How big is the ‘black hole’ Labour says is in public finances?

Published 2024-07-29
The Chancellor Rachel Reeves has told MPs the Government has inherited a £22 billion overspend from the Tories - and set out plans to reduce the deficit over the next two years.

She accused the previous Government of continuing to make unfunded commitments "knowing the money was not there".

Among the cutbacks she announced - restricting winter fuel payments so only the poorest pensioners are eligible, and scrapping the plan to cap social care charges.
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All Comments (21)
  • Return the wealth tax on wealth of 10+ million to what it has been in the past and end the punishment of poverty on the poor
  • @kerryfry1857
    Tax the richest in society! The billionaires 😠
  • @timregester1173
    Do Channel 4 also sign up to economic illiteracy, the pay agreements will not cost £9.4bn pounds because the vast majority of those pay increases will come back to the treasury in taxation, unless Junior Doctors don't eat out, don't drive, don't drink and don't get paid PAYE. It's called the multiplier effect and it is economics 101.
  • @BC_36
    If the tories hadn’t gave huge tax cuts for the rich or bought £15 Billion on substandard PPE fthat was never used and we wouldn’t need to cut heating allowance for the elderly. There is something seriously wrong with the way the economy is run. This could also have saved NHS cuts.
  • @Betweoxwitegan
    Increase CGT to match income tax, increase top brackets Inheritence tax, enact a 2% FTT, increase windfall tax, enact a 1% wealth tax, 10% LVT, etc. Corporate tax is bad and evidently increases in CGT and Inheritence tax is not a tax on working people 😂
  • @BenCG
    I find it odd that the opposition has no visibility of the government's books in the way Labour says they didn't. They should have, and the same goes for the Tories while in opposition.
  • @mez7172
    In June 2024, the UK government borrowed approximately 14.5 billion British pounds, compared with almost 17.7 billion pounds in June 2023.
  • @freko106
    She knows exactly who and what needs to be taxed properly the question is will she?
  • @JoshAston23
    What parliament needs more than anything is a snooker referee calling "settle down please" every 20 seconds.
  • @Sensibleman600
    Wealth tax is the only way to redistribute the wealth. There should also be a cap on ISA. Increase inheritance tax and reduce the loop holes rich people use to avoid paying taxes.
  • @caio5987
    Thing is you can’t live like Scandinavia without taxing like Scandinavia
  • @baker4783
    The amount of bots in the comments is wild 😂
  • @Aubury
    But you knew this before the election chancellor ! By not taxing the rich puts Labour values on trial. The wealthiest 10% of households held 43% of all the wealth in Great Britain in the latest period; in comparison the bottom 50% held only 9%.
  • How anyone on the Right had the gaul to Comment here is unbelievable.
  • @masere
    Scrapping foreign aid for two years solves the problem. Simple isnt it?
  • in UK EVERYONE is on some kind of benefits. Most of my neighbors work 30h / week to keep their housing benefit. This madness has to stop.
  • Shame on Cathy Newman of Channel 4 News for her poor interviewing on Jan 16, 2018!