My Gymnasticbodies Journey - 30 Rep Wall Handstand Runs

Publicado 2017-02-26
Handstand Series, Freestanding Handstand, Preparatory Exercise 8, 30 Rep Wall Handstand Runs, Step 1 of 9, 3 sets of 6 reps, with associated mobility, Prone Undergrip Dislocate with Weight bar for 3 sets of 5 reps.

Always great to start a new progression and learn a new body movement! Challenge yourself and the mundane, lopsided, antiquated notions of exercises out there.…

#Gymnasticbodies #gymastics #gbathlete #gst #gymnasticstrengthtraining #handstand #calisthenics #functionaltraining #balance

Todos los comentarios (2)
  • You are a gold mine. Just starting that same journey you started. Somebody gave my Foundation + Handstand as a list for free, so I have to look up the exercises online. I hope you are using proper form, Gabriel!