– This is how you stop your partner from cheating | Esther Perel | SVT/NRK/Skavlan

Published 2017-10-11

All Comments (21)
  • @goodfortune5480
    I'm in a relationship with the gym, we always seem to workout
  • @cheery-hex
    you know how to stop your partner from cheating? choose someone who values loyalty as much as you.
    Everyone is tempted. Character is how you respond to that temptation. It is a moral choice based in honor.
  • You know how to stop a partner from cheating? Don't have a partner. Works 100% of the time.
  • @h.r.brooks876
    “Cheating is not because you want to find someone different. It’s because you want to BE someone different.” 😵
  • @Cr8ive453
    You cannot stop anyone from cheating and it's not your responsibility to do so - it's theirs.
  • @Diza519
    There is nothing you can do to prevent someone from cheating. It’s about who they are. Their character, loyalty or commitment to you, period.
  • @mmommo-hx4dx
    Mine cheated for 38 years from day one. I'm free now, so happy I cry.
  • @wadecahill6001
    Cheating on a good person is like throwing away a diamond and picking up a rock
  • It does not matter how special you make your partner feel..if your partner is not happy with him or herself they will never be happy with just one person..This is why they just keep looking for what they feel they are missing..
  • @momoerdengi
    That feeling when your partner cheated and you don't have the courage to leave him or her so you just dealt with the pain and live everyday asking questions about your worth. This pain is different from the cheating one-- living and seeing him everyday anticipating when will he or she do it again. Your videos are incredibly well done. No critique, thanks for doing this brian hacks online
  • If you are not happy just leave the relationship. There is no justification for cheating. If you are in a relationship you accept the boundaries. If you can’t respect boundaries then don’t enter into a relationship.
  • @MarcoDorian
    The way to become “another self” is not through cheating/flirting with others, but through self-development and self-awareness.
  • When I was a child about 6 or 7, my mom and dad divorced because he was having cheating behind her back. They had a terrible fight which I barely remember. When I got older about 15 or 16, I understood better what had happened. I made an early promise to myself that I would finish a relationship before I started another one. I understood that when one cheats, it hurts at least 3 people where there are no children and if you add children, you count each child as being hurt. That's also why I want trust in my relationships. It goes both ways. If I cheat, I lost her trust in me. If she cheats, I can't trust her. Anyways, I'm in a good relationship and happily married for 18 years.
  • "Secrets. Violation of an agreement." "It isnt that you want to leave your person, it is that you want to leave the person that you have become." She is brilliant.
  • @jbailey1898
    How does a married person with children get past those commitments enough to cheat? I've never understood this. Even when I was really struggling in my relationship with my husband, I couldn't cheat on my children! It wasn't fair for them to be dragged into a terrible storm I would have created if I had cheated. I am so happy that I was faithful to my family. My husband and I got through the rough times and now we're so happy and our relationship is stronger than ever. We stayed faithful to our family and it has made all the difference. I didn't always see it, but now I see that my husband is my perfect match. He is another version of myself because of his loyalty and commitment to our family. The best relationships come after years of working together and loving and supporting each other through hard times.
  • @Burps___
    This guest is extraordinarily well spoken.
  • @carlosalford
    - Interviewer: this is how you stop your partner from cheating - Relationship's Expert: you can't
  • @yuanyingmona804
    I'm truly impressed that she mentioned the Chinese word of Crisis. She is incredibly intelligent and I really found comfort listening to her opinions.