Vitamin D, First clinical trial

Published 2020-09-06…

About 42% of the US population is vitamin D deficient

82% in black people

70% in Hispanics

Association of Vitamin D Status and Other Clinical Characteristics With COVID-19 Test Results, (JAMA Open, 3rd September, Chicago)…

Cohort study of 489

Patients who had a vitamin D level measured in the year before COVID-19

Relative risk of testing positive for COVID-19 was 1.77 times

First clinical trial on vitamin D and COVID

Therapy versus best Available Therapy on Intensive Care Unit Admission and Mortality Among Patients Hospitalized for COVID-19: A Pilot Randomized Clinical study" (Spain, Journal of steroid biochemistry and molecular biology)…


Vitamin D decreases Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome

Effect of calcifediol treatment

Calcifediol can rapidly increase serum 25OHD concentration

25-hydroxyvitamin D

Intensive Care Unit Admission and Mortality

Spanish patients hospitalized for COVID-19.


Parallel pilot, randomized, double-masked clinical trial


Reina Sofia University Hospital, Córdoba, Spain


76 consecutive patients hospitalized with COVID-19 infection

Clinical picture of acute respiratory infection

Confirmed by a radiographic pattern of viral pneumonia

Positive SARS-CoV-2 PCR


All hospitalized patients received as best available therapy

Hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin

Allocated at a 2 calcifediol:1

Oral calcifediol (0.532 mg), or not

Oral calcifediol (0.266 mg) on day 3 and 7

Then weekly until discharge

End points, ICU admission and deaths.


50 patients treated with calcifediol

One required admission to the ICU (2%),

Of 26 untreated patients, 13 required admission (50%)

p  less than 0.001

Of the patients treated with calcifediol, none died, and all were discharged, without complications

Of the patients not treated, 2 died


Calcifediol seems to be able to reduce severity of the disease

Larger trials with groups properly matched will be required to show a definitive answer

Rationale, activation of the vitamin D receptor (VDR) signalling pathway

Reduced ARDS

Cytokine/chemokine storm

Regulating the renin angiotensin system

Modulating neutrophil activity

Maintaining the integrity of the pulmonary epithelial barrier

Stimulating epithelial repair

Tapering down the increased coagulability


Don't abdicate
Dilute that virus
So you stay great
Don't complicate,
Complain or whine
You'll acclimate
When you congregate
Does the air here circulate
Instigate, Nominate
Educate, Motivate
I hope this message will resonate
That when we populate
Instead of isolate
Don't abdicate
Dilute that virus
So you stay great

All Comments (21)
  • I believe your early vitamin D advice has saved lots of lives... Thank you Doctor John 🙏
  • When the study started about vit D3 , I started taking zink,vit D3 and vit c daily. I tested positive after a visit of an infected family member. I was absolutely not sick, not fever no headaches.. nothing. I have an office at home and did my normal work at home and even send all staff home and did their work as well. I believe it is the D3 and the grace of God that kept me healthy. I'm 70 years and going strong.
  • This video should be sent to ever administrator of every rest home in the nation.
  • @paulagarr7193
    I started yaking vitamin d in January when you said to take it, im a staff nurse and it saved my life, thank you John 🙏🙏🙏
  • @joshuagabrys786
    Raise your hand if you’re NOT SURPRISED DR. JOHN WAS 100% RIGHT?? The lives you’ve saved are equal to your number of subscribers John, thank you for saving so many!
  • "Readily available and cheap." - And there lies why it is being ignored.
  • @kumarchawla8309
    I trusted u and started giving d3 to my family in april. My father got covid and came out safe. I thank u Sir.
  • @casienwhey
    I asked my physician how long will the coronavirus last, he said I don't know because I'm not a politician.
  • @Msrojo1004
    I’m asking for Her Majesty, the Queen to bestow upon John her highest honour. Rose Critical Care Australia
  • @MStClair-zk8vv
    You get enormous credit for your continued mentioning of how important vitamin D is to our immune health, Dr. C. You have championed this from the very beginning. As an NP, I always checked my patients’ levels and almost always found severe to moderate deficiency. Then I’d get their levels to robustness with appropriate supplementation boosting first, then instructions on how much to take once I was loving their new robust levels. Congratulations, you are a huge hero to so many worldwide. We adore you, Dr. C.
  • @rtucci3643
    This is a true Doctor that strives for the common good.
  • @Known-unknowns
    Thing I like about this guy is that he doesn’t try to impress us by sitting in front of a wall of books.
  • It’s cheap.. they barely discuss in US media. They seem to push expensive treatments only.. make of that what you will
  • @marylh914
    Two years ago I started taking 30,000 IU of quality oral vitamin D3 for chronic respiratory, ear and sinus infections, which I suffered since being a small child. I am now 69. High dosing amounts were used to get my Serum 25OHD levels up from 23 to at or near 100. I clearly had vitamin D3 deficiency since my internist found the original level of 23. He advised 5,000 IU and no further tests were done. Shortly thereafter, I began researching valid D3 related medical abstracts from highly respected sources such as the NHS and NIH. I have a medical background and had recently read a then controversial book by Judson Sommerville, M.D., The Optimal Dose. He had been using high dose vitamin D3 in his practice for the last ten years after learning of its use from neurologist´s seminars he had been attending. Over time, his patients started coming in less and less frequently, and were becoming much healthier on many levels, especially as it pertained to infectious diseases. Many were no longer contracting flu or severe colds, as well as other benefits. I immediately started the 30,000 IU regimen daily. Within 6 months I started having much less frequent infections, and within a year was limited to only 4 to 5 infections a year. Currently less. I used to have to live on antibiotics. It is important to note that one must obtain a second 25OHD test a within a few weeks of initiating the high dose. You want to take the dose that achieves a max level of 100 to avoid any possible issues that may occur. Plus, it is recommended to have them done every 2 to 3 months until your level is appropriate and sustained. Overall, my sleep has greatly improved and I, finally, for the first time in decades, feel more energetic. My intestinal issues have greatly improved due to the discontinuation of so many frequent rounds of antibiotics and the introduction of prebiotic and probiotic consumption. I will leave the specifics of why to the experts on this therapy. For me, and for my husband, it has been nothing short of a miracle. Like you Dr. Campbell, I am baffled at why it has not been included in care for Covid patients, as well as the general population. This is actually not a vitamin, but is a hormone that regulates and executes so many bodily systems at an optimal level. Everyone should get tested. Makes me wonder if all of the discontent regarding supplemental vitamin D3 is emanating from the pharmaceutical companies, for obvious reasons, as it reduces their bottom line. So many people around the world could certainly benefit by keeping their 25OHD levels in the 90 to 100 range. This just seems so unethical. I have a history of skin cancer and cannot obtain the benefits of sunbathing, nor can I spend much time in the sun due to medications I must take. This is an affordable and amazing replacement. By the way, thank you so much for your tireless work on this issue and others you so knowledgeably pursue.
  • @101stevemc
    Dr Mercola has been shouting about low levels of D3 for years literally! The science has been around for years. Thank you for this news.
  • It's great to see that VitD is getting the research that's needed. Remember you heard it from Dr. John Campbell first in January, who has been spot on from the beginning. Blessings, Georgia, USA
  • @JackyRogue
    Imagine a medicine was discovered with this type of efficacy! The media would be going insane
  • So impressed that we still have people in the medical profession that still CARE. Thank you for your time and for putting all this information together in such a simple straight forward way.
  • @LOTPOR0402
    The drugs companies don't make billions. Out of something that's cheap