Super Mario 64... on Game Boy Advance!


コメント (21)
  • Thanks for the great video Nathaniel! Hopefully more updates coming soon. I should definitely have added keybindings info, you can dive with L!
  • him: "yo i took no damage there that was crazy" healthbar: u sure buddy?
  • Having watched some of the dev logs on this project, I have to admit I was like "how the heck do you make a 22 minute video about this?!" But I also had no idea that the geometry for three whole levels was explorable. Very impressive!
  • The ground warping/moving is super trippy. Playing this in the backseat of the family vehicle on road trips would have been peak motion sickness
  • "Yo, I took no damage there that was crazy." - Bathaniel Nandy, July 24, 2024 Power: missing one pie slice
  • The demake we never knew we wanted 😂
  • Maybe he can remake the whole game if he does it on DS- oh wait.
  • Feels weird to see the test level I modeled 20:49 in a Bathanial Nandy video! Awesome! Thank you for showing my test level, hahah! You also should see what happens when you press select on the pause menu. There's four playable characters so far. One of them is obviously my contribution, lol.
  • I knew you’d be playing this tech demo. The rumors were right.
  • Damn, I didn't realise the developer of this game had started implementing other levels as well. This is really starting to come together, at least geometry and physics wise. So awesome you got a chance to play this demo too!
  • You missed a couple of things: You can press L to dive and you can press START to go in the pause menu and change some graphical settings. Always check all of the buttons! Fun fact: you can also play as Larry koopa or Yoshi if you press SELECT in the pause menu
  • @Pack64
    the 'test stage' was made by Larry Koopa 64 DS Hacker and I made the Mario model. just letting y'all know because we get no credits here lmao
  • I've been following this project for a while now and it''s amazing to see it get some attention from other youtubers now!
  • I have watched all the dev logs on this, and saw your comment and his reply, nice they actually sent it to you!
  • @robotortoise
    This is absolutely INSANE. The most I've seen on retail GBA games is a single 3D model in a level, and even then it pushed the GBA. For GBA, this is mind-blowing!!