Amazing Spider-Man #25 Honest Comic Review / Marvel Comic Book Review

Published 2023-05-10
Amazing Spider-Man #25 fills in some blanks but Mary Jane is still with Paul, still has a family and everyone still hates Peter Parker / Spider-Man. Oh well, maybe Amazing Spider-Man #26 will make things better? Doubt it, but thank you for watching my review of Amazing Spider-Man 25 and let me know what you think!

Writer: Zeb Wells
Artist: John Romita Jr.
Publisher: Marvel Comics
Release Date: May 10, 2023
Cover Price: $6.99

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All Comments (21)
  • @jfugate1
    You guys should add a “Paul” category to your rating system, with it actually being worse than zero.
  • Unless Paul is who dies next issue I’m sure no one will be smiling at the end of it lol
  • Jesus Christ. I guess Zeb Wells might actually need that security he was talking about because after reading this mess...
  • @superjlk_9538
    Why? Why would MJ refuse to leave him? She has known Peter for half his life. They lived as a married couple despite not being married.
  • @shadowfox8425
    Honestly Renew your vows is the closest we'll get to Peter and MJ being a happy couple
  • @bombermanefx
    I always wondered why she dumped Peter for Paul, and it was because he was LITERALLY THE LAST MAN ON EARTH! Though I think even though she still truly loves Peter, l think that she is staying with him more out necessity than love do to those kids. Plus, I don't think she told him the whole truth in order to protect. Maybe this is all an act as they have never been seen kissing throughout the whole run so far. Only hugging, calling each other cute names and hugging. But we'll learn more about that next issue.
  • @TevyaSmolka
    I hate this book its so bad and a complete trainwreck and garbage and frankly not fun to read whatsoever, which is just wrong and mess up on so many levels that it ain't even funny but just sad and depressing and also proves to me that Marvel comics just don't care about Peter parker and Mary jane relationship or there marriage to be restored, no instead of doing what we all want marvel just wants us Spidey fans to suffer 24/7 and frankly I have reached my breaking point with this garbage to the point that I hate to say it maybe its time for us fans to drop the main asm book and have the sales tank for marvel comics to finally get the message that we don't want this garbage in the main asm book but that's just my opinion.
  • I know what you mean with your sentiment of wanting to be happy after reading ASM. I extend that to all comics I read. I read them to be entertained. I want to feel entertained. Sadly, it's becoming more and more difficult to find comics that give me that feeling these days.
  • I dropped ASM after Dark Web, it's only because of your, Wes' videos or posts on Instagram that I know what is going on with Spidey and it feels like I made the right choice when I stopped reading. Hang in there, Jim! Even though I don't read Amazing anymore, I know how you feel. Daredevil has been a letdown for a while, but I'm still reading it because I love Daredevil and the run is almost over so I might as well finish it.
  • Great review, Jim. This series reminds me of an old Garbage song, "pour your misery down on me, pour your misery down on me!"
  • 5:50 my favorite panel. It kills me when I hear the word "scribble man" or "mad mathematician." MJ spent time with Paul, the time that Peter deserved and the editorial punk'd the fans and the characters. Peter and MJ were in the friendzone in Dan Slott's run and I still hated it. Zeb Wells and the editorial teamed up to ruin Peter's relationship with the Avengers and the Fantastic Four, given their current runs - they're not doing so well either sooo karma, yeah. Mary Jane looking older than Peter made me feel too hopeless for them to get together because Marvel is flipping the bird to the Peter and MJ fans who btw are the majority! The only way to get them together is to give MJ's youth back, send the kids to an orphanage and kill off Paul - which is impossible IF there aren't any Paul/MJ fans which they could exist. Stockholm's Syndrome is a serious problem, MJ could've went to a therapist after all this dimension BS but if she dies in the next issue, I won't care because the editorial killed it sooner last year of the first issue of this 6th volume. Goodbye, MJ, it's been really nice and all. As for Peter, he needs to fully move on and meet someone new not be with Felicia, who's more into having fun rather than settling down like it's the 2010s again!
  • If Marvel were going to rip off the “Whatever Happened to” title they should have the decency to actually try to make something to emulate those wonderful stories. “Distinguished Competition”, indeed!
  • This is Marvel saying, hey we know you all loved One More Day, so here’s One More Day Pt2!
  • Honestly, with the route they're going with Peter and MJ, she's got a lot of nerve calling on Peter for help about Emissary's return. Peter did his part; he brought MJ home, as well as her new family at a great price, and is now forbidden from being in her life since she's devoted herself to Paul and the kids. What more does Peter owe Mary Jane?? I know as Spider-Man, he'll deal with this issue as part of his great responsibility, but really, what right does she have to ask Peter for help?
  • There is just no end to how awful they can make this comic book be. Take years and years of established character development and just throw it in the trash for a plot so bad, I quit buying it.
  • @austinmedz98
    I’m not a fan of the art work and the story… I hope things change real soon because I’m dreading this run of ASM
  • @xboxgamer3389
    Bless you Jim cause I couldn’t keep reading After your review of Batman 900 I went and read my copy and it felt more enjoyable than Spider-Man I heard Chip was going to continue on Batman for Another 2 years Maybe his Daredevil exit will give him extra focus for Batman I don’t know what the future is for Amazing Spider-Man but if I’ve been following the Nick Spencer and Wells runs like with the almost MJ marriage I don’t like the idea of writers just making the last run feel pointless cause another wants to do their own thing Cause it would be like if Spy x Family waited until volume 6 to be like everything before this means nothing volume 6 a year later is when everything matters all that investment you felt at the beginning not carrying forward bit frustrating
  • @mellyk9123
    My question is how the hell are they so ripped. Where the hell did they get the protein in a post-apocalyptic world.