Pokémon Violet - An Unsurprising Disappointment

Published 2023-01-08
How is Ed Sheeran not the worst part?

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Pokémon Scarlet and Violet are the byproduct of endless greed at the cost of quality. Despite there being some good parts to them there is no way that I can recommend them to anyone, especially not fans of the series that would like to see it improve. These games are supremely disappointing but the series has been on a downward spiral for years so that isn’t very surprising. As a kid who grew up playing these games every chance I could get, it’s disappointing to see the series continue to put out lackluster titles. I hope that GameFreak and Nintendo can find a way to put out quality titles in the future but considering the sales figures, I don’t think that will ever end up happening.

DISCLAIMER: If you liked the game I’m glad that you did. I go pretty hard on the game but if you are able to look past the issues and enjoy them, continue to enjoy them.

0:00 - Intro
1:16 - The Good Stuff
5:11 - Presentation and Performance
7:52 - What a Terrible World…
10:06 - I love reading boring dialog
11:00 - SPOILER! The world still sucks
14:05 - The Battles
19:49 - Conclusion

All Comments (21)
  • @tatu9805
    I have had diarrhea every day for eight years.
  • @brimstoner982
    I swear the entire region looks like a vrchat world
  • @AxelWedstar411
    If anyone called a Pokémon game a "Hidden gem", I'd have to question their understanding of what the word 'Hidden' means.
  • To be fair about the camera in battles, if you press R3 the camera resets to the default camera angle and starts doing the usual shot changes and movements. Of course, since you can battle anywhere, this will often cause the camera to break through the geometry and give you a peek at the endless white void.
  • @PrismOpal64
    The next gen pokemon game could be a literally unplayable mess that doesn't even work past the title screen, and it will still sell millions of copies. Why should they ever try to be better when there are MILLIONS of people who will buy no matter what?
  • @superdajoka
    One thing that frustrates me is that whenever I try to criticize this game on twitter, a lot of people come after me saying that I'm "complaining over a kids game", and they act like I am a big bad bully. And then of course, they proceed to do the same thing that they tell me to stop with other games (which is fine, but it is hypocritical) I just want this franchise to do better quality wise, and kids deserve better.
  • @atdynax
    And Game Freak said it themselves, why do more as necessary? It sells anyways. These games will only change if we don't buy them. If you need to buy them just wait until you get them used. I bought them because of the Pokédex, but now that i know that i get them through Pokémon Go, i can wait.
  • @Maartwo
    Paldea is the blandest region ever in Pokemon games history. Looks like a steam early access open world game it has the same performance as one.
  • @darklogh9715
    I've been playing pokemon since pokemon red on the game boy and for the first time in my life I had to force myself to even launch the game and it hurts so bad, fan games are unironically what keeps this franchise alive right now
  • That conclusive statement couldn't make me laugh any harder now that Palworld exists.
  • @Nel_Annette
    A year later and I'm still in disbelief at this release. I think my jaw was perpetually dropped the first few hours just because of how bad everything looked and felt. We had BD/SP in late 2021. They should have saved Legends Arceus for Nov. 2022 so IT could be the big holiday game and developed S/V another year and had it come out this November. What a shame. At least a lot of the character designs rock and the music slaps. I can still count on Pokemon for that much.
  • at this point im just expecting a downgraded experience with any newer pokemon games, the only thing i look forward too in these games are the new pokemon added. atleast the pokemon design/concept department hasn't fallen into despair unlike basically every other department
  • @dwest84
    The fan disappointment has never been so widespread and exigent as it was this time. And yet, they won't course correct at all. The next game will STILL just be a bit further on the downward slope they've been on. They're laughing, cuz they're serving us crap and know that we'll keep paying for it.
  • @ScizzyGibbler
    I would pay an unhealthy amount of money for a dark and mature pokemon game where you take on the mob in some gritty classic 1920's scenerio filled with pain and loss but an ultimately victorious adventure narrated by a beaten soul like that of Rorschach in the Watchmen .
  • I'm totally out of the pokemon scarlet and violet loop P.s: to the people that like to say that pokemon fans got what they wanted, don't complain when the waiter brings your food completely burned
  • @giganticmoon
    Remember that Nintendo only publishes the game, they don’t develop it. They don’t put on these restrictions, they only allow it. It’s not entirely their fault, it’s multiple companies. (ppl are still gonna get it so it doesn’t really matter.)
  • Paldea is the epitome of "Crocodile Street" from Bruno schulz, where everything trying to copy something bizarre and amazing, but feels empty and fake
  • @mattb6522
    I have to completely agree. I finished the entire story in Scarlet and while it was OK, it just didn't feel like a "complete" experience. The whole game kind of felt like a tech-demo for a full release. I don't know how this game got the green light to get released in this state. This shows that The Pokémon Company doesn't really care about the game quality. The game was released way too prematurely to get out for the holiday season. I actually feel bad for the developers as I'm sure they worked themselves half to death to meet the deadlines even just to get this build out. I initially was going to skip playing Scarlet/Violet as I had skipped Sword/Shield after hearing how mediocre they were. Looking back, I probably should have saved my $60 and put it towards a much better game. All in all, I didn't hate this game, but it just felt lackluster. Unfortunately, people vote with their wallets, so I agree that I don't see the quality of the games vastly improving in the near future. Pokémon is a merchandising dynamo.