Benny Hinn Exposed - 40 years of LIES

Benny Hinn Exposed -- 40 years of Benny Hinn's LIES, deceptions and money scams are displayed in back-to-back video clips by Trey Smith.

Benny Hinn Exposed - 40 years of LIES

Related links for this material

1) God in a Nutshell Project

2) Trey Smith | Thieves Official site | One dirty TV pastor and the man who robbed him

3) Trey Smith Books official site. This is the official website for author Trey Smith. Interestingly enough, the very man (Smith) who took a lot of heat for releasing a book in early 2011 about his involvement with a TV pastor and the safe robbery that followed, has received many unsolicited yet positive reviews for the fast-paced novelistic style of the book, interview requests... and also surpassed the sales levels for "internet bestseller" and "self-published bestseller" within the first few months after release. This is with nearly ZERO marketing, most sales attributed to merely word of mouth. It is true that Thieves is an interesting (perhaps also controversial) story, however, the common reviews are that the book is impossible to put down from start to finish. FREE SAMPLE PAGE FOR THIEVES

4) Trey Smith | Contact

5) Trey Smith | Author bio

6) Trey Smith | Facebook (This page has been buried, if you went to click the "like" button, that would be great) Clicking the "like button" also keeps you informed on Facebook of new video releases as they happen

7) Trey Smith | Twitter!/TreySmith_Book

8) Trey Smith | Trey's Nutshell official site


Special thanks to Fox News, CNN, Discovery Channel, Bill O'Reilly, Ole Anthony, Investigative Reports, Dallas News, Denver News

コメント (21)
  • My mother was diagnosed with cancer (last-stage) when she was 41 years old and she had 5 of us already and the doctors said that there was no hope for her anymore.She was alone in her hospital room and started to cry to God and suddenly she heard a voice in her soul: "I will give you 15 more years" and she KNEW in her heart that she got healed and got enough time to raise us up.The doctors said she was crazy but she came home and her personal doctor died by the years but she died at the age of 56. She leaved 15 more years and 1 more day.Now, this is what I call miracle.And we are only a non-charismatic, protestant, Bible-reading family, nothing special. My advice to everyone : don't push your will on God, just cry onto Him and He will give you the best through Jesus Christ, our Lord.
  • I was working at TBN as a telephone counselor years ago during one of his broadcasted crusades, and a woman called in and simply said "I recognize that man as being one of my patrons. I'm a PROSTITUTE."
  • Back when I was a kid. I remember my Mom used to put Benny Hinn on TV. I remember the healing. It definitely caught my attention even for a kid that young. Why kind of person tries to take advantage of people’s hope like that in the name of our Messiah. It’s vile.
  • I grew up secular, thinking this guy represented Christianity accurately. ...Now I understand he not only feeds off the desperate, but repulses the spiritually curious. When I read, "vengeance is MINE!" I'm comforted.
  • @dmimcg
    If I really had the power to heal, I would head to the nearest Children's cancer ward and clear it out.  How come Benny never appears at any hospitals? exactly.
  • Seek the Lord while he may be found; call upon him while he is near" Isaiah 55 : 6
  • @8:39 "The missionaries told us to look up to heaven and, while we did, they stole our land" -An old Hawaiian saying
  • My son Jay was 50%loss of hearing at age 7. The nanny at that time took my son to k.kulmen. she, kulmen, pointed out my son, walked up to him and asked "are you ready to be healed?" She knew the issue with out anyone saying anything. Of course Jesus,Holy Spirit said something. And my son was healed! We had this verified by Jay's pediatrician. 100% hearing! Thank you Jesus!!
  • @protochris
    Benny is real. I had a large growth in my pocket, when I pulled money out of my pocket and gave it to Benny, the growth miraculously disappeared.
  • Jesus WARNED us of false prophets who would come to us as SHEEP but inwardly are RAVENOUS WOLVES . Benny Hinn is at THE TOP OF THAT LIST !!!!!!!!!!!! Kenneth Copeland is another example And a lot more ....
  • @diegot143
    "put your name, account number, expiration date, and sign where it says signature". The most evil words I've ever heard.
  • this man is a ghoul, preying upon those with minds weak enough to buy into his lies
  • @note2owns
    If Jesus didnt need money to spread the message then why do these televangelist need it???
  • @fonzario
    I remember my brother used to give to Benny Hinn years ago and talk to us about sowing into fertile ground and you would receive blessings. He lost his home and property and had to sell just about every piece of construction equipment he had. Years ago he asked members of the family for help which we gave what we could but it only helped for a short while.
  • Judgement starts at the pulpit. Anyone who decided to stand in front of others and preach had certainly better be in line with the word. Thank you for your work
  • Despite this expose, this man is still on TV.  Why?  It seems to me that the IRS and other law people would put this man away.
  • Look at the big houses, big cars and how they live….that says all I need to know! Thank you Trey for helping to expose this one!
  • @clgil77
    Did he say "I place a curse!" Wow..this fool is out the chain. The bible says Be aware of false profits and prophecies.