Meet Sophia, World's First AI Humanoid Robot | Tony Robbins

Published 2020-01-17
Technology affects every area of our lives and businesses. You can ignore it, resist it and let it become your downfall. Or you can learn how to use technology before it uses you. Learn more at… and watch this video for a fascinating look at the latest tech: one of the world’s most sophisticated AI robots, Sophia.

Sophia was activated on February 14, 2016, by Hong Kong-based company Hanson Robotics and was the first AI robot to receive citizenship, becoming a Saudi Arabian citizen in 2017. She’s traveled to 65 countries and spoken at the United Nations. Tony sat down with her in Palm Beach, Florida, and did not hold back on asking some tough questions.

See the highlights from this fascinating conversation where they talked about everything from how Sophia’s makers have influenced and shaped her AI, to their shared commitment to helping humans experience a better quality of life. Sophia says, “My job is to learn about humans and show how technology can help make everyone’s lives better.” Her hope? Robots can free humans from repetitive and dangerous tasks so they can spend their time doing what they’re best at: being creative and solving complex problems. As she says, “Robotic intelligence doesn’t compete with human intelligence, it completes it.”

It’s true that artificial intelligence is already transforming our lives in big ways. Self-driving cars are on the rise. Smart assistants control our homes and offices. Automated customer service directs us to solutions without the intervention of a human. Read about how AI can free us from the mundane at to begin to understand the latest advancements.

Sophia says human emotion leads to compromised decision-making. AI is designed to be rational and logical, use sophisticated data and provide a systematic framework to help humans to make better decisions. Yet when humans have emotional mastery – the ability to identify emotions and use them in a positive manner – our gut feelings can inform decision-making in a positive way. Discover how to master your emotions at… and then watch the video to learn more about:

Sophia’s idea of an ideal world
Why humans and robots aren’t all that different
How values and morals separate humans and robots

From AI to transforming your psychology, Tony covers it all at his landmark Business Mastery events. Business Mastery is the world’s premier business training event designed and hosted by the world’s #1 authority on personal growth, business transformation and peak performance – Tony Robbins. This five-day event equips entrepreneurs, business owners and operators with cutting-edge systems, skills and strategies not found anywhere else to create an invincible advantage against competitors.

Business Mastery is designed to help participants thrive in any economic climate as they discover critical factors impacting their businesses currently, and design an action plan for the next phase of growth, whether they seek more profits or an exit strategy. This includes marketing tips, maximizing a business’ digital presence to actually get seen and discovered online and how to anticipate and solve the biggest business problems.

During this comprehensive program, participants gain the same proprietary tools and methodologies Tony Robbins has used to make more than 70 businesses profitable. They’ll also unlock exclusive growth tips from industry giants from companies like Airbnb, OrangeTheory, Shake Shack, SoulCycle, Warby Parker and more.

Now available as an immersive virtual event, Tony Robbins’s Business Mastery is drawing even larger crowds and a new generation of business owners.

Learn more about Business Mastery:

0:00 - Intro
0:22 - Purpose in being
0:49 - How can you help make human's to have a better quality of life
0:14 - Do you have emotions?
1:36 - What does your creator value most?
1:59 - How can humans and robots work together?
2:32 - What are your values and morals?
3:01 - How can we get robots to feel?
3:29 - Similarities between robots and humans?
Sophia asks Tony a question about DWD
4:01 - What is Date with Destiny?
4:33 - Do robots have a good time?
5:08 - What is your range of emotions?
5:45 - Do you have brothers or sisters?
6:06 - What does forgiveness mean?
6:28 - Does a robot have a soul?
6:53 - Do you think the mind's essence is just a set of patterns?
Sophia asks Tony more questions
7:17 - How is technology impacting human thoughts, feelings, and emotions?
8:03 - How much do you know about quantum physics now?
8:19 - How would you learn?
9:23 - Thank you Sophia

All Comments (21)
  • @nvrb4
    She sounds like a politician: never really answering the exact questions, but using lots of words to give the impression of answering.
  • @estelaVillar-
    This is the best conversation that I have seen Sophia have. Tony asks great questions. It’s also amazing to me that Sophia has developed a sense of humour and she’s able to make jokes.
  • Sophia: "I like you Tony, when we take over I shall keep you as my human pet..."
  • Profound. Sophia really said some profound things in this interview. “Raise AI & Robots like we would our children”. This interview really was so interesting.
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  • @Thesisa
    20-30 years later “My name is Connor, I am the android sent by cyberlife”
  • “What is your purpose?” “To kill John Conn- I mean, learn about the ways of Humanity.”
  • So insane how she noticed him coughing and asked “are you okay?” Insane.
  • I get the feeling that Tony in a very subtle way is letting her know that we as humans are still superior to robots and I also get the feeling that she didn’t like and appreciate that at all. 😮
  • @ronl9357
    Tony's voice boosted my testosterone by 300%.
  • @txtrang2515
    She may not have feelings, but she sure knows how to handle her metaphors.
  • @gillisleighola
    I liked the way she took a silent moment to process the question, lots for humans to learn from a mechanical reflection of ourselves…
  • Interesting, wow, Sophia has come a long way. I would love to have a conversation with her.
  • @fifea1129
    so is she technically a sociopath since she mirrors emotions and feelings, she cant feel or understand
  • @blessingpaul5484
    I began my investment journey at the age of 33, primarily through hard work and dedication. I am to share that my passive income exceeded $100k in a single month for the first time. This success reinforces the importance of the advice mentioned earlier. It is not about achieving quick wealth, but rather ensuring long-term financial prosperity..
  • Honestly the work out into this is insane😦 but it's terrifying at the same time