Re:Zero Alls Openings 1-4 Reaction Mashup


コメント (21)
  • Love the guy in the bottom right just vibing the whole time
  • Realize is so damn good. Use that shit when I work out now, gotta persevere like Subaru.
  • Sloth route: a husband Pride route: sin archbishop of pride Wrath route: purge King Gluttony route: a psychopath Lust route: a pimp Greed route: a broken hero Envy route: sufferu💀
  • @wes0112
    from season 1 to 4 subaru's face change. one of the anime that got batshit plots, twists and turns of event. 9.8/10, one of the anime's i will watch when new season comes no matter what. P.s: i ugly cried on subaru's the father and mother scene it hit me like it was a homerun. do japanese dub you won't regret it if you want to be hit by onion truck-kun. damn that episode lol.
  • Literally the only anime openings that can give me goosebumps.
  • @DarkL0rd4
    Que buenos openings y endings tiene lpm
  • Re:Zero is one of those rare series where I'm not crazy about the protagonist, but the other characters and the worldbuilding is so unique that I can't drop it until I know how it ends. It gets to a certain point where I don't mind Subaru at all. Don't really like him, but don't mind him. ...still waiting to reach that point on Boruto.
  • Estos videos son de un canal que desapareció, creo que se llamaba Yarashi o algo así, pero, serás tú el mismo?
  • What is the name of the ending? Plz 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
  • I came from the yarashii cat bro but the channel suddenly disappeared i don’t know why