I wrote, which starts at 9:31 and ends at 11:41. So, let’s talk about it: I was glad that I got to write a lot on Pistachio here and as you can see, his bossy personality is represented really well here and I think the reasons I explained as to why I voted him are represented here so I won’t discuss about it much, so I’ll talk about the other characters that were represented in this scene and maybe touch upon other aspects. So, I really loved writing Cologne in this scene and I can see that he will become a fan favorite very soon. Of course, as you can already tell, Cologne is pretty much a casanova; someone (usually a male) who takes joy in flirting with other women. Taking into consideration that Burger was the only male in his team, I made Cologne start complaining at the fact that it was unfair that the fast food sandwich got all the gals and lasses, until he halts mid-sentence to gawk at the only female on their team: Popcorn (a character I have written twice now). As some flirty males would do, I made Cologne get her attention with a small “Ey girl” to show this abundance of confidence that was in Cologne, showing that he would never fail on his dream to capture a girl’s heart. Now, I personally cringed whilst writing Cologne’s cheesy date plans but that fit his character so well since cheesy pick-up lines could lead to a rejection, which Cologne experiences quite a lot during this first episode and even told Coughdrop that he had “experienced it a lot”, meaning that he has probably asked a ton of ladies out and has been left in the dust. So, with the intention of wanting to make Cologne mess up, I made him state in his proposal if Popcorn would like to eat popcorn with him whilst watching a movie at the cinema, which is obviously wrong as you can tell when Popcorn began to blow a fuse in a cloak of vexation, which soon led to the perfume bottle being clouted by a tremendous punch from Popcorn, which shows her aggressive personality once again. Now, I always had this strong vision in my mind that Cologne and Coughdrop would get along extremely well because of their fun personalities. Cologne finds joy in his women whilst Coughdrop finds joy in his parties and raves. After Cologne brushes off the fact that Popcorn simply needed a clear head to respond to his proposal with a positive response, the party fanatic states that the best party magnet was women so learning from Cologne’s expertise would be great for him. It simply shows how these two can bond over their similarities and as you can see, they may as well be great friends. They could both learn from each other and that’s what I revere about their dynamic. Now, there isn’t much to say about Spork since they are “one of those characters” (think of Box from Inanimate Insanity and you’ll know what I mean). As you can see, the fact that Spork isn’t really living shoes that they can’t actually help the team in any way possible, which aggregates Pistacio because of the fact that he needs his teammates and acolytes to be active and poised to win a challenge.This was why Pistachio seemed to lash out at Spork. I also thought it was funny to include the fact that these inanimate objects (Spork and Box) have personalities in the eyes of other characters. This was represented well when the silence between Pistachio and Spork was crushed by the nut lashing out at the spoon-and-fork amalgamation, due to Spork apparently saying something when they didn’t. Spork is definitely a mysterious character to behold. Props to all the voice actors that voiced this scene, and actually, accolades to all the voice actors that voiced their respective characters. You guys are amazing at what you do so keep up the great work! Now, my least favorite character currently is Sign, and her voice is phenomenal. It’s so good at being annoying that it makes me hate the character and that’s a very good thing since Sign is supposed to disliked in my opinion. Now, those were the scenes I wrote. I am now going to talk about some stuff you may want to remember in the future of GOB: •Cat Card is the very first contestant to speak in the whole of GOB. She also is the first female contestant to ever speak. •TV is the first male to speak but he is not considered a contestant. So, this makes Cologne the first ever male contestant to speak. •Earth is the first contestant to be killed ever in GOB, and he was slaughtered by being impaled with a knife by CJ. •This makes CJ the first contestant to kill someone. •Sign is currently the only contestant that has the ability to fly and is the only legless contestant with arms. •Curtain was the last contestant to be introduced. I might’ve missed some but that’s what I spotted so far. Now, I would talk about more but I am quite tired after writing this comment for about an hour or more so I will cut it off here. Though, I just want to say that all the animators, storyboarders, voice actors, writers, designers, background designers and many other members of the crew have done a remarkable job on this very first episode and I am personally proud of you, and it seems like our director (That Liy Guy) says it himself that we’ve all done amazing, so give yourselves a pat on the back because you’ve all earned it. I can’t wait to see the wonders we’ll all do when working on episode 2. That’s enough from me. Bye.
  • Just on a side note for me, I'm a replacement voice actor in case if any of the other VA's either resigned or fired. But anywho, this episode is cool. I like it. [D]=Coughdrop. Glasses can make you cool. And so is this episode.