The Third Aliyah (1918-1921)


Maps by Omniatlas:


Sir Thomas Haycraft
Palestine: Disturbances in May, 1921…
[28] p. 19-21
[29] p. 23
[30] p. 24-25
[32] p. 47-49
[34] p. 30-31
[35] p. 33-34
[36] p. 35

Shmuel Katz
The Aaronsohn Saga
[10] p. 321-331

Thomas Edward Lawrence
Faisal-Weizmann Agreement
United Nations

League of Nations
Charter of the League of Nations
[8] Article 22

Timothy J. Paris
Britain, the Hashemites and Arab Rule, 1920-1925
[19] p. 32

Susan Pedersen
The Guardians: The League of Nations and the Crisis of Empire
[6] p. 23
[7] p. 27
[13] p. 37

Tom Segev
One Palestine, Complete
[1] p. 39-43
[2] p. 22
[3] p. 85-89
[4] p. 101
[12] p. 119-121
[14] p. 122-124
[15] p. 132
[16] p. 127-128
[17] p. 134-137
[18] p. 139-141
[20] p. 142
[24] p. 108-109
[31] p. 177-179
[33] p. 181-182
[37] p. 194-195
[38] p. 186

Shabtai Teveth
Ben-Gurion: The Burning Ground 1886-1948
[21] p. 196
[22] p. 198-199
[23] p. 206-209
[25] p. 224-225
[26] p. 226-227
[27] p. 228

US Department of State
Papers Relating to the Foreign Relations of the United States, The Paris Peace Conference, Vol. 12…
[11] Document 380

US Department of State
Papers Relating to the Foreign Relations of the United States, The Paris Peace Conference, Vol. 19…
[9] Vol. 12, BC-41

0:00 Chaim Weizmann and the Zionist Commission
3:58 The Faisal-Weizmann Agreement
7:27 The Paris Peace Conference
14:07 Tel Hai
16:18 The Nebi Musa Riots
19:29 The San Remo Conference
22:44 Ahdut HaAvoda
25:57 The Assembly of Representatives
29:11 The Histadrut
31:57 The Jaffa Riots
37:44 One Palestine, Complete?

コメント (21)
  • @SamAronow
    NOTES – For those wondering about Democratic Centralism: – CORRECTION: Amin al-Husseini had red hair and blue eyes. I will fix this in future videos. – CLARIFICATION: The Assembly wasn't the Palestinian parliament, but rather more like the "Jewish Parliament" in the Ukrainian People's Republic. We'll get into it more next time. – There is some question as to the methodology of the King-Crane Commission's report. It certainly wouldn't be done the same way today. Even worse, there's a lot of subtext in that report suggesting that King and Crane abused the data they got in order to make conclusions that they thought Wilson wanted.
  • Erev Shabbat always get way better when there´s a new Sam Aronow video.
  • Man, you made Trumpeldor's story so compelling, it was sad to learn he was cut down at a relatively young age.
  • @Caniewaak
    30:17 I did not come into this expecting a steamed hams reference but I am so glad to have received it
  • This video is filled with so much "Boy, I hope that doesn't become a problem later on!" Haredi votes counting double takes the cake.
  • Just here to tell you all that Sam has a channel exclusively talking about Israeli elections from 1920 to 2019, called Elections Israel. And he never even told us about it
  • 19:10 I’m fairly certain this isn’t the last time we’ll be hearing from this al-Husseini…
  • I remember seeing a show, I think turkish, where Herzl is portrayed notably more insane than he actually was, but overall far more opposed to the Ottoman government than he actually was.
  • Trumpeldor was like the Steve Rogers of the Jewish cinematic universe. Very sad end.
  • @Jenksz
    At around 5:00 - important point of clarification - it was not clear that the state promised to the Hashemites included Palestine. That caused contention between the McMahon-Hussein Correspondence and the Balfour Declaration. McMahon himself said the following ""I feel it my duty to state, and I do so definitely and emphatically, that it was not intended by me in giving the pledge to King Hussein to include Palestine in the area in which Arab independence was promised."
  • @ingaman
    9:12 they're still trying to figure that one out :/
  • @vallraffs
    Comparing the map of the "Sharifian Solution" to the promised Hashemite Caliphate is pretty funny. Calling it a compromise seems generous.
  • what a tragedy for Trumpledore, such a fascinating life, living in many nations, fighting in many battlefield, influencing and creating new concept like Kibbutz system, only to die in the middle of nowhere in a forgotten engagement
  • Love your channel, much more informative and in-depth than anything in our school curriculum, keep up the good work
  • Hey Sam, I know you don't like Herzl, but to say "taken aback" is an exaggeration. Yeshe himself said that if he's read the "Autoemancipation" he wouldn't have attempted to write "Der Judenstaat", but in the introduction of the book itself Herzl writes that his idea is nothing but knew.
  • is it just me or did sam make a 40 minute video called the third aliyah without talking about the aliyah itself? 💀
  • Wow, this is extremely great stuff; I thirst for this kind of information! Thank you so much for this wonderful video!