Nanny Plum Yells at DogDay, Bobby BearHug and PickyPiggy and makes them cry

Published 2024-06-19
For ‪@DeeCourtney3‬, ‪@BlackpinkFanGurl-4k16‬, ‪@Toadette369‬, ‪@JennaDreamGoddessXOXO‬, ‪@RioTheCherryBlossomSakura2K1‬, ‪@DeathTheHateMaster‬, and inspired by ‪@sharkpuppet2551‬ who can comment.

Nanny Plum: GET OUT OF MY KITCHEN!!!!!
DogDay (bursts into tears): Wahahahahaha!
Bobby BearHug (crying): Nanny Plum hates me!!!!
PickyPiggy (sobbing): I'm so sorry!
CatNap: Hey you three, what's the matter?
DogDay (sniffles): Nanny Plum shouted at us!
CatNap: NANNY PLUM!!!! I can't believe you made my three friends cry! What the hell is wrong with you?
Nanny Plum: But CatNap, I-
CatNap: No buts! I'm calling Ben and Holly on their cell, go home now!
Nanny Plum: Noooooooooooooo!!!!

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