Can China rise peacefully? John Mearsheimer | Tom Switzer

As China converts its growing economic power into military power, it will seek to dominate Asia the way the U.S. has dominated the western hemisphere since the 19th century.

Washington will go to great lengths to prevent China from seeking regional hegemony. The tensions over tariffs, Taiwan and Hong Kong are just the beginning of a deteriorating Sino-American relationship.

Australian foreign-policy elites seem to think that they can either wish away the intense security competition or that, if the conflict materialises, Canberra can sit on the sidelines: China and the US can duke it out while Australia is safe, secure and prosperous. Perhaps, but this is not how international politics works.

John Mearsheimer is professor of Political Science at the University of Chicago and author of The Tragedy of Great Power Politics (W.W. Norton, 2001).

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コメント (21)
  • @leliu1493
    China cannot rise pescefully, because the USA will not fall peacefully
  • @nmew6926
    The real Q should be: CAN US DECLINE PEACEFULLY
  • America is scared of competition, so they dragged their allies to fight their battles.
  • Aussie here. Guys we like to talk ourselves up a bit too much sometimes. We are not a middle power by any stretch. The markers of middle power status include more than just economic output. Population size, GDP and military power are all critical inputs that decide international status. True middle powers are the likes of Germany, France, the United Kingdom, Japan and South Korea. These countries all have populations well in excess of 60 million people with the exception of South Korea, are global manufacturing powerhouses and have sizeable military, naval and air forces. Australia can not compete with these countries in any of these metrics. The Commonwealth of Australia is a light middle power at absolute best, but in reality is a heavy light-power. We shouldn’t be in the habit of kidding ourselves that we’re more than we actually are.
  • It is a a pity that most of the China experts had little knowledge of Chinese history and culture, not to mention they all view China with typical wrong Western perspective and analysis. Very few people like Jacques, Kishore or Rudd have good understanding of Chinese philosophy and culture. Learn humbly about Chinese culture, language and history. The world will be a better world if China continues to rise peacefully, just any one who benefits from China, the factory of the world.
  • @gordonsek
    Cooperation is always better and superior than confrontation to improve the standard of livings of the Australians, Americans , Chinese and Aseans.
  • It's sad how the west behave ! Propaganda that the west is the good guys, had me fool when I was younger.
  • The real question is :can the west let China peacefully?
  • @ztz818
    Whether you agree or disagree with the man, he's a realist and he doesn't sugarcoat reality
  • Tell the people of East Timor. Australia stealing 2 billion USD of oil from them. Bad intentions indeed.
  • @Kotak8
    Most White or Caucasian so-called China experts & think tanks are either grossly ignorant of Chinese history or played dumb.
  • Can China rise peacefully? China HAS ROSE peacefully, without imperialism, and without selling opium.
  • @jjc4232
    Just want to make one point: China hasnt been in a war for over 50 years. HOW MANY WARS HAVE THE AMERICANS AND BRITISH STARTED IN THE PAST 50 YEARS??
  • 13:32 'The United States doesn't tolerate peer competitor' meaning there is room only for 1 number one.
  • China has been much more peaceful than the United States for the last 50 years. I realize most Americans have very limited attention spans and memories, but it would be nice if most of us had some basic level of self-consciousness when it comes to international relations.
  • First step :saying China is a threat and sanctions on China Second step : China revenge, and perfectly prove China is a threat .
  • @junfu9452
    Just think of how much economic and human toll this will cost on both sides, it's very clear to everyone: all this struggle for supremacy is a pure tragic and non-sense.
  • @mrshangpa
    Prof Mearsheimer has been brutally honest and realistic. I've always respected him. I can only hope that he is wrong about China, that there might be other possible models of great power politics, other than the American way. For one thing, even if China would seek its own version of Monroe Doctrine, it would have to be drastically different from the American one, simply because China's geopolitical location within the Eurasian continent is totally different from that of North America. Would it be not possible if China find in a multipolar balance against US's unipolar hegemony a more realistic option than an old US style of regional hegemony in East Asia? Why would it be the fate of human societies that democracies can only survive under a hegemonic world order? Btw, why CIS has to ruin their otherwise valuable occasios with that libelous and ridiculous Falun Gong practitioner? She represents the one kind of drugs that the West has got addicted to, just for some useless hallucinations.