Sheriff Bob Gualtieri Holds Press Conference to Discuss Updates on Fatal Crash

Publicado 2022-10-05

Todos los comentarios (11)
  • How to separate the microphone from the table? Every hit to the table makes noise to the recording. They have very sophisticated technique making those shadowing videos but a simple cushion is missing.
  • @MileyonDisney
    I LOVE ♥ your chase policy. I watch so many police chases over the silliest things, and people - innocent people - often end up hurt. Or dead.
  • @5ringsaudits
    I can't believe this made Daily dose of Internet. That kid gets over 3 million views every single time he posts a 3 min video.
  • @chadebushman
    The guy didn't care about his property? Perhaps he remembers the days that you could leave your keys in the car. We literally have neighborhoods to dangerous to walk through in this town! Apparently now spreading... You have all the military style weapons and surveillance, yet crime gets worse and worse. We can't clean up our communities when the cops sympathize with criminals to save face. The citizens collectively pay for law enforcement to enforce the LAWS, not whatever suits your need. Thanks for your opinion though:0/
  • @kj4ilk
    mmk not to be mean but.......ITS THREE dude's so now i don't care because it's guys now if it was girl then yeah i'd be really mad because girls need to stay alive
  • @jonbaker3865
    I wanna know why they started to chase with the helicopter there there was no need for the road pirates to even light them up
  • @lyonsdavid
    The vehicle owner negligently left the vehicle unlocked with the keys in the ignition should be charged with leaving a motor vehicle unsecured which in this case is a deadly weapon.