A Park Rangers Worst Nightmare

Published 2022-02-16
Tonight, we dive into a mixture of real missing persons and park ranger submitted stories detailing terrifying search and rescue cases.

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What Lurks Beneath is a channel focused on true scary stories and true horror stories, I cover the supernatural cryptids, bigfoot, dogman and scary mysteries

All Comments (21)
  • My Goofs For This Episode: 1) In my script notes, I had originally jotted down 'Tuxen', thinking at the time it was a town or a newspaper I had never heard of. Come to find out later on, it's actually in ref to the Tucson Daily Paper. That's a fun goof pronouncing it like I've never heard it before. 2) I made a mistake in the year of the 'cellphone' story. The author/user submitter never explained the exact time-frame these events took place, and so I mistook his time starting as a ranger as the time of the story (1981). I believe it happened later on while there was cell phone use as described in the story. Enjoy my bloopers 😅
  • @cierakitty
    I have vacationed Colo., Wyoming, Mont., Utah for over 30 plus years. I always preferred the off beaten paths etc. ( less people, traffic etc, ) The deep forests, remote rock formations, canyons, sides of mountains and such were of interest to me. At times, yes odd things seemed to happen, or you would see things briefly, but who would I tell....and better yet, who would believe ? Long story short.....I don't do it anymore. I still go back when I can...just not certain areas. I prefer to leave it alone. Am I trying to spook anyone ? No, not at all. Just be careful...and always alert. If something does not feel right, just leave it alone.
  • The two missing hikers with missing eyes, tongue and burns sounds very similar to what happened to the hikers on Dyatlov Pass in 1959. Doroshenko and Krivonischenko were both found with burn marks and multiple abrasions and Dubinina was found without eyes and tongue. Thank you sharing the story.
  • @chrisallen1309
    I will tell you of one other encounter, even though you will think me crazy. It didn’t happen in Colorado. It happened when I still lived in Louisiana. In a seemingly unlikely place. My friend, his girlfriend, and I grew bored one night, sitting at our house in Woodworth, LA. We decided to take a drive down to the Indian Creek Spillway. My friend and I came here all the time to fish and hangout. We took my car and headed down Tobi Lane to where it becomes gravel and continued from there to the little parking area at the gate, overlooking the reservoir. It was around 10:00 at night and we were the only ones there. I turned the car to where it was facing back the way we came. There was a guard-rail to my left and on the other side of the guard-rail, a slope down into a marshy area. As we were joking around in the car, something caught my eye by that guard-rail. All I saw was the silhouette of a large body and two beady, red eyes. There were no flashy indication markers on or by that guard-rail. Nothing to make it ever appear as though there were eyes there. I saw red eyes. As I watched, the silhouette, which up until this point could have been confused as a tree…moved. Like if I was standing on that downslope and needed to shift my weight on my hips, to make sure I don’t slip. It made that movement. Then, what appeared to be a hand, gripped onto a small sapling. It made sense. If something was standing there, it would need to grab onto something and shift it’s weight or it would fall into the marsh. I thought I was going crazy, so I said, “guys, slowly turn your head to the left and tell me if you see something by the guard-rail.” My friend and his girlfriend turned to look. I couldn’t see my friend’s girlfriend, because she sat behind me, but right after I asked them to look, she screamed from behind me. At that point, I knew I wasn’t the only one who had seen something. I gunned it out of there and we never went back there at night. The weird thing, is a few years before this happened, another friend of mine and I would night fish that same spillway sometimes. Every time we ever did, I used to feel like something was watching me from behind. I would turn and look at the tree line, but I would never see anything. Just always felt uneasy and couldn’t place it. Now, it all makes sense. What doesn’t make sense is…what is it? Why is it here, in a relatively populated area of the woods? I never could make heads or tails of that one. That one really scares me.
  • @skylargray455
    From what I noticed there seems to be a correlation between missing persons cases with that of freak weather occurrence be it storms, bad weathers, thick fogs you name it.
  • @jacobmeyer3787
    Bear Lake and Grand lake are much further apart than this story makes it seem. In good conditons (summer) it is nearly 20 miles, over the continental divide (12k plus feet). That is a terribly long day at the best of times. In a storm it is all but impossible.
  • @ManyfiresWoman
    Taos Pueblo has old stories of 'hairy giants' in the Four Corners area. The Utes and the Navajo also speak of the 'hairy men' (apparently they had certain human features). It is said the Taos Pueblo developed a 'relationship' with these hairy giants. Perhaps they believed they were gods for the tribe provided them with food and skins. These hairy giants were able to communicate somehow and spoke of 'others' like them saying that they did not do things to humans like the others did (cannibalism?). Over time, they came less and less and eventually they stopped coming at all. They are remembered because they spoke of caring for each other and would remind them to be of service for the good of all their People.
  • @katmack4215
    This second story,from 1981 makes me think of a person being hit with infrasound..I've heard this can make people feel very scared and/or very sick! Yikes..😬
  • I've never been to any national park but hear all yours and others stories. I've had several bizarre and unexplainable experiences throughout my life. I truly believe there are things out there(sasquatch, dogmen, etc.). I've had too much happen to me to pass it off as nonsense. There are things out there we can't wrap our Minds around...without a doubt. To loose a loved one and never have closure? Feel horrible for all these poor families.
  • I've been a hunting chauffeur for my sister in-law and on this occasion I saw something very peculiar. My brother was still at work and couldn't go with her like they normally did, so she needed someone to drive her around and help her pack if she ended up punching her tag. After a few hours of driving and glassing clear cuts, we tried a few logging roads that hadn't been used for a few years hoping to get the drop on a buck that's not used to traffic through said roads. Long story short, we went down one road that had been partially washed out in spots and overgrown with grass, not a single track from another vehicle. We round a bend going down a slight incline and down the road as far as we could see, in front of some fog that was moving in, was a solid black hump. It sat about 3' tall, maybe more and about 2' wide. It was on my side of the road(left, drivers side facing the bank) and didn't move as I stopped. My sister in-law wasn't paying much attention before then as she was looking and trying to spot a buck off her side of the road, as she had a view down the side of the mountain. I asked her if she saw the black hump down the road, we both acknowledged it and wondered what it was. As we were talking about it, still sitting where we stopped, it just vanished when we were turned talking to each other. It never moved or appeared to notice us, for about 5 minutes, and then it was just gone. We figured it was a black bear, as they're fairly common in Washington. But I wasn't so sure, wild animals almost always turn to face whatever makes noise around them, especially when it's something they're not used to like a truck and people. I didn't see any movement whatsoever, not a twitch or turn of it's head the entire time. We ended up having to go down the road and had to turn around because it was too washed out to continue. It was pretty narrow and close to the edge/drop-off and my sister in-law offered to get out and spot me, I didn't want to worry her by sounding too serious but I nonchalantly insisted she stay in the truck. I eventually got us turned around after a couple minutes and we headed back up to the mainline. I didn't like the feeling I got being down that road for the short duration being on it. We ended up not seeing anything besides a few does bedded down the entire day, but that black hump still doesn't sit right with me. I've had other times when I've been out hunting that I didn't feel right about my surroundings and decided to head back to my truck or camp but that was the first time I'd ever seen anything to warrant it. The only other time that comes close was when I was hunting for elk in Eastern Oregon with my grandparents. I went out one morning, earlier than they were ready to go out. I made my way out to a forested area, a mile or so from camp and followed some elk tracks in the snow from the night before(we were unsuccessful in our hunt because the moon was full every night, allowing the elk to feed then and not be as active during the day) with tall trees and not much brush. I found a stump next to another tree to sit on and waited quietly for an hour or two, scanning and listening. There was a half dozen trees in a bunch maybe 40 yards from me with low hanging branches that reached the ground with the weight of the snow and completely covered. I heard some rustling. Not the kind of loud, pounding rustling that elk make when they're spooked, breaking branches, sticks and twigs. And not the light rustling from something small like birds or varmints. I stood up, turned and trained my .270 on the bunch of trees. I slowly crept a little closer and waited for more noise and an animal to run out from behind cover. Nothing. I was starting to get a little nervous because every wild animal I've ever had experience with, usually runs away when they spot, smell or hear you and I wasn't exactly concealed or hidden now. I thought maybe I could flush whatever it was out from the trees, so I proceeded to throw a few rocks into the branches to set my mind at ease, even if it meant I lose a shot on a bull. Nothing. As soon as I first heard the rustling, I got chills and didn't feel right. So at this point, after feeling like I was being watched, and not a single animal, not even a bird, coming out from the trees, I started to back away, keeping my rifle pointed in that direction. I got about 50 yards away and started making my way back to camp, scanning and keeping my head on a swivel. I don't hunt alone, I've tried it and I don't like the feeling I get. My brother has hunted alone many times with bow, rifle, muzzle loader, etc. He's never said anything about weird stuff happening and I haven't asked. He's got a decade and a half of experience on me, I'm not a hard-core hunter by any means and I've only got a few years of experience myself, so it could just be my imagination. But we've both also had paranormal experiences, so I'm not so sure. Just play it on the safe side, don't go out alone and go prepared. Don't underestimate your situation when you're at the mercy of nature and whatever else may be out there.
  • Friends who abandoned him on top a mountain because he was ill? Aren't friends. The 1 guy is telling the truth
  • @lookronjon
    I live in the foothills west of Denver Colorado and was woke up at 4:30 in the morning by screams and yells I have never heard before. I thought my neighbor was being killed by her husband. I went up my back door but the noise was coming from the front of my house so I went around the deck and looked up onto the one lane dirt road that I live on and the thing that was yelling was over 8 feet tall and 4 feet wide and it kept up until I slapped the handrailing. I could feel and sound in my body. It was 70 feet away. It was dark but enough light from Denver metro gives enough light to barely see at night. And then it moved faster than anything I had seen with no noise, jumped The low chain over my neighbors driveway and was gone. This happened at fenders junction Colorado.
  • @shortygirl239
    I like the new content. Would be cool if you maybe added true photos of the stories you are covering. I always like to see real photos from true stories. But pls keep up this style of narrating.
  • @TuxieTude
    I'm from Estes Park, CO and used to live right by the entrance to Rocky Mountain National Park on the North side. I used to be able to ride my bike into the park in the early 90s. 😳😳😳 Also, please note that Bear Lake and Grand Lake are actually quite a ways away from each other even in the summer. PS: it's Flattop Mountain :)
  • @phoenixfire2578
    My Dad used to take his dog and camp in these areas alone. He said one night, Baby - his dog, started freaking out and he then saw all these eyes surrounding him. No sound of whatever approaching, no sound of them watching him, nothing. He and Baby got in the jeep and stayed until morning. He quit going alone after that. They were probably wolves, but after hearing these stories, and him being alone in the same area, it's concerning.
  • I was stationed at Fort Carson CO in 2007. I seen a very strange craft shaped like a top hovering over the base . It looked like a top that a kid plays with, it was metallic gray and made no noise . CO is a very strange place
  • @nonaeubinis4934
    I don't like him telling these stories like he lived them. The other day he had me convinced that he was the Yosemite Park Ranger! Damn it LOL
  • Yup, Colorado has some weird stuff going on in the back woods areas. Doesn't mean people should not go and enjoy the wilderness though. It just means people should go well prepared and be respectful of nature when they are out in it. Points to remember when adventuring in the Colorado rockies: ● Due to the silicates, copper, iron, quartz and loadstone deposits that comprise the makeup of the mountians, cell phone service is spotty at best even if you have good reception ( your basically inside a giant crystal radio that diffuses communication signals), even with C.B. radios and walkie talkies. Prepare accordingly. ● Don't piss off the wildlife. We have bear, mountian lion, rattlesnakes, coyotes ( sometimes even wolves), elk, deer, moose and bison in certain areas in these mountians. They can get VERY angry if you don't respect their personal space, and they won't be kind when they remind you that you're not in the city. Before you go into the woods, call the local park ranger offices to see what type of protection you can bring with you on your trips and what safty protocols need to be adheared to for an enjoyable, safe experience. ● Buddy systems. Use them. ● Hydrate and rest often, especially at high altitudes. Remember, you're over 10k feet above sea level in the flat lands before you head up to the mountainous areas. The air is kinda thin. ;) ● The saying " Don't like the weather? Wait 5 minutes and it'll change." Is said in Colorado for a reason. It's full of micro- climates. Dress in layers and pack accordingly. ● Take your stick, your knife and axe. Go on your journey, return with stories of your adventures and have fun. When you are done, leave the area you adventure in better then when you found it. Hope the info above helps if you decide to visit.
  • I've been to RMNP four times. This park is ABSOLUTELY beautiful, but unforgiving if you underestimate it. Hiking by yourself there is peaceful, yet intimidating.
  • @ellasmommy9278
    I used to live in Colorado and went to those lakes (Bear and Grand). It's a couple of hours drive between them. It's got to be over 100 miles. And snow in October is completely predictable. Really glad I lived there in the 21st century. This is a terrifying story. I hiked alone all the time. And trust me, I was much more afraid of two-legged predators than anything on four legs.