How To Beat EDEN & THE MONSTER In "Children of The Corn (2023)"


コメント (21)
  • the only reason why she was evil is because she was already dead. The the monster or how i like to call it the croot (corn groot) has fully taken her over and used her like a full body flesh/skin suit and messed with every kids mind waiting until it ran out of time. Thats what i got out of this
  • original is still way more scary in my mind. this reboot might look flashy with some good looking gore, but the intense psygologic horror in the original will always scare me way more.
  • about the end...can a monster stay defeated for once? Sure it got super predictable that the monster would loose in the end...nowadays, it's the opposite... every horror movie ends with "but the horror is not over yet...the monster is still alive" ... it became like the Squidward meme: Director: "and the movie ends with the monster open its eyes/claiming the protagonist's life" Squidward: "Daring today, aren't we?"
  • One flaw you have is assuming the adults in this movie would actually listen to you. I feel like (especially if you’re a teenager) the adults in this version of the movie are too full of themselves to want to listen to anyone else. One adult even threatened Eiden, not caring that she was the one who’d decide if they all die or not
  • I'm pretty sure this channel is getting a new voice to do some videos because of how often videos come out per week. It takes a lot of work behind the scenes to watch these films, script it, do the voicework, and edit it all together. The channel creator outsourcing stuff like editing or having another person do the voicework occassionally makes sense and gets the videos out on the days promised to viewers without burning out How To Beat as much.
  • Eating a piece of a demon corn monster doesn't really sound like a good idea especially since they were talking about toxic fungus earlier.
  • @hyzmarca2737
    Siding with the children is the obvious winning move. They're the winning team, after all. They trusted Bo. As long as she didn't betray them she was fine.
  • the original was my first horror movie I ever watched. I was 4. it's "corny" to watch now but no kids are creepier than Malachai & Issaac lol
  • I like our main man but I can see why he needs other guys to help him out. I think they just need to work on their delivery and their engagement to the script. I'm not totally opposed to them.
  • @LoganWH8
    Why did the weird mock trial have to be at night in the first place? Why was kidnapping their dad part of Bo’s plan?
  • As a Nebraskan this is just another weekend in most small towns
  • Much prefer the old commentator tbh, he nails the energetic spirit the new one doesn’t have
  • I feel like the adults had a freebie when they where released into the corn. Only one monster and as long as they stick near the edge, like as soon as they go in, turn left or right and walk parallel to the road, just exit a mile up and run to the nearest town for help.
  • @CoH696
    This is roughly how my friends and I played as kids. Only wooden formulas and tree houses are still missing. And yes... Such a group of kids would almost always end up splitting into two factions, kudos to Eden for keeping it cohesive.
  • A thing with the Urine-Soaked fabric. That works only in specific circumstances. Where the Ammonia in urine helps to counteract the gas. The fabric would help slightly to reduce the amount of gas, but not much. So i dont think that'd work