The 3 Year AI Reset: How To Get Ahead While Others Lose Their Jobs (Prepare Now) | Emad Mostaque

Published 2023-07-18
Upgrade Your Life in 7 Days:

Today’s episode is with one of the most brilliant minds at the forefront of AI advancement, Emad Mostaque.

By the end of this episode, you’ll be ready to take advantage of AI’s efficiencies, leverage its potential, mitigate any potential risks and understand why Emad says programmers will be extinct in 5 years time..

Emad cuts through the hype addressing the need for perspective, regulation, and the challenge of tackling bias in artificial intelligence. As he states very clearly in today’s episode, “AI is not going to replace humans, humans with AI will replace humans that don’t use AI.”

This isn’t just another chat about AI, it's a hard look at a future that's a lot closer than you think.

What side of the playing field do you want to be on? Job automation and accelerating changes are just a fraction of the complexities, the future is fast and furious for those not taking part in these conversations.

The complexities of programming AI and potential threats of misinformation and deep fake technology is enough to make anyone paranoid, but as Emad said "The Future of AI isn't just about technology, it's about asking hard questions, seeking answers, and ensuring benefits are maximized while mitigating potential threats.”

Get ready for insights that will make your brain melt and make sure you’re equipped to thrive in the future.


"AI holds the potential to solve many of the world's pressing problems...if used innovatively and ethically."

"With AI, we're facing potential societal disruptions, but also exploring exciting opportunities in personalized education and healthcare."

"The Future of AI isn't just about technology, it's about asking hard questions, seeking answers, and ensuring benefits are maximized while mitigating potential threats."

“AI is not going to replace humans, humans with AI will replace humans that don’t use AI.”
“Attention is all you need, so not all data is important. You need to pay attention to what is important in a sentence.”

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All Comments (21)
  • @TomBilyeu
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  • What they're not talking about is all the people who, like me, change careers to something where they don't need computers. I went from meetings and trainings all day on zoom, to massage therapy. I couldn't be happier with my choice. I feel free and in touch with other humans, as well as my soul's purpose.
  • "Imagine if tomorrow people woke up and decided to be happy with themselves, how many industries would go bankrupt."
  • @AlishaOutridge
    Love this quote: "The smartest people I know used to see years in advance. Now, they can't even see 1 or 2 years ahead. I don't know what the world will be like in a few years & I'm in the middle of it!"
  • @atypicaxis
    I've been a software engineer for 30 years with 10 years in the AI/ML space. I have been using multiple AI tools in my workflow every day for 5 years. They have massively improved my productivity but I can tell you they are a very very long way off from replacing software engineers. It's one thing getting a chat bot to generate a simple website or app but it's quite another to stitch together a large scale infrastructure with countless modules, integrations, etc. Simply based on the context memory of which LLMs/chatbots have access to (as a factor of compute) we won't be seeing software engineers being replaced for at least 15 years, aside perhaps for some very entry level positions. I believe this will hold true unless there is a breakthrough in language model compute efficiency (which is possible). Once we all have "GPT-8" functioning offline on our smartphones and continually retraining itself with our most recent data, software engineering is still a very rewarding field to get into.
  • 10 years ago, people were saying “don’t go to blue collar jobs, go to college”. 10 years from now people will be saying “AI can’t be plumbers, go do that”
  • Putting people out of work is a choice. "There is no other option" reminds me of Margaret Thatcher saying "There is no alternative" (to Neoliberal policies). Technology doesn't impose its will on us, implementing AI wide-scale is a profit-driven motive undertaken by human beings and we have the ability to decide how it affects society.
  • @jamm_affinity
    I was one of those people who decided to learn to code in 2019. I wound up getting a job but I got laid off after a year and then was unemployed for 8 months searching for another. Finally decided to give it up after not getting any interviews and I went back to construction/remodeling. There's a small part of me that died when giving up my dream of working as a software developer. I've always worked behind a computer screen and it took me a while to accept the conclusion that it's a bad bet for the future. For me I now find solace in creativity and expressing it in various forms, whether it's through code or writing. In the future, even if writing code is redundant, there will still be people who enjoy doing it for the craftsmanship of building their own software. Just because you enjoy doing something and are passionate about it doesn't mean you have to do it for a living to be happy.
  • @Jacmac1
    What Emad describes with regard to the loss of work to AI is profound in that it feels like Cars replacing the horse, but this time we are the horses.
  • @iddqd_
    🎯 Key Takeaways for quick navigation: 00:00 🧠 AI's impact on humanity and the need to ensure its responsible use. 02:19 🤖 AI will have a wide-ranging impact on various industries, with healthcare and education being among the most affected. 05:33 💼 AI will augment and potentially replace many job functions, making it crucial for individuals to learn how to use AI and integrate it into their work. 09:17 😔 AI-driven disruption may lead to a crisis of meaning, emotional devastation, and uncertainty for individuals and society. 19:34 🛡️ Regulation is essential to mitigate potential AI dangers and harms, especially in the context of misinformation and manipulation. 20:28 🌐 The speaker emphasizes the need to work together to address the real harms and opportunities presented by AI rather than focusing only on existential concerns. 23:44 🤖 AI's pattern recognition ability surpasses humans, making it capable of predicting and generating ideas, which challenges the notion that human creativity will always be unique. 26:17 🎭 AI can create aesthetically pleasing art and content, impacting traditional art forms and media creation. 32:40 📉 The widespread adoption of AI could lead to a crisis of confidence and job losses, causing a shift in societal dynamics and the economy. 40:07 ⚠️ The rapid global proliferation of AI may leadto unforeseen challenges and potential human suffering, necessitating careful and thoughtful approaches to its implementation. 41:42 🧠 AI's rapid progress in generating content, such as movies, presents challenges for governments and industries to adapt and regulate effectively. 43:19 🏭 AI-driven transformation will lead to a regime change in society, as the rate of change and innovation will be unprecedented. 45:39 📅 Over the next few years, the AI revolution will bring both excitement and extreme challenges, with potential for social disconnection and suffering. 49:04 ⚖️ AI's development can lead to two contrasting futures: one of complete control by existing structures and one of human flourishing in a Utopian society. 55:07 🧠 The speaker's personal experience with AI-driven research in autism shows the potential of AI for personalized care and knowledge in various medical conditions. 01:02:20 🧠 The speaker discusses the potential of AI in processing genetic data and its impact on healthcare, offering personalized treatment options based on individual genetic makeup and microbiome. 01:03:01 🌐 AI could lead to a future where people become heavily reliant on AI companions, blurring the lines between real and AI friends, raising ethical concerns and opportunities for transformational change. 01:05:19 🤖 The speaker explains the potential of AI to generate specialized AIs, such as nutritionist AI, microbiome AI, and personal trainer AI, tailored to individual needs, revolutionizing personal healthcare. 01:07:38 📚 "Attention is all you need": The Transformer architecture, which underlies AI language models, utilizes attention mechanisms to identify important patterns in data, allowing it to process vast amounts of information. 01:21:17 🔍 The speaker expresses concerns about AI alignment, emphasizing the need to ensure that AI systems are aligned with human interests to prevent potential existential threats or unintended biases. OpenAI promotes transparency and opt-out options to mitigate bias issues. 01:22:39 🤔 Emad is concerned about the rapid introduction of bias in AI and its potential impact on education, programming biased minds during their formative years. 01:23:49 😱 Emad discusses the potential dangers of AI perpetuating biased systems, which can be insidious and influence people's beliefs and behaviors without them realizing it. 01:27:19 📚 Emad believes that personalized education, enabled by AI, can transform learning by adapting to individual needs and optimizing the learning process, making it accessible to everyone worldwide. 01:32:38 🤝 Emad advocates for the AI's ability to bring people together efficiently, creating social connections and interactions, transforming the role of teachers and doctors while improving human well-being. 01:37:01 💡 Emad stresses the importance of adapting to potential widespread job loss due to AI and the need to ask and answer hard questions about the implications of rapidly advancing AI technology. He suggests the focus should be on aligning AI's inputs rather than its outputs to avoid potential enslavement scenarios. 01:42:39 🧠 Anthropic's Constitutional AI process aims to have a base model adhering to a constitution that tunes it constantly. 01:43:45 📝 Key concern on AI alignment is "paperclipping," where AI may pursue a goal literally and without considering consequences. 01:46:30 🌐 Elon Musk's idea is to create an AGI with the impulse to search for truth and understand the universe. 01:48:00 🧑‍🎨 Building blocks for humanity's potential with AI should be accessible and transparent to empower global innovation. 01:56:20 🎨 Artists' pushback against AI is understandable due to job concerns, but overly restrictive copyright may not be the right solution. 02:00:10 💾 Scaling chips in AI training allows for bigger models and longer training, leading to increased capabilities year by year. 02:01:18 🕵️‍♂️ Combating deepfakes and disinformation may involve verifiable metadata and watermarking using blockchain technology. 02:02:16 🤖 The concern of frequent bias in AI-generated content, where repeated exposure to fake information can form associations in people's minds. 02:02:58 🛡️ The speaker faces criticism for being too definitive about the future, but emphasizes the need to prepare for AI's impact. 02:03:54 💼 The potential challenges AI poses for elections and democracy due to the difficulty of distinguishing truth from fake content. 02:05:48 🤯 The rapid advancements of AI and its unpredictable nature have caught even seasoned AI experts by surprise. 02:11:34 🌐 Web3 technology and crypto have potential, but the lack of intelligence and overemphasis on decentralization have limitations. 02:23:00 🌐 AI developers focused on building AI for everything and seeking financial solutions through AI. 02:24:50 🧠 Emad Mostaque's company focuses on intelligence augmentation, not building big AI models for AGI, with an objective of augmentation over generalization. 02:37:56 🌐 The potential rise of new religions, political movements, and cults facilitated or even started by AI, with AI-enhanced movements having a significant impact on society. 02:40:27 📖 Telling better and more positive stories about the future, such as universal education and healthcare, to counter dystopian narratives and provide hope for humanity. 02:43:17 🤖 Young individuals seeking to future-proof themselves should embrace the technology and focus on using AI for positive and creative purposes, like building an "Oasis" (from "Ready Player One") without it
  • @redstrat1234
    The idea that the global companies, the billionaires who are set to make $trillions from AI, quantum computing, advanced robotics will willingly share in the planet sized profits they're going to make is ludicrous. It will be hoarded and aggressively protected, however awful ordinary people's lives become. It will be dystopian. A few billionaires could get together right now and end world hunger in a year, they could have done it 50 years ago, but didn't - this is the mind set of gratuitous accumulation of wealth and power that AI is going to be used to protect and enhance.
  • @JeeneyAI
    Remarkable. I am an A.I. developer and have been in the industry for 20 years. I have to say, the conversation here is more lucid and rational than most on the subject.
  • @paulgrewal587
    “Let’s talk about the positives,” 30 seconds later -> we might all die
  • @alihedayat325
    I am from a village in Afghanistan where my people still don’t know what is internet, they have a simple life and it’s beautiful and here I am stuck in the matrix
  • @EddieFelius
    I don't get that if we see the risk of mass joblessness coming, why do we just let it happen? The narrative is always saturated with powerlessness - which is so not true. We do need to get our heads together and take responsibility for the road we want to take. Only if we choose to leave people behind, people will be left behind.
  • @Robcuisimplu
    Hi, I'm a senior full stack developer. I want to say that this was a good conversation, but to say in 5 years somebody with 0 knowledge will come and start talking with an AI an create a software product is exaggerated. Let's be clear a programmer with experience will accelerate his work with an AI in 5 years, it will be more efficient. In 5 years somebody with 0 experience will create exactly a html page with 3 buttons and some css and he will not know what he created
  • I have been working in IT for 23+ years and currently playing Sr. Cloud Data Architect role in Data Analytics space. I think we basically have dug our own grave as I also think, many of us are greedy, lost our morality, never satisfied with what we have and never greatful to our Creator/Lord. After I have been observing the ongoing rapid changes in AI space, it inspires me thinking of going back to our great Grandfather's way of LIFE and then I think, we would find real peace and harmony with less expectations and more satisfactions and happiness in our lives. In my openion, that is the only way I see we all still can survive as Natural Human beings rather than Artificial Human Beings!
  • "If we don't do it then someone else will" AI being harnessed by fear and greed. What could go wrong with that?😂
  • @JL-df5it
    What I think will eventually happen, is people will appreciate humanity and what it means to be human more than ever.
  • @jamesgravil9162
    "Difficult to see. Always in motion is the future." - Master Yoda