Biden proposes Supreme Court term limits, ethics code | AP Explains


コメント (21)
  • Why only democrat admin can reform the supreme court and not republican? If a republican admin proposed these changes, ap would be singing a different tune…
  • @cato451
    As soon as we get congressional term limits, then we can start talking about Supreme Court term limits until then forget about it
  • How about term limits and ethics codes for Congress? Why not disallow trading of stocks while serving Congress?
  • @TheRSTD1
    Waits until after Ruth Bader Ginsburg passes, then proposes term limits.
  • @selcouth86
    Embarrassing that it's supposed to be such a tight race.
  • That's rich coming from a guy who too feeble to stand trial and get's 10% from Hunter...
  • @Abaddon231
    Sure as soon as term limits are imposed on congress .. Then we can talk... Until then, this is going nowwhere..
  • @johnl340
    Biden is not the person to talk about an ethics code.
  • @Pasovineyard
    Has the AP cleared this with the Central Committee of the Democrat Party?
  • All 3 are equal branches of about come up with a " years of service" for all branches of government and have those years of service be equal for Legislative, Executive, and Judicial branches? IDK
  • @kayr6422
    So we can go communistic faster if conservatives try to get on. Barney isn’t going to rest…