How my ADD was finally cured

Published 2018-06-10
Book is out - HOCUS FOCUS : Coming of age with ADD and its Medicines. -

A brief explanation of how I feel no longer afflicted by ADD by finding the work I was meant to do.

This is a part of my story of Adderall use, abuse and recovery. I hope this can help anyone else on the path of healing, learning and growing. Having taken amphetamines for most of my life and departing from them, I constantly am called to communicate with the ADD/ADHD community about what I have experienced, the impressions left on me and the perspective I have developed over time. I am learning so much and working toward better focus every day.

Thank you for watching.

Keep the conversation going!
How have you been afflicted by ADD, has finding a passion helped you focus? Do you take add drugs? How is that going? Are you trying to quit? ask me anything! I love this topic!
Let me know in the comments
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Note: This video does not dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of any technique as a form of treatment for medical problems without the advice of a physician, or qualified medical professional either directly or indirectly. In the event you use any of the information in this site for yourself, the publisher accepts no responsibility for your actions.

This advice cannot be applied to everyone and my words are no substitute for that of a professional. In my experience, in my life, these are the conclusions I was led to.

Here's the planner I use…

All Comments (7)
  • My son is three. He wants a tool box for Christmas lol. His Dad is a woodworker as a hobby. I will definitely pay attention to his strengths because a job can bring a lot of happiness. I use a planner and write what I'm doing for the next day. With some flexibility because I have a young child. My issuse is sometimes its hard to enjoy the things i plan because I feel so add off my medication. Im hoping I get better as the months go on. Im much better at being present now. When on the medication I felt Inhad to go go all the time and plan a million things. Love your advise.
  • You are too stinkin cute. Aside from your info, you can just tell that you're truly trying to help anyone who finds you. Thanks so much for your vids!
  • This is the video I needed to watch at this moment. Thank you x