Why Rushing Is Becoming So Popular Now In Clash of Clans

Published 2024-07-29
Why Rushing Is Becoming So Popular Now In Clash of Clans

All Comments (21)
  • @sauleduardo95
    Rushing is accepted, because we have to accept these rushed bastards in our clans if we want to keep up with the clan capital and the clan games, I mean have active players.
  • @bassthumper7331
    I love rushers. I always 3 star them and as an added bonus they keep the game free for me. I'm a max th 16 and its cool crushing newbies/rushers. Clash On!
  • @WizardGamer49
    Hi, Strategic Rusher here, I quit about 5 years after almost maxing TH12, came back because Srushing made the game interesting again. After 5 months, Im like a week or two away from TH16. And for all the haters out there, I finished this most recent season with 5596 trophies lol. The video talked about two methods of rushing that'll kill your base, with a teeny tiny mention of smart rushing. At the end of the day, its a way to play the game, just one that lets you 3 star Max TH16s.
  • @alicepbg2042
    I just go up a th lvl when one resource loses all places to dump it... usually elixir so far
  • @aidanwatson7548
    probably because all the cool new stuff is at higher town halls, everything at lower town halls is very basic and people like new shiny toys to play with
  • @Gleyveon
    Can't believe the most important aspect of all didn't get mentioned: Getting the maximum amount of value from books and hammers.
  • @Sltd18601
    apparently people cant rush to th17 as it requires the player to merge all archer towers and cannons
  • It's been 12 years And people really still don't get it? It's not about reaching the maximum level... It's about enjoying the game... You're not "outsmarting the game" by skipping th levels for more magic items value or whatever You're just being stupid💀 It's like eating coffee instantly instead of actually making and drinking coffee just to "save time" You're missing out, each town hall has its own typa fun You're missing out on what coffee actually tastes like It's about the journey not the goal😭 But hey, everyone plays the game the way they want to I'm no one to change the way you play your own personal account But don't EVER call yourself smart for rushing your own base Because that's absolutely not true
  • @medogerty6013
    Your main account should be maxed/near maxed before you upgrade your town hall. That way, you get the full experience of each town hall. Alt accounts are okay to rush, since you already know how everything works and you can be efficient with your planning.
  • @wizardin9365
    If supercell could just let us use multiple builders on 1 building, more people would try to max out since there's no idle builders or lab upgrade.
  • @mineturtle4068
    I played traditionally for quite a while, maxing most town halls up to th13 but then wanted to have a maxed account, so I rushed and when I got to th15 I started getting bored and realized that traditional maxing each town hall is what I find fun so I decided to stop.
  • I rush by upgrading the most expensive defences and resources, but also upgrading the troops I use, my base is decent enough to go to war and to win, I only started rushing once I got to TH13 so that's why, but now I'm done because it really upsets me if I see a new TH and I find myself stuck still
  • Clash isnt about reaching the highest town hall its about the journey along the way U wont get the true fun of meeting people joining clans , meeting new players etc if you rush
  • @calamitas7149
    It feels like so many people are glad about rushing as they’re easy triples, however would it be easier to triple a rushed th16, or an almost maxed th11 (esp after the defence nerfs to the lower levels)? Also, if you knew rushing would allow you to potential max out years sooner than your current account, would you still pick the maxing route?
  • @DerKurier95
    I love rushers, they point out the competence of clanleaders in a heartbeat 💪
  • @MuesliF1
    Strategic rushing is really useful if done correctly, especially if you play actively you can keep yourself in titan 1 without problems with th12+
  • The best way is undoubtedly strategic rushing where u upgrade all the key defences and lab upgrades of major troops after th 11…i maxed th 13 and spend 2 mts each in th 14 & 15 and now have finished every thing for th 14 let alone maxing out all defences after xbow while still having time before th 17 thus can confidently say i wouldn’t be here if i hadn’t rushed…also the cost reduction helped as i did the upgrades earlier than i could have if i hadn’t rushed 😅
  • @phillipn6475
    Ever since the rework of hero potions, you could essentially just triple a maxed out TH16 as a rushed one. (More burner accounts in war.) Even a TH15 is enough to triple, it’s very common.
  • Rushing has always been good, but ever since Th16 update, it is now the best, especially with the rework to Hero Potions
  • @pikeeper3782
    More people are realizing that strategic rushing is just objectively better than maxing