LA NEIGE INCERTAINE - Animation Short Film 2021 - GOBELINS

Published 2021-12-01
On the lookout for polar bears in the Arctic, a wildlife photographer realizes she may have missed more than a shot.
A l’affût de l’ours polaire en Arctique, une photographe animalière réalise qu’elle cherche à rattraper plus qu’un cliché raté.

Directors / Réalisateurs : Marion BOISROND, Marie-Liesse COUMAU, Ada HERNAEZ, Gwendoline LEGENDRE, Romane TISSEAU
Team contact / Contact de l’équipe : [email protected]
Soundtrack / Musique : Cocoon aka Christophe DEMARTHE
Sound editor / Montage sonore : Nadège FEYRIT
Mix / Mixage : Vincent MAUDUIT, Nathan ROBERT
Production : GOBELINS, l'école de l'image - Cécile BLONDEL : [email protected]
Distribution : Miyu Distribution - Luce GROSJEAN : [email protected]

All Comments (21)
  • @russiandollie
    My take on this beautiful film is that she was so focused on the birds in the start that she missed the perfect shot of the bear right in front of her but later when she tries to take the shot of the bear, it has already left and she's only able to capture the snow. On the other hand the story hints at her losing connection with that guy, maybe she was so focused on other things in life that she ignored him and now that she wanna reach out for him he's just not there, he's like that empty tundra picture without the bear. The chance she missed. That's why they show that picture in front of his face in the last scene. Such depth.
  • I love the sort of symbolism of the warmth of the relationship, the sheets, the embrace, in contrast with how everything is cold now that she’s loosing the relationship, she touches the ice wall as if it were him, but it’s now only ice, offering nothing but coldness, just like him. She wakes up alone without the warmth of another, and when she searches for him/the bear, there nothing but snow, because there’s no relationship left, she gets lost looking for something that she can’t find because it’s already gone
  • @aavox127
    Many people are commenting about how they believe the woman and man's relationship deteriorated due to the woman's focus on her work- but the scene at 2:04 stuck out to me. She reaches for his hand, just missing it as he reaches for his alcohol. The contrast of items on the table in this scene is striking as well, the woman's side has a National Geographic magazine, a paper of equations, a plate of half-eaten food, and an empty glass. On the other hand, the man's side of the table is rather empty, harboring only a pack of cigarettes and his bottle of beer.
  • @nebelihood5490
    I feel like the bear footprints are kind of like the guy's hand in the bar counter, and the shower. She sees them and believes there's still a way they could be together, a way to find him. But just like the footprints are gone with the wind, so does he show her he's not interested anymore. She goes out to look for him- but he's just no there anymore, she still tries till she ends up lost and finally acknowledges it.
  • @doviliuks13
    I am not an art critic of any sort, however this animation gave me a perception of those sort of "short" flings, where you feel like you trust the person enough to share your intimacy, where once its done, the other part does not want anything to do with it after. In the empty space, especially in the end where she is lost, it almost feels like her feelings are interpreted as if she is alone, and even used perhaps, for something that she expected to be a relationship that just ended being nothing for the other person, you know.
  • @scolhs
    I interpreted this as someone who was in a relationship with someone who was cold and distant, and only showed love/warmth during sex. She was ready to take a shower with him, but she stopped taking off her bra when he asked for the towel, ready to get out. She kept feeling for traces of warmth, in the footsteps, in the ice block, next to her when she woke up, but eventually the snow covered it and she's left lost in the cold. The last scene could mean that she doesn't see him as a warm loving person anymore, just a blank, cold entity.
  • @mlindalina1
    No matter how many times she puts herself in danger I.e following the the polar bear tracks and going far from the camp, she still cant get over him. He perhaps saw her as a fling and yet she fell for him. After she was found again and they were alone he didnt bother to ask how she was since he was mocked for it last time. Getting lost was her last attempt of putting herself in danger in order to get his attention but it didnt work. This is why covering his face with the picture implied that she has decided to move on.
  • @weedcitrus8120
    Pour moi, j’ai l’impression que l’ours, créature, belle et qui fait peur, ressemble un peu l’amour. La femme absorbée par autre chose ne regarde pas l’ours (l’amour), qui lui tombe dessus. Elle en a peur, elle le fait partir, ou dû moins essaye de ne pas s’y approcher trop prés. Puis, elle veut le revoir, retrouver ce moment de rencontre, au risque de s’y perdre. C’est une sorte de métaphore à sa vie amoureuse, avec un homme avec qui elle a eu quelques moments de bonheur. Elle recherche la magie de leurs débuts, de leur rencontre, de leur intimité puis semble se réveiller dans la neige seule, l’homme ne l’aime que dans les moments de chaleur. À la fin lorsqu’elle met l’image du paysage sans qu’on ne voit l’ours, je pense qu’elle voit l’homme mais plus l’amour qui autrefois l’animait. Elle a compris quand elle était perdue dans une immensité blanche, elle était aussi perdue dans la relation ou que la relation qu’elle avait cru avoir avoir avec l’homme n’est plus ce qu’elle était, elle aurait alors perdu le sens de la relation et l’ours qui symbolise leur amour. Je pense que chacun à une interprétation différente de ce court-métrage qui est très poétique en fait.
  • @lauramaue
    Love the detail of the white eyelashes when she's outside, showing how the moisture on them freezes in these conditions.
  • @aidaaghsaie
    I think it symbolizes getting lost in relationship. When one feels like getting lost 🥺 She calls for help, but she wakes up naked, alone in the endless white...I think it symbolizes her death, maybe not physically, but emotionally. Cause she hangs a photo in front of her beloved one's face at the last scene. touching... Bravo Gobelins! C'était merveilleuse 👏👏👏
  • @stern6620
    C'est très poétique et très beau. J'ai l'impression que ça parle d'un deuil, celui d'une relation. La femme a voulu se mettre en danger lorsqu'elle a vu les empreintes de l'ours polaire. La première rencontre lui a rappelé les émotions fortes qu'elle avait avec le mec et elle a voulu revivre ça je suppose. A la fin, elle s'est résignée à accepter que leur histoire était finie et a tourné la page. Ce que j'aime c'est que toutes les interprétations sont possibles. C'est tellement bien et tellement frustrant à la fois. Tu as une tonne de possibilités devant toi, comme cette banquise devant le personnage finalement.
  • @kiko3761
    This reminds me of relationships I usually have – craving for intimacy with cold and emotionally absent guys who are uncapable of fulfilling my desire for closeness and care. I then have to become distant to save some warmth to myself (and sanity too), so I replace that craving for a response I could never get by diving into things I know that give me some comfort and satisfaction like hobbies or my job
  • To me this is definitely about a failing relationship. They had passion, but it was short and fleeting like the polar bear. The polar bear was there perfectly in shot for a fleeting moment, then it was gone. The girl tries to recapture that moment. But she is left lost in the cold.
  • @marl3ymarl3y86
    I love the color and composition on this one, I was really immersed in the animation. I appreciate that over time her memories became less and less colorful and took up less of the canvas. Really incredible as always
  • @Cellardoor_
    French/French-taught animation/movies are top notch when it comes to storytelling. Admittedly I didn't get the metaphor on first watch, but I'll watch it again lol.
  • @_elevenofspades
    I am IN LOVE with these visuals. The part with the polar bear, like… white on white, the animal against the background, and yet I can tell where everything is. The subtle shading, the use of negative space. I’m in love 😳✨❄️
  • @M.D.2209
    She's remembering! She remembers the love, the warm, the connection with her lover in the past. The tundra represents the present, he is not there anymore, the love saddly isn't there anymore, although she seeks to return to that love with her partner who shows no interest, she's lost missing the warm love of the past and facing up its cold present, she at the end finally recognize it. I cried, it's so sad but a beautiful animation!
  • I think that the bear resembles the exciting and thrilling part of her relationship that she is searching for but can’t seem to find. when she goes to find the bear, she’s searching for the thrill of fist meeting her partner, and the thrill she feels with him in only intimate contexts. but when she pursues it, all she sees is blank nothingness where the excitement in her relationship is nowhere to be found. she accepts fact that she is “lost”. the last scene when she puts up a photograph with no bear in it; with nothing in it, right over the man’s face, it symbolizes that their relationship is empty and void of the excitement it used to have. the idea of “emptiness” is shown throughout the short including the table after he doesn’t take her hand we see that contrasting her side of the table, there is little to nothing on his side, showing the emptiness and nothingness he has to offer her. truly beautiful and well-done short film.
  • @smritipanda725
    Though different meanings can be drawn but this is my perspective what I feel is the photographer feels she is missing a normal life ,like she was supposed to be with her lover in that moment when she was lonely or when she was in danger in the cold mountains . Like this job of hers has put a barrier between her love life and happiness or something. Also I find some sort of metaphors something like the comparison of the cold mountains and breeze to her life , so as to how lonely she is and how much she need someone to find someone to find her (thus the signal was red in colour too) and give her that warmth or love she needs in her life ..
  • @neebzzz7508
    She’s alone and her world is blank and cold. Color comes and goes with memories of what seems to be a meaningless fling. In the end she is lost in this world of blankness, unable to focus on the beauty that is in front of her.