pov: u learn to enjoy life

☾ contact me if u have any problem or are the author of the image in the video.: [email protected]

コメント (21)
  • Was depressed , but finally recovering because I stopped thinking to much about others, just following my own path
  • Advices from a young 18yo man, never regret, never hesitate, never lie, life will always be grateful to you, either you believe in god or not, life will be grateful if you live it nicely, be kind, always respectful, always help this old lady crossing the road, give this 5 bucks to charity even if no one sees it, we do not care, do it for yourself and the love around you. And never forget, be the one, be the one you would have liked to meet, and considered a hero during your childhood... love life, be strong
  • You don’t always have to worry about tomorrow, you deserve to take the time to enjoy today.
  • @NoahLukens
    28 years old. You can reinvent yourself as many times as it takes. It DOES get better. Love those around you. Allow yourself to be loved. Believe in hope. See the beauty in your life. Go into nature more. Care for yourself as you would others. You deserve the same kindness from yourself that you give to others.
  • Since I’m seeing tons of comments talking about life advice, I’ll give my own too. I turned 18 around a week ago, and i am heading to college in a few months just like most people would (to study medicine in my case). If i were to give one word of advice, it would be to take things slow. The world moves fast, and it never hurts to just stop and take a breath. Take in your surroundings and notice the people who are there for you, and the people you love. Enjoy them while you can. If you are going through something, just think of those people and how it’s maybe not as bad as you picture it. If you have no one to think of, maybe it’s better that way for now, until you find the right people/person. If you are reading this, please take care.
  • Just went into the forest and played this music while hiking and it was the most peace I’ve had in a long time. Def reccomend and pray for everybody’s success
  • i'm below 18, but more mature than most my age. i always find peace in even the negative things, and i'm never one to really hold grudges. i focus on my own path and life, and not care about opinions of others. i prioritise my mental health and this playlist is how i usually feel lmao. well wishes to everyone in the comment section <3
  • @vyc105
    I pray for everyone here♡
  • @hantusha
    remember that you are more than what you think, achieve your goals, make your parents proud, keep praying to Alllah SWT and i hope one day we will all meet again in jannah my brothers. theres more to life than just one person. they are not worth your time, pain and efforts. You are valuable and you matter. one day it will come to you naturallly. Allah is the best of planners ❣
  • Advise from a 23 yo guy. It will pass. You can and you will get over it. Focus on your self first. Pursue your passion. Exercise while you're young because as you grow older, your body will start to hurt in areas you neglected.
  • @jess-xf3cl
    I'm 22 and all i can say to all those teens out there is to love someone, something. Stop giving a damn to anyone coz everyone's already dealing with their own shit so might as well deal with yours. Don't stop loving your parents, they're trying. It's fun to just sit down and relax on a meadow sometimes. Take it slow
  • Master oogway once said :- nobody knows whats gonna happen tommorow ,yesterday went away but today is with us and it is a gift thats why it is called present So live your fullest and don't worry 😊😊😊 #real
  • @edogga3217
    Not even mad someone already made this playlist, it's just that good
  • @imshiruba
    listening to this gave me a step forward to finding a good life. thanks.
  • The roller coaster of life you gotta love it, its a lifelong experience after all just an endless flow of possibilities
  • Sometimes it's best to not think about tomorrow and focus on today
  • @TheNeorch
    :) (:D) some advice of life from a 13 year old:never give up on it,life gave you everything,except two,the heaven and heel,then your finished goal,that's why you shall never gave up on it,because even when your goal is finished,you are just halfway,the journey is still long,just enjoy it's flow and be a good person,or go on a new grind,life is simple,but only the people made it difficult and tricky,it's all a rollercoaster,yet at the same time a simple flow of a river,take it easy when you're done at the end of the goal,do what makes you happy,keep living,and again,NEVER GIVE UP! :D extra:also life your life like there's no tomorrow,don't worry about it and do it all now,never hesitate,never hold back,do everything.