Beginner's Guide To Identifying Different Forms of Antique Photographs

One if the most common things I see out picking or on eBay is the misidentified photo.

So here's a quick and simplified guide to visually identifying the most common forms of antique photographs. When you're out antique picking, this could help you quickly identify what you're looking at.

There are discernable differences between Daguerreotypes, Ambrotypes, and tintypes.

This is mainly for unexperienced and new collectors.

コメント (10)
  • Awesome video! I’ve lived my whole life with ghosts of past family members in the formats of photography you’ve gone through here. I’m lucky enough to have hundreds of photographs and have been able to identify the people and times they were taken in almost all of them. It helps that I had lots of documentation handed down too. It’s fascinating! Thank you!
  • Thanks for this. I just purchased my camera. I’ll be taking tin types and posting soon
  • @sonder2164
    Do you happen to know date ranges for each type?
  • How can you tell an ambrotype if you’re not able to take it out of the frame? I noticed it has a similar “negative” appearance like the daguerreotype. Is the mirrorlike appearance of the daguerreotype just much more pronounced? I own some daguerreotypes and tintypes but I don’t know if I’ve ever seen an ambrotype.