Rainbow Six 3 Athena Sword Mission 7 Single Plan AI

Published 2019-05-23
Rainbow Six 3 Athena Sword Mission 7 Single Plan carried out by the AI.

As part of my series Single Planning Athena Sword with Ding Chavez
   • Rainbow Six 3 Athena Sword Single Pla...  

Mission Breakdown
Warehouse Night: Operation Jagged Silver

Defuse the 6 bombs located within this level.

By far the most challenging mission of Athena Sword. There is a timer of just over 13 minutes to defuse 6 bombs located in different parts of the map. There is also a large number of heavily armed terrorists who are well positioned to defend the site.

There is an insertion zone within the building closet to the main entrance. Have your 2 man team deploy there and begin clearing that complex. Deploy your two 3 man teams outside and hold position at the main entrance area. Enter the main entrance with a smoke screen and clear all visible enemies.

The route to the main warehouse should be clear. Send one 3 man team to defuse the bomb located there, send the other round the complex side and eliminate the patrolling guards on the perimeter. Order your 2 man team up the ladder, send them around the complex and position them directly above the 3 man team below. The 2 man team is able to eliminate threats beside the bomb on the outskirts of the base. Defuse this bomb.

There are now two bombs left above ground level. One is located on the 1st floor of the building furthest to the South, the other is round the back this complex close to the underground ramp. Defuse these bombs using two teams to clear the way.

There are two bombs in the underground area that must now be dealt with. All threats above ground should be eliminated by now, so position your teams for a coordinated assault. The entry plan is virtually the exact same as in mission 3, two teams attack via the Southern vehicle ramp, the other team via the stairs in the main central warehouse. Establish your position in the underground zone.

One of the underground bombs is in the control room behind the furnace machine. The other is highly visible in the glass blue room housing the large freeze cylinders. Using a coordinated assault, defuse both bombs.

Note the bombs still have to be defused, even if all terrorists are eliminated.

M16A2 + Silencer
Medium Armour

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