Hypnosis to Overcome Fears & Phobias (1 Hour Hypnotherapy)

Publicado 2015-01-17
This is a guided self hypnosis and one hour hypnotherapy session for allowing you to overcome your habitual fears, panic attacks, phobias and long held anxiety. This session is useful for treating and overcoming all varieties of phobias, including:

Agoraphobia, arachnophobia, claustrophobia, social phobia, fear of heights, fear of animals / reptiles / insects, fear of germs, fear of flying, fear of injections, and fear of thunder and lightning.

This experience uses positive relaxation, spoken voice, music, guided imagery and an imagined therapeutic age regression technique to give you the mind tools to safely discover the original source and cause of your own subconscious pattern.

Once you have discovered and safely confronted the cause of your problem (whilst you remain relaxed and in control) you will find you are much more able to re-frame and remove those old fears, and to finally let go of your phobia or panic attack symptoms forever.

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I hope this session brings you a more relaxed, stress free and harmonious life - where you feel wonderfully confident, consciously calm, and powerfully in charge of your own brighter today and tomorrow.

Do not listen to this recording whilst driving or operating machinery.

Suitable for deep relaxation during the day or evening. The end of this session will give you the option to either drift away to deep sleep, or to return to your fully alert, energized awareness.

This recording is in no way a replacement for any prescribed medication; nor is it intended to contraindicate or supersede any medically diagnosed conditions. The author accepts no responsibility or liability for use of this material.

All hypnosis is self hypnosis. The power for positive change resides within your own mind. If you choose to accept the suggestions presented in this session, you can rest comfortably knowing that you are the one safely in control of your own positive results.

This channel uses positive voice suggestions, often accompanied with calm images, background sounds and meditation music, to allow you your very best state of relaxation, inner change, to remove negative blocks, and to create self guided healing therapy; with techniques from the fields of hypnotherapy, modern psychotherapy, trance work, guided relaxation, NLP, cognitive behavioural psychology, mindfulness meditation, and ASMR.

Peace & Enjoy

P.S. Please LINK & SHARE this video with those who you think might benefit from positive hypnosis and guided meditation. Thank you.


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Original footage and photography by Michael Sealey © 2014

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • This works!!! This helped me so much. I was afraid of planes and flying. And one day, I had to fly overseas all by myself. I was listening to this meditation for almost two weeks every night before my trip and I mastered the flights easily. Thank you so much.
  • @jen9269
    This is extremely effective. After one time of hearing this before bedtime I am now happy to say I no longer suffer from crippling fear! Thank you, this is miraculous.
  • @relaxingrain8395
    Thank you so very much for this Michael. You are a saint. And for anyone struggling with a debilitating mental illness just know you are not alone and you deserve to live a happy and fruitful life.
  • @TheNyteScrybe
    I can't believe this. I'm 57 years old and have had a full-blown phobia of mice my entire life. I don't remember any particular incident or influence. I've been pretty fortunate to have had very few encounters with them. This fall, though, as the weather got colder, a family of mice moved into our house (we live on 5 acres). My husband was on a camping trip with buddies this weekend, which meant I was home alone with my dog...and these hideous little creatures. I actually considered staying in a hotel...that's how bad my fear was. Instead, I bought some traps, but couldn't bring myself to even get them out of the package, much less set them where I knew the mice were. I was desperately looking for something to calm my nerves and found this video 3 days ago. Every night for the past 3 nights, I went to bed and listened to this video and fell asleep in the middle of it. I have never heard the whole thing. The first day (Friday) after the video, I forced myself to look at videos of mice and then got the traps out of the package. The second day (Saturday), I actually set the traps. That was huge for me. Within 2 hours I'd caught 2 mice. The next day ;(today, Sunday), I did something I would have never dreamed I could do. I actually looked at the traps and saw the mice. I picked them up with long tongs, unlocked them and let the dead mice into a bucket, and dumped the bucket into the woods. I then came in, reset the traps, and placed them again. All by myself. I was going to wait until my husband came home, but I did it. BY MYSELF. They haven't gone off again but if they do, I can handle it again. This is silly, I know, to other people who don't have this phobia (including my husband), but it was a HUGE deal to me. In three days, I went from walking around on furniture or carrying a broom and banging it on the floor to warn any mice of my approach, to trapping, killing, disposing of mice and then resetting traps. This video is the only one I watched. That's it. I knew something was going on even "listening" to it in my sleep because the first night, I dreamed I crushed a mouse with a stiletto heel. I wouldn't do that in real life, but the dream was significant. I'm not going to claim I'm ready to play with mice or even that I don't still hate them, but after 57 years, my fear of them has gone from a 10/10 to a 2/10 in three listens to this video, in three days..and again, I was asleep through most of it all three sessions. Thank you so much for this. I can't tell you what it means to me to have this all-consuming, albeit irrational fear...no longer plaguing me.
  • @jessicaeff139
    I am so grateful for this video. For the past seventeen years I have struggled with a debilitating automobile phobia- driving, riding, sometimes walking through a parking lot. For the past 8 hours I have been listening to this (I am on a road trip- riding of course- 2 hours to go!) and it kept me as calm as I could possibly be. Bless you man.
  • @drceno
    I'm ten.... And this is really helpful. I don't have phobias or conditions of fear. But things that I don't want to see can get in my mind and stay in there for weeks.
  • @lara1818
    results: i listened overnight and today they took my blood (i'm scared of needles) and i was so calm and didn't panic! I'm so happy and proud of myself💕
  • @testedhawk
    Thank you, I was unable to sleep at night due to paranoia, but thanks to you now I can sleep at night and be able to wake up refreshed and ready for the day
  • @little_tish8452
    I hope this video can help me. I have awful anxiety and social phobia. I'm unemployed, 34 and still living at home. I'd love to be able to let them all go. So I'm going to listen to this every night for the next week and see if it helps
  • @rosemead4310
    Listening to this as I suffer with agoraphobia and I have to go to the shop.. it doesn’t sound much but it’s terrifying 🥺Michael always calms me down so I thought I’d try this
  • @hannadiaz3489
    My heart is filled with joy by reading that so many of you have improved! I hope you all have a life full of blessings and miracles, full of happiness. You are never alone, you are loved, you are worth it. Never forget that <3
  • @timmy3489
    I found a guardian angel today..and that's you. It helps more than I believe. Every word of your has the deep calmness and security. Thanks and may god bless you.
  • @jadenjardine5505
    I’ve been dealing with a fear of driving ever since 5th grade when I got into a car accident with my grandfather and I’ve been scared to drive ever since, I listened to this 3 nights in a row and I actually enough courage to over come it and got behind the wheel and I’ve been driving for over a week now and hopefully going for my license soon!:) thank you Michael Sealey I don’t know how you do it but your amazing every video, you got a life long fan here❤️❤️
  • @mecme8350
    I would like to congratulate Michael on this hypnotherapy session. I have a fear of boats, the sea and I even get seasick whilst watching TV. Today was a huge challenge as I was taking my daughters on the ferry to the mainland to go see the new Avatar film. A double whammy! I put this session on loop last night whilst sleeping (I have used it a couple of times before) as a last ditch attempt to get through the day. The ferry crossing was a doddle. Bear in mind I can panic and need to get off, but I am surrounded by other cars making it impossible, or I am being sick! I even managed to watch the whole film without any issues at all and there is a lot of sea involved! Cue ferry trip number 2 and again, no problem . To say I am delighted is an under statement. The next step is to actually be able to swim in the sea with our children. If I continue to do so well with this hypnotherapy session, I should be splashing around by summer and able to go in the kayak we bought when we moved here. Xx
  • @stellaa9828
    Thank you Michael for saving so many people from so much stress, fear and anxiety, spreading peace and love... It's through your videos that I'm finally free of it all
  • @aceclya
    People suffering with emetophobia you’re not alone 🤗
  • @alisonduncan3578
    Wanted to Thank You, Michael! My whole family is listening to your recordings while we sleep each night. My husband and I for weight loss, exercise motivation and stress. I've dropped 92lbs, my husband 55. My son, who has autism, falls asleep no problem now, where it took hours some times without melatonin. He is also much more verbal, confident and sociable, because of your hypnotic suggestions helping him find his voice :D Thank you again!!
  • @queenbee2808
    This REALLY works! Last week I was scrolling through Facebook and came across a post with picture of clusters of holes and bumps. My skin immediately began to itch and crawl! Trypophobia had taken over my life. I could not get the image out of my head. While at work, I took benadryl to try to make the itching go away because I was so distracted by my crawling skin. but all it did was make me sleepy. Of course the benadryl didn't work because it was not an allergic reaction it was mental. I confided in a coworker and she told me about hypnotism. I listened to this and found that my phobia stemmed from childhood when I stepped in an ant bed and was bitten several times leaving small clusters of itchy bumps on my foot. Through hypnosis I am free and clear of trypophobia.
  • Ive been dealing with panic attacks with agorophobia, Fear, anxiety PTSD and other traumas for so long and dealing with health care personals that doesn't have me in there best interest can get so so tiresome I listen to a lot of Michael Seeley and I believe in hope health weath and happyness I'm a recovering alcoholic Also I believe in the power of faith and healing in my higher power and will pray for everyone here That you will learn and grow and heal I love you you are loved
  • @VendrediTarot
    Dear Michael, this experience was a reel success. I am feeling stronger now, and am smiling, even laughing. Thank you very very much! Best regards from Paris. Namaste.