CONTRETEMPS - Animation Short Film 2021 - GOBELINS

Published 2021-09-29
Living with OCD, Anna has an organized routine. This balance breaks when her sister forgets a piece of instrument. To bring it back, Anna has to face a world out of her control in which her fears materialize.
Anna, atteinte de TOCs, tient un quotidien ordonné. Celui-ci est bouleversé lorsque sa sœur Maeve oublie une pièce de son instrument. Pour lui rapporter, Anna se confronte au monde extérieur où ses peurs se matérialisent.

Directors / Réalisateurs : Laurine BAILLE, Gabriel GÉRARD, Lise LÉGIER, Chloé MAINGÉ, Claire SUN
Team contact / Contact de l’équipe : [email protected]
Soundtrack / Musique : Arthur DAIRAINE
Sound editor / Montage sonore : Cédric DENOOZ
Mix / Mixage : Vincent MAUDUIT, Nathan ROBERT
Color Grading / Etalonnage : David CHANTOISEAU
Production : GOBELINS, l'école de l'image - Cécile BLONDEL : [email protected]
Distribution : Miyu Distribution - Luce GROSJEAN : [email protected]

All Comments (21)
  • what i really love and appreciate most about this is...her OCD is still there at the end. anna isn't "fixed" because she struggled hard enough and got the piece to her sister. a lot of the time in depictions of mental health like this one, the hug would have been the end of things. that's just not the reality of having a disorder! thank you for that. this is such a beautiful short.
  • @IceOfPhoenix88
    For context, the clarinet that the younger sister plays is a single reed instrument. The reed vibrates which causes the air and clarinet to vibrate too. The reed is made out of cane. The ligature is what holds the reed on to the mouthpiece. Without it, the clarinet will make no sound. I play clarinet too and it was nice to see one in an animation!
  • @tomsmurf4225
    Sound design is incredible, made me really anxious and got me into the characters headspace
  • I really appreciate that OCD is not just presented as this "quirky" thing where you need everything to be organized. It's often so misrepresented- I had no idea I even had it until my sophomore year of college, despite struggling with it since childhood. It took me so long to realize I wasn't "crazy"- I just had a disorder. Amazing work!!
  • @eep3
    as someone with social phobia, i related very much to the grounding movements (touching fingers, grabbing chairs, etc), even the shot of her feet walking through the kitchen, as well as the feeling that you have to rush through public settings. the sounds of a ruffled/distorted orchestra too! this is a very beautiful film. merci!
  • @tzeearn
    the last scene made me cry. Knowing how important was the ligature to her sister, she chose to fight against her scariest demons just to send it to her. This beautiful animation helps me to understand how OCD feels like and have more empathy towards those who suffer from it, I'm truly touched. Thank you so much! great work
  • Color palette in each frame is visually stunning and heightens the tension throughout the character’s journey
  • I have had OCD since childhood and I was afraid this video would just be the stereotype that people with OCD just like things to be "tidy", but I'm so glad it went beyond that. I check my lock several times whenever I leave the house, I often feel like I'm being suffocated when I'm outside or in crowds. This film captured it perfectly. It made me cry, but in a good way. C'est tres magnifique :)
  • Thank you for being able to depict a very accurate representation of what compulsions feel like, I suffer from them and while this is not my exact feeling of what happens to me I understand it completely. Thank you again.
  • @Toribell1928
    I fully cried at the ending. People don’t always understand what it’s like to do something like this. It’s really difficult sometimes. This film captures the courage that people with mental health issues or disabilities have when they have to leave their comfort zones really well
  • @eiraRinmaya
    the reality of OCD displayed here is so fitting!! les démons ne disparaissent pas, malheureusement, mais on peut les combattre. vraiment bien fait !
  • @juliakozluk9089
    I love the inclusion of the previous characters, the mother and son from the blue curry and the ballerina, it’s all beautifully tying into each other and how all those around us have their own demons with their personal stories even if they’re merely background characters in our own story
  • @rmcova01
    I like how you represent what a person who has OCD sees every day in a very scary way. The journey of Anna is so full of angst and terror that even I, who don't have OCD, feel it, too. Amazing short animated film! Keep making something awesome!
  • @mlerm7638
    I can't help but to say "this!! Exactly this!!" each time the film accurately depicted my anxiety. I want my mom to understand that I'm not "overreacting" but I couldn't find the right words to describe what I feel. I wish I can show this to her.
  • @SoupirduTemps
    Oh I just clicked, I wasn't expecting a short film about OCD. I actually struggled from a severe OCD for years and I've never (never !) seen a content that represents it that well. This is exactly how OCD feels like - and I mean "exactly". Your every moves being watched by that over-sensitive, horrible conscious of dreadful dangers. The fright at the idea of disobeying. How difficult it is to disobey. Feeling glued, dragged back by the fright telling you to go back and to things properly again. I didn't suffer from cleaning and symmetry-related compulsions but I absolutely relate to this. And yes, at the end the OCD is still here. It watches. It's hard to truly heal from OCD, and it takes a lot of time and effort (imagine having to fight like 4:55 to 5:50 for every compulsion you try to resist to - for me it was literally ever move I made), but it's possible. That living nightmare is far behind me now. If you're currently struggling and reading this, hang on and don't lose hope : I know it's hard and painful and terrifying, but there's a beautiful world behind that wall. <3 And if by chance you're part of the team that created that short film, thank you very, very much. Putting such a complex suffering on screen is really difficult, and as I said, I've never seen a video making that part of myself feel truly understood like that. It feels wonderful. Thank you so much.
  • @gooddoggy6631
    I love how even when everything was said and done and the sister got her ligature back, the ‘monsters’ didn’t disappear. They were only held back a little bit by the grounding techniques and by the end it was a struggle and fight even with them. It’s great to see some rep and acknowledgment that even once one has things ‘handled’ that mental illness doesn’t just disappear.
  • My little brother struggled quite badly with compulsions a few years ago, and I’ve suffered my share of anxiety. This is felt spot on. With the sound, the effects… and it doesn’t hurt that it’s beautiful too. Amazing job
  • I notice that Louise is in the background standing with Maeve’s friends. Also, this is a beautiful film.
  • @starryguykai
    i have ocd and this is the most compassionate, accurate coverage of it I’ve ever seen. it captures the fear of disobeying compulsions so very well, and the way it shows that it’s never something that goes away is just phenomenal. the animation and color design is just stellar, and the sound design and voice acting are spectacular! amazing job to everyone who worked on this film, I sincerely hope it allows more people to understand what living with ocd is like :]
  • I was diagnosed with OCD when I was 18. Yes, this is exactly how I feel when I see things not aligned, not in a line, when I can't wash my hands, when I can't fold paper or boxes for recycling exactly as they should be. This is how I feel when chairs are not parallel with the table, when bedsheets are not straight. Sometimes I lose my mind just by looking at them to the point of overwhelming anxiety that I can't do anything or focus the entire day.