How To Get Rid Of A Fungal Nail Best Treatment

Published 2022-04-18
Are you looking for Fungal Nail Treatment? Learn How To Get Rid Of A Fungal Nail and Best Fungal Nail Treatment.

00:00 How To Get Rid Of A Fungal Nail Best Treatment?
00:40 Fungal Nail Infection Signs and Symptoms?
02:50 Do You Need To Treat A Fungal Nail?
03:45 Fungal Nail Treatment?
08:16 How To Prevent A Fungal Nail?
12:43 When To Seek Medical Attention?
13:56 Conclusion on Fungal Nail Infections?
14:24 Bloopers

So, how do you know if you have a fungal nail infection? Well, one of the main symptoms that you might notice first is that the nail or part of it becomes discoloured. So, it might be that what was once a normal skin hue is now yellow. In some cases, the nail can also turn white, green, and even black.

Though, please note that if you have a dark vertical line on your nail that’s not due to an injury, speak to your doctor straight away. This is not a normal symptom of a fungal nail infection but can sometimes be a sign of cancer.

If you have a dark vertical line on your nail that’s not due to an injury, speak to your doctor straight away. This is not a normal symptom of a fungal nail infection. This can sometimes be a sign of skin cancer, so make sure you get it checked out as soon as possible.

With regular fungal nail infections, the infection usually starts at the top of the nail and then the discolouration eventually spreads downwards slowly over time like a gradient. It can sometimes also affect nearby skin, making it red, itchy, cracked or swollen.

Along with the nail changing colour, you may also notice that the nail thickens in places and becomes brittle, meaning that it easily crumbles away. All this affects the way the nail grows which can lead to it becoming distorted, so you may also notice that the nail grows into an unusual shape.

And lastly, fungal nail infections can sometimes be painful. They’re not always, but in some cases, you may find the nail hurts when pressure is applied, for example when fitting your toes into shoes. This can be especially the case if the whole nail peels away, leaving your cuticle unprotected, and you may end up with soreness and swelling.

Now, fungal nail infections are more common in toenails than fingernails, in men rather than women, and in older people rather than children, but they can affect anyone of any age. You’re also more likely to get them if you have damaged nails, for example through regular nail-biting, have psoriaris, diabetes, peripheral artery disease, or a weakened immune system. But not to fear, I’ll be going through the best treatments in the video.

So, what are the best ways to treat a fungal nail infection? Well, I think it's important to mention that fungal nail infections don’t actually always need treating. They’re often not serious, and if you don’t have bothersome symptoms or don’t mind the appearance, after getting it diagnosed by a healthcare professional, they may sometimes recommend leaving the fungal nail infection as it is. The infection won’t clear on its own but leaving it without treatment is an option for some.

Though, if you think you may have a fungal nail infection and are thinking of leaving it untreated, always speak to your healthcare professional first as there are some instances where it's important that they’re treated as quickly as possible. These cases include if you have certain underlying health conditions such as diabetes or a weakened immune system.

It’s also important to note that choosing to leave the infection untreated means it can spread to other parts of your body and to others, so you have to be extra cautious of this.
[Never choose to leave a fungal nail infection untreated without discussing this with a healthcare professional first. This is not a suitable option for everyone.]

Link to my how to get rid of Athletes foot video:    • Athlete's Foot | How To Cure Athlete'...  

All content in this video and description including: infor­ma­tion, opinions, con­tent, ref­er­ences and links is for infor­ma­tional pur­poses only. The Author does not pro­vide any med­ical advice on the Site. Access­ing, viewing, read­ing or oth­er­wise using this content does NOT cre­ate a physician-patient rela­tion­ship between you and it’s author. Pro­vid­ing per­sonal or med­ical infor­ma­tion to the Principal author does not cre­ate a physician-patient rela­tion­ship between you and the Principal author or authors. Noth­ing con­tained in this video or it’s description is intended to estab­lish a physician-patient rela­tion­ship, to replace the ser­vices of a trained physi­cian or health care pro­fes­sional, or oth­er­wise to be a sub­sti­tute for pro­fes­sional med­ical advice, diag­no­sis, or treatment. You should con­sult a licensed physi­cian or appropriately-credentialed health care worker in your com­mu­nity in all mat­ters relat­ing to your health.

All Comments (21)
  • Hello Abraham, love your videos! But i was wondering, can you make a video on tonsillitis please i really need some advice on signs of tonsil stones and some methods of treatment in order to prevent it. It will be greatly appreciated🤝
  • @64MAGA24
    Awesome Dr Abraham. Love your channel. Some much great and helpful info. Thank you much!
  • @JeniGr
    So...since i had the fangus going i noticed that my nail has shrinkd a lot...can it ever become bigger again?is there any possible way to giv space to the nail to grow wider?its the main toe nail
  • @BeezleyRC
    Hi great vid I'm keen to try the nail softener and fungal cream ! What band name would I need to look for ?
  • 20% Undecylenic Acid works! Clip buff and smooth away any bad infected nail and apply ointment 2-3 times a day. Clip and buff nail area once a week til new uninflected nail appears! U must be consistent with the above ❤
  • Wow what a coincidence I was just reading about anti fungal agents 😂 this is so cool and thank you so much for information
  • @born2wrench
    You said a line in the nail is that a line that goes front to back or left to right???
  • Hey Abraham, can you make a video on ingrown toenail please , how can i treat it naturally it and stop it from recurring. I had one for months now and tried antibiotics and it doesn't help. Thank you 😊
  • @baklash1762
    You warned about terbinafine prescription pills and possible liver damage. What about applying over the counter terbinafine cream (1%) to toenails? Can that also damage the liver? And can there be any kidney damage?
  • My health is all messed up starting with two significant autoimmune disease. I also have psoriasis. I thought that’s what was wrong with the nails of my left foot. Saw a podiatrist, told me it was toenail fungus and gave me a prescription cream. Saw her again, said keep using the cream. Now my toenails are detaching from the nail bed. She saw that, said yup, keep using the cream. I can’t wear socks I'm afraid it's going to pull the nail off. She said toenails are slow growing and I have to wait til they grow out. I’m supposed to see her again, but i’ve already spent 150 in co-pays for toe fungus. I don't want to see her tomorrow because she doesn't do anything. My nails are white and brittle. I still don't understand how to get the cream gets under the nail to kill the fungus. After two tubes of this stuff shouldn't it be gone? How do you know if it's still there? It's all five toes. BTW, I do have psoriasis on the bottom of my right foot.
  • @lilwilliams7277
    Hi, please do a video on finger nails. I get splits down middle of some nails when they get to a certain length. Thank you Abraham.
  • @111...
    For toenail fungus, what about sodium hypochlorate or clorine dioxide? Please, nothing is working and I've read about both: Clinisept+ I THINK is one of the products being used. What is your opinion on the findings w/these products? My friend needs help, we're in US but I've read some blogs & articles from Europe, unfortunately not USA. Help, please 🙏
  • Copper sulfate slurry applied after a good nail filing about once or twice a week.
  • @thomasgronek6469
    dark line means a vitamin or mineral deficiency, I forget which one.
  • I watched this video for the first time when I was in the toilet 🚽😁😁😁 but I finded it interesting thank you for sharing