Shiko, the Doctor who saved ONE MILLION ORUNDUM while being F2P...

Published 2024-07-10

All Comments (21)
  • "I should be the only one getting praised among the Doctor community" 😂
  • @helmifaiz4504
    Ngl, as an F2P who had 125k Orundum myself. It was a really hard Journey for not pulling any single banners. But this freaking Mad Lad have 8x more than me The 6 stars he had also better then me lol. This guy is truly "That Guy"
  • "Throughout the Arknights community, shiko alone is the honored one"
  • As a f2p the highest I've ever saved was about 90k so this guy is just cracked
  • @Eniteee
    has 1M orundum and still able to get limited ops more than me. and I'm not even an f2p 🗿
  • @YaBoiRenegade
    Also if I sound like Squidward, don't worry about it. I was sick during the time of recording this video xD
  • @duskdawn7819
    I'm at 700k, in one and half year i should reach 1 mil too if luck is on my side
  • @Only_Ameen04
    This guy really the embodiment of f2p player meme
  • @monotechnic
    God damn, that's commitment. Also hope you feel better, but i don't think the voice is noticeable.
  • @kael070
    highest i saved was 150k or so for the virtuosa banner, i can't imagine the temptation of 1500+ pulls lmao
  • @momoyuan1470
    Once I get Walter and the Banshee™, I’ll definitely play more and start saving up more
  • Most impressive part isn’t saving up the orundum, but this guys luck. I’ve been playing everyday for about a year, and I’ve yet to get a single six star from free pulls. Then I save 300 pulls for virtuosa, and somehow don’t pull her 💀 looks like I didn’t follow his advice to not be unlucky
  • @NewData-ly4ck
    This game feels like a job for f2p players, and this person probably takes it to an extreme
  • Oh im definitely going to do the same thing but as a monthly sub after w but in wish (currently at 120k mark, which is impressive to say the least)
  • @mammothmk3355
    This remind me of those story where people win the top price in lottery that media keep bragging about. Truly, we are in the Grim future. You know, Warhammer level of grimdark. I feel like people who play and enjoy old video game, that you can purchase and play from start to finished without the need for montly subscription or DLC purchase, is a dying breed. More and more I sympathise with the hatred people who play offline game have toward mobile game.
  • My God. He is F2P and he got 13 Limited.. and with Ash coming back soon, he is well within the shot to get her.. and maybe Ela as well. Christ, and here i am missing Eyjaberry and being depresso. You madlad Also, extra question if he ever see this video: Now that you have 1 Million Orundum, where will you spend it? Will you EVER spend it, or just gonna collect them until EOS?
  • @Nebvla
    Talking about arknigbts while playing wuthering waves?