Why everyone STOPPED playing criminality

Publicado 2024-04-27

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @sinister5587
    The whole genre is mid, its only fun with friends and that's with most games.
  • @brago4798
    blackout would probably be doing way better if they gave low levels access to high penetration weapons, the grind is too long and its gonna suck because everyone else can spam buy full kits without a dent in their stash. I saw one of the testers/mods say that the low player count is due to the fact its in early access and there isnt a lot to do, but when 90% of people who bought the game never plays it again theres probably something else going on
  • @ReturnerReturned
    2 weeks late, however i still gonna say something. i have left due to the points exactly mentioned in this video, but the massive reason why i stopped is that melees, what i originally played for and only cared for, became pointless, my last hop was the melee rework butttt it was just made to make us drop money on even more skins. i wanted to quit since 1.4 as i noticed there was less and less care for melees and i really thought it will never come back (i was right) reason why i stopped playing blackout, exact same issues in crim, melees r just shit, the firearms reign and the promised npcs and promised melee priority was just a massive scam lmao, the only game i support which is similiar to a street game is havoc, reasons so is that melees do have a play, npcs r not stupid and play a major role in the game, and the developers do care about the game. however im not allowed to mention more things as again, it is private development. oh yea, i havent made a video on why i left cuz i really believe that it wont change shit and will just be about boohoo waaa game shit now with nothing done about it. good video tho keep it up, i havent watched any crim videos or seen any content bout it for an entire year. decided to check back annndd its even worse than before lmao
  • @haustor
    Why? -The game isn't recognizeable anymore. When the game became free, RVVZ needed another way to monetize, thus skins and infection was born -The game makes you toxic. That's just how it is. It made me toxic, and i regret every part of it. If it can make the players toxic, then it can make the mods toxic too. The moderation team is corrupt, toxic, and full of itself. They justify their lack of real life socialization by lashing out on people on a lego game. I've personally experienced this too. -We grew up. We actually got friends. We went outside. We found new games. We discovered sports and other hobbies. To that extent we also figured out what the game made of us. I regret spending money on this game. I regret socializing with the community. I regret being involved in it. I regret meeting most people on there besides a very small minority. This might be only me, but I beg to differ. I'm sorry I've criticized you in the past. You were in fact right. I hope people can grow past this shithole, and realise it sucks. Its full of furries and people with an overinflated ego. Thats my take.
  • I played criminality all day long, it was so hard for me to quit. Out of nowhere i somehow lost interest and i can't stand looking at it or playing it anymore. Had a lot of fun in the meanwhile.
  • @cherrusmh
    when you had actual opps in crim, when they would use desktop addons to search the server u were in to hunt you down, gang wars, generally before 1.5 it was very fun
  • @AssetStealer
    btw crim 2.2 christmas theme isnt made by delivercreations its a song on roblox marketplace but at 0.9 pitch LOLLL
  • @mistasilly
    I played Criminality for a really long time, and I got pretty involved in the community (it wasn't even that toxic tbh), but I think around the time of v1.5 was when the game kind of changed it's identity. It's still probably a great game for some audiences, but it's just not the same game it used to be whatsoever I sometimes revisit the community but I've never had the drive to actually play crim again
  • @Lava_Lazy
    I've always criticized blackout for it's teaming issue but never the gunplay Because of how poorly optimized it is
  • Criminality never died, it kept growing, it just slowly had all of it's loyal fans get replaced by new ones that are much worse. I guess it more of went towards following the roblox trend of adding content such as skin crates that just somehow appeals to more people. Also for blackout, I completely agree with your point regarding the gunplay, and the devs are already looking to fix it. I also do agree with the operator being difficult to kill and mass teaming being an issue. Though I don't think operators are as difficult to kill as you say, guns such as the ak or the g3 already does a substantial amount of damage to them, also keep in mind how useful dragons breathe weapons are, it does impose an imbalance but I don't think it's as bad as you say, since most players already figured out viable methods to kill operators. And regarding your point related to mass teaming, in comparison to the other games you mentioned, the mod team of blackout is much much smaller, and despite trying to recruit new moderators it takes a long time, so having us moderate something so vague as mass teaming would be extremely difficult for us on our side. Also keep in mind that the game was designed to be played with friends, unlike crim, which could still easily be played solo, and there are no features that encourages players to team up.
  • get this man a True.. i didnt understand a single thing at ALL but im just gonna agree on everything here the social was technically there since 1.1 just minus the skins them bringing back slayer kit after a year of it gone just for it to make it rare and 1 hour use just made it horrendous to even bother looking for/using it it's still surprising the game hasn't died yet despite all the updates that made it bad [i dont remember any except release 1.3 having like 100 players lowest] and even then it made a comeback blackout idk where tf the 5k players went on release
  • @Enso_.
    One thing that annoys me about blackout is that as a new player you have no cance to survive or grind if your alone i was in militarybase for like 5 times and every time some random guy whos 100 levels above comes with an full m4 or grenade launcher kills me instantly like what am i supposed to do??
  • @NB20LOL
    I come back every now and then with friends.
  • @gamegosee6488
    I prefer a flawed game in blackout over a willingly bad one in crim.
  • @xarop3_blox
    my bro you just yapped what everyone wanted to hear about this game you have my respect bro
  • @nucleon1439
    Yo dude i fully agree with you and i mean 100%. Crim lost all of the atmosphere after 2.0 which added skins and the new menu. I remember 1.3 which had more friendly community that helped new players and better dark atmosphere. The main menu in 1.3 was sick too and it was the best one out of them all. But now the community is trash. Every time you join there are 4 high level tryhards teaming up having emo-gray skin-tryhard avatars that kill all the fun. Also I hope blackout will fix the things that you pointed out. The third person shooting system is really annyoing and op. Everytime i played on first person i would just get smashed because you dont need to actually have skill to play third person just jump and look at the enemy you are about to shoot and you won. Its really not fun. The teaming problem and operator kits are annyoing too. I once played with my friends we were raiding orange bunker and everyone of us got oneshoted by some guy in a suit wielding two rainbow katanas (we lost 120k of loot because of this). Blackout devs will probably not do anything about it though, they dont care about the community like the crim devs. Anyways Im really happy that someone actually pointed out all of these things and posted a video about it. Thank you.
  • Remember when they buffed guns thinking it'd make it easier for solo players to take on gangs? It didn't occur to them that the gangs could just buy guns as well.